Wisconsin volunteer leader named Fly Fisherman’s Conservationist of the Year

“I got an email from the magazine’s editor, Ross Purnell, sharing the news,” Horvath recalled. “I thought someone was punking me.”
“I got an email from the magazine’s editor, Ross Purnell, sharing the news,” Horvath recalled. “I thought someone was punking me.”
An excavator begins work on removing the Hughesville Dam on the Musconecetcong River in New Jersey By Cole Baldino The American shad has been a staple of the eastern United States, especially the Delaware River, since early colonization. Some say those fish are part of the reason America is the way it is today, as
7/1/1999 Statement on Edwards Dam by Charles Gauvin, President and CEO of Trout Unlimited Statement on Edwards Dam by Charles Gauvin, President and CEO of Trout Unlimited On the Occasion of the Breaching of Edwards Dam and the Freeing of the Kennebec River, July 1, 1999 Contact: 7/1/1999 — — Today’s breaching of Edwards Dam
Why you don’t want to wade onto icy river edges during the thaw.
Custom Outfitting | Expert Guides | Authentic Montana. The Montana Angling Company is a Bozeman, MT based fly fishing outfitting and guide service that offers personal service and custom outfitting on Montana’s finest trout streams. Fly fishing in Montana is what we know. Conservation and resource protection is our commitment. Let us host your next
Big rivers equal big fish, right? That is certainly true in Chile, where this video is shot, but that is also true in many rivers across the U.S.
We have college fly fishing clubs all over the country, and this network of college anglers participates in leadership summits, regional meet-ups, virtual fishing tournaments and more. The 5 Rivers program has its own podcast, Emerging, and its own virtual magazin
SWIFT logos.png March 29, 2016 Contact: Carson Cox, American Rivers/River Right, (415) 383-1788, ccox@americanrivers.org Chris Alford, Alford Environmental, (530) 848-6211, alfordenvironmental@gmail.com Lisa Park, The Nature Conservancy, (408) 821-9255, lpark@tnc.org Mary Ann King, Trout Unlimited, (510) 649-9987, mking@tu.org Sari Sommarstrom, Scott River Water Trust, (530) 467-5783, sari@sisqtel.net FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SWIFT launches A Practitioners Guide to
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Greg McReynolds, Intermountain West ACP Director, Trout Unlimited, greg.mcreynolds@tu.org Chris Wood, CEO and president, Trout Unlimited, chris.wood@tu.org Zoe Bommarito, Mountain West Communications Director, Trout Unlimited, zoe.bommarito@tu.org, 406-437-3832 Taking a bold step toward recovering the most important run of salmon and steelhead in the Lower 48, U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Washington
Goals: With more than 20 percent of the Earth’s available freshwater flowing through its rivers, streams and lakes, the Great Lakes basin is an unparalleled natural resource. An immense network of coldwater rivers and streams exists, among many other important aquatic ecosystems, providing anglers with a variety of unique opportunities. Whether it is fishing for
Why do we need wild salmon and steelhead to thrive in the Snake River? Because they make connections. Wild salmon connect the Sawtooth Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Fish born in the rivers find their way to the sea, only to return at the end of their lives to spawn, die and decay—in the process
3/15/2007 Report: Ground Water Pumping Poses Serious Threat to the West’s Fish and Wildlife Resources and Senior Surface Water Right Holders EMBARGOED UNTIL: March 15, 2007 10:00 A.M. (MST) Contact: Melinda Kassen (303) 440-2937 x100 David Stillwell (303) 440-2937 x105 CA — Brian Johnson (510) 528-4772 ID — Kim Goodman (208) 552-0891 x712 MT —
But future public access at risk with Alaska governor’s proposal to strip Susitna Basin waters of “Recreational River” status
5/2/2006 Copper-Salmon group encouraged by D.C. visit May 2, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Mike Beagle (541) 772-7720, mbeagle@tu.org Copper-Salmon group encouraged by D.C. visit Volunteers say lawmakers interested in their wilderness proposal MEDFORDA group of volunteers and Trout Unlimited staff members seeking wilderness protection for southwest Oregons Copper-Salmon area returned from Washington, D.C., late
1/26/2007 Administration Makes Bold Proposal to Save Atlantic Salmon Jan. 26, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Moyer, 703-447-8401 or smoyer@tu.org or Greg Ponte, 207-724-2861 or gponte@tds.net Administration Makes Bold Proposal to Save Atlantic Salmon NOAA Includes $10 million in FY08 Budget to Restore Penobscot River Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited applauded todays announcement that the
12/22/2008 Windy Gap Firming Project contains glaring planning gaps December 22, 2008Contact: Mely Whiting, Trout Unlimited Western Water Project, (720) 470-4758 David Nickum, Colorado Trout Unlimited, (303) 440-2937 x101 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Windy Gap Firming Project contains glaring planning gapsDraft EIS fails to adequately assess environmental impacts Denver The proposed Windy Gap Firming Project contains
For a young family like theirs, the notion of losing salmon and steelhead runs in this iconic American river is simply unacceptable. These fish are too special, this place is too special for us to sit by and watch as these fish simply disappear. “Wild Rivers Coffee is with Trout Unlimited all the way on this proposal,” Marshall says. “We believe these fish are a legacy for our children and future generations of Americans to enjoy and pass on. That’s what conservation is all about.”
12/13/1999 Removing Dams Has Many Benefits, New Report Says Removing Dams Has Many Benefits, New Report Says More than 465 Dams Already Taken Down Nationwide Contact: 12/13/1999 — — Restored Rivers Result in Fish and Wildlife Habitat, Financial Savings, Improved Public Safety, and Revitalized Communities Removing dams is often the most effective way to restore
1/9/2000 The Facts about Atlantic Salmon: Aquaculture The Facts about Atlantic Salmon: Aquaculture Contact: 1/9/2000 — — SALMON AQUACULTURE The Maine Conservation Plan fails to adequately address the threats posed to wild salmon stocks by the aquaculture industry. The lack of progress being made on addressing these threats, outlined below, has been cited by the
The long campaign to remove four old dams and recover the Klamath River’s legendary salmon and steelhead runs nears completion.