Search results for “deerfield river”
Matt Jennings and I are standing on the bank of Wisconsin’s Root River on an early spring day. And we are plotting. “I think we need to cross down there,” says Jennings, who then starts pointing his fly rod at various spots in the river. “We’ll hit that one first, then that one, and then
“We fish here so you can fish there.” So read the note that I sent to all of TU’s staff on Christmas Eve several years ago. The note included two photographs. One showed my colleague, Keith Curley, standing on a shopping cart and casting into a tributary of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C.; another
And some rivers … well, after a fashion, their names are pushed from their currents, roared from their rapids or whispered from quiet slicks
Congressional Conferees Drop Controversial Federal Hydropower Provision from Energy Bill Congressional Conferees Drop Controversial Federal Hydropower Provision from Energy Bill Measure would have severely damaged the Wests fish and wildlife resources Contact: Steve Malloch Counsel TU 301-980-8309 (cell) 7/25/2002 — Arlington, VA — A controversial measure that would have caused enormous harm to fish and
What do you call eight great guides passionate about fly fishing? Zero Limit Adventures. Whether you are looking to experience the raw power of king salmon, trophy brown trout and steelhead, the beauty of rainbows and brook trout, or small or large-mouth bass, Zero Limit Adventures is experienced, qualified, and equipped to put you in
A life spent not just chasing steelhead but fighting to protect the water they called home.
Trout Unlimited recently wrapped up a multi-year project to create and restore critical wetlands in the Rogue River watershed in southern Michigan. This fall, two more “pocket” wetlands were restored, making a total of four wetland restoration projects over the past three years. Pocket wetlands are small areas that boast large benefits for water quality in this case because of their priority location adjacent to coldwater trout streams.
To catch the biggest fish, sometimes you just need to be in the current MARTINSVILLE, Va. — “Right! Right!” Hunter Hatcher was yelling as he furiously pulled on the raft’s oars. Turning, I saw the reason for his exuberance: a brown trout. A. Very. Large. Brown. Trout. OK. Maybe not very large by Tierra del
Since 1993, Alaska Kingfishers has operated a remote Alaska Salmon Fishing camp on the banks of the Nushagak River in the heart of Bristol Bay, Alaska. The Nushagak River is home to the largest run of King Salmon in the world and it also gets a huge return of Alaska chum salmon and Alaska sockeye
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Rick Hartman, Shrems W. Michigan TU616-835-5764 Shrems West Michigan Chapter Receives Trout Unlimited’s Highest Award Chapter recognized for conservation efforts near Grand Rapids. ARLINGTON, Va. Trout Unlimited (TU) has awarded its top chapter honor to the Shrems West Michigan Chapter, based in Grand Rapids, Mich. The chapter was presented with the
About this time every year, anglers in Idaho start watching the numbers of steelhead topping Bonneville Dam on the Columbia. Every steelhead bound for the Gem State has to pass over Bonneville Dam and several more dams, including four on the Lower Snake, before finding their way into the Salmon and Clearwater rivers to spawn
Pop quiz: OK, grab a map and point to Altmar, N.Y. That’s what I thought. I couldn’t do it either. But people who know fishing in upstate New York can do it in (forgive me) a New York minute. The Salmon River in Altmar is one of the greatest salmon and steelhead fishing destinations in
The Yankee Fork historically supported robust populations of salmon, steelhead and trout, but mining – and the intensive timber harvest that accompanied it – reduced what once was a complex, meandering river into a virtual flume.
How hydropower relicensing clears a path for migratory trout and salmon
“The root ball and 15 to 30 feet of attached trunk is key for securing the tree in the river and keeping it in place during high flows.”
170627_TU_FY18_EW_Approps_House_FNL.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Bureau of Reclamation FY18 Budget Request. Dear Chairman Simpson, Ranking Member Kaptur, and Members of the Subcommittee, I am writing on behalf of Trout Unlimited (TU) and its 300,000 members and supporters to express our views on Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations for programs within your jurisdiction which are of great
Along much of California’s coast, lack of streamflow – often caused by the diversion of water for human use – is a major impediment to recovery of salmon and steelhead. Trout Unlimited works with a diverse collection of partners on projects that improve dry season streamflow for the benefit of native coho and steelhead. Water
by Jim Strogen The Colorado River below Lake Powell is a blue-ribbon rainbow trout fishery loved by anglers across the country. While this reach is among the prettiest places that I have fished, and one that I try to return to as often as possible, there are issues on the river that are important to