Search results for “deerfield river”

The Bent Rod Outdoors stands with TU on Lower Snake proposal

Published in Community

What if we could do it? What if we could remove those four dams and bring back real runs of these iconic fish to their natal waters? We know what that would mean to the fish, but what would it mean to the people of central Idaho? What would be the economic input of people coming from all over the world to fish, or even just to see these magnificent creatures? It would be a new lease on life not only for the river and the fish and all the species that depend on the fish, but for the communities. This isn’t just about fish, it’s about all of us.

Everyone rows

Published in Boats

There are some reminders on the river that simply should not be ignored and when it comes to safety, we should all listen.

Next steps for restoration of the Eel and Klamath Rivers

Published in Conservation

The Klamath River is the third most productive watershed for salmon and steelhead on the West Coast. The Klamath and Eel Rivers are legendary for their salmon and steelhead runs. But these famous fisheries have been hard hit by dams, diversions, and in recent years extreme drought. TU is at the forefront of efforts to

Noseeum Lodge

About us No See Um Lodge is a family-run operation that was established by Jack Holman in the early 70’s. Today his son, John, who is both a pilot and a guide, maintains No See Um’s well-earned reputation for pampering and pleasing its guests. John has been living, fishing, guiding and flying in Alaska for

Trout Tips: Up or down? Dry or wet?

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

It’s OK to have a plan to fish a stretch of water. Just be ready to change it if the river tells you something different. Photo by Chris Hunt How you approach a stretch of trout water depends largely on how you intend to fish it. Generally speaking, if you’re planning to swing streamers, fishing

5 Rivers Odyssey Reflection: Dan Eiden

The TU Costa 5 Rivers Odyssey was an experience like no other. This month-long journey across the Pacific Northwest challenged my perspectives and exposed me to issues that I could never have envisioned, let alone take on first-hand. Each day on the Odyssey was full of new experiences, whether it was conducting a fish salvage on a small mountain stream or chasing steelhead

Boats in books … and dreaming about rivers

Published in Uncategorized, Boats

I’ve read “The Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame to all of our kids. It’s a wordy book, full of the kind of slow, descriptive prose that is perfect for winding down a restless four-year-old and putting them to sleep.

Salmon and Steelhead

Our scientific work on the biology, behavior, and ecology of steelhead and rainbow trout focuses strongly on mechanisms influencing life histories, or the strategies these fish use – such as anadromy and residency – to make best use of their environment.  As one example John McMillan, Trout Unlimited’s Science Director for the Wild Steelhead Initiative,

Video spotlight: Santa Cruz—Atlantic Steelhead

Published in Video spotlight

Steelhead? In the Atlantic? In far southern Patagonia in Argentina’s Santa Cruz River, it’s a reality. Patagonia, of course, is perhaps the troutiest destination on the planet, and there’s a significant amount of irony in that statement, given that not a single salmonid is native to this sweeping region of mountains, deserts and rivers. Tres

Smith sees large increase in permit applications

Looming threat of copper mine increasing interest CONTACT: Colin Cooney / Montana Field Coordinator, Trout Unlimited / (406) 465-1023 (March 31, 2016) Helena, Mont. Anglers are clamoring to get a chance to float the storied Smith, Montanas only permitted river. This year the Smith River saw application numbers rise this year from 8,096 to

Giving a voice to Montana rivers

Published in Uncategorized

By Joe Newman There is a little run about 200 meters or so upstream of the confluence of Sheep Creek and the Smith River at Camp Baker, where the water rushes over a rock garden creating a melodic “glug glug glug.” This past summer I would stand on river left, jus t below those rocks,

The Headwaters Pacific NW Program

Just over 10 years ago we launched a new Deschutes Education program along the wild and scenic Crooked River, with student field trips connected to our conservation goals and projects. Over the past years, we have worked with students from 9 distinct communities, and provided field trips to 4 local watersheds. Students have supported and

The Headwaters Pacific Northwest Program

Just over 10 years ago we launched a new Deschutes Education program along the wild and scenic Crooked River in Oregon, with student field trips connected to our conservation goals and projects. Over the past years, we have worked with students from 9 distinct communities, and provided field trips to 4 local watersheds. Students have supported and learned about our

Thomas Rhett × Chaco

At Trout Unlimited, we make rivers fit for adventure. Inspired by our trips on the water with the ones we love, we roll up our sleeves in our local communities to fix rivers. We bring people together to care for and recover our streams so our children can experience the fun of cold, clean water

U.S. House of Representatives Approves Funds for Restoration of Penobscot RiverChairman Wolf (R-Virginia) plays critical role in assuring funds

11/10/2005 November 10, 2005 Contact: John Ross, TU Virginia Council Chair, (540) 592-7020 U.S. House of Representatives Approves Funds for Restoration of Penobscot River Chairman Wolf (R-Virginia) plays critical role in assuring funds Washington The United States House of Representatives has approved $500,000 for the restoration of the Penobscot River. These funds were approved as

Visualize the path of a rain droplet from source to sea

Published in Boats, Featured, Fishing

I’ve often wondered if some of the water running past me in rivers has been there before. What I mean by this is, has one single drop of water that has brushed my leg or boat made it all the way to the sea, evaporated, gone to the clouds and somehow made its way back to the same drainage? A silly thought for sure, and probably unlikely. But perhaps it’s happened

Snake Week – People on the Street Q+A’s

Published in Snake River dams

Hardly a day goes by that our team doesn’t get asked “Why don’t they build fish ladders?” (they have!) or “Aren’t salmon doing great?” (they are not.) This week, we’re answering them on Instagram.

Canoe Ridge/Ste Chapelle/Sawtooth Winery

Canoe Ridge Vineyard As legend has it, explorers Lewis and Clark noticed a ridge resembling an overturned canoe on their historic 1805 Columbia River journey. Today, that landmark is known as Canoe Ridge Vineyard, the namesake location of one of Washington State’s most recognized wine producers. Established in the Horse Heaven Hills in 1989, followed