Search results for “deerfield river”

TU Takes Out Cannondale Dam After 25 Years of Trying

Published in Uncategorized

by Jeff Yates Driving home after removing the Cannondale Dam on my home river, the Norwalk River in Wilton, Conn., my back aching from swinging a sledge hammer, blisters on both my hands and a big grin on my face, I was reminded of Morgan Freeman’s quote from the Shawshank Redemption afterTimRobbins’ characterescapes from prison.

For the love of the Animas

Published in Conservation, Fishing, Trout Tips

By Ty Churchwell No one in Durango nor Silverton, Colo., will ever forget Aug. 5, 2015 — the day of the Gold King mine spill that sent 3 million gallons of ugly, toxic mine water down the Animas River in southwest part of the state. To say the accident was highly visible is an understatement. In today’s digital world, photos of the orange

Video spotlight: Clackamas Complete

Published in Video spotlight

Bull trout are the only native char to the interior Northwest. Close relatives to brook trout, Arctic char and Dolly Varden, they require the coldest and cleanest waters to survive and thrive. It’s no suprise that their populations have been greatly impacted by development over the years. Dams have segregated their habitat, generations of logging

Grays and Chinook Rivers designated Wild Steelhead Gene Banks

Agency designation will help promote healthy, fishable populations of wild steelhead for anglers CONTACT: Nick Chambers / Washington Organizer for Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative / (541) 908-1329 (March 16, 2016) Seattle, Wash. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife announced their most recent Wild Steelhead Gene Bank designation which will be situated on

Conservation dollars make Blackfoot legendary once again

Published in Uncategorized

Above: Blackfoot River/Nate Shepard Here’s some fish film trivia for you: When shooting “A River Runs Through It,” producers passed on filming on the Blackfoot River, the setting chosen by the book’s author Norman Maclean. Instead, they filmed on the Yellowstone and Gallatin Rivers near Bozeman. Why? Back then, the Blackfoot was a mess. Mine

Trout Tips: Wait for it…

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

A bonus for waiting and watching. Photo by Chris Hunt. I spent the weekend in Yellowstone National Park, catching the tail end of the fishing season and enjoying some glorious fall weather that, by late October, is usually only a memory for die-hard anglers who visit the park this time of year. And most of

Watershed restoration

A watershed can be understood as the area that drains into a given river or lake. While that definition is simple, the mechanisms that sustain — or threaten — the health of a watershed often are not. These mechanisms include biological, physical and chemical processes that happen instream, as well as on the ridges, slopes

Mill Creek Dam Fish Passage Project

The Mill Creek Dam Fish Passage Project dramatically improves access for native coho salmon and steelhead to more than eleven miles of high quality spawning and rearing habitat in a key tributary to California’s Russian River. TU and a variety of partners completed construction on this project in October 2016. Adult coho salmons returns in the Russian

June 26 Marks Trout Unlimited's National Stream Clean-Up Day

For Immediate Release: Contact:Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary 571-331-7970 June 26 Marks Trout Unlimited’s National Stream Clean-Up Day TU chapters around the country work to clean rivers and streams. Arlington, Va.America’s rivers and streams will be cleaner and healthier this weekend, thanks to the efforts of Trout Unlimited (TU) volunteers. On Saturday, June 26, TU

Video spotlight: Swing Season—the Slow Down

Published in Video spotlight

What happens when fishing guides come to the realization that Olympic Penninsula steelhead are in trouble? Renowned steelhead guide Gray Struznik and his community of like-minded brethren on the OP realized that, as fish escapement numbers on fabled local rivers failed to meet goals for proper recruitment that replenishes the population, it was time to

Water Quality – Cold, Clean Water for All

In the Pacific Northwest, native fish are highly sensitive to water quality and temperature. They require cold, clean water for all life stages, and their health is an indicator of overall river health. Meeting water quality standards goes beyond the recovery and protection of native fish however, as it is essential to human health, reliability

Baldwin Bait and Tackle

Steve Fraley has had ties to the Baldwin area and Pere Marquette River for most of his life. He has been guiding primarily fly fisherman with some spinning in the mix on the Pere Marquette River for almost 3 decades. He also guides in Alaska during part of the summer, as well as hosting trips

When lottery season ends

Published in Uncategorized, Boats

Each year some of the biggest and most coveted river trips throughout the western United States are permitted via a traditional lottery control system. Think of it a lot like drawing that one-of-a-kind deer or elk unit in most places. You ask for your dates and if you’re lucky enough you will, most likely, have a lot of happy friends and family.

Responsible mining

Hardrock mining played an essential role in shaping the national character of the United States. It served as a catalyst for western expansion, beginning with the California Gold Rush in 1848. Today, the mining of hardrock minerals like gold, silver, iron and copper feed our economy and are essential to building the world we live