Search results for “deerfield river”

Native Odyssey: The Deschutes National Forest is a fishy wonderland

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program sent a handful of young anglers on fishing and discovery journey all across America in search of native trout. This installment focuses on Oregon’s Deschutes National Forest. Location: Deschutes National Forest The Deschutes National Forest stretches out across 1.6 million acres of Central Oregon. It provides a

Recovering salmon and steelhead in the Columbia Basin

Published in Uncategorized

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives will take up a bill, H.R. 3144, which would undercut the prospects for salmon and steelhead recovery in the Columbia River basin in the Pacific Northwest. HR 3144 offers a regressive response to the challenge of keeping the Columbia’s legendary salmon and steelhead runs viable while ensuring reliable and

Q&A: Pat Byorth

Pat Byorth has long been an advocate for anglers in Montana and with his recent appointment to Montana’s Fish and Game Commission, he is continuing that tradition for the benefit of all Montanans. As a long-time TU employee, he has worked to restore some of our most iconic rivers such as the Madison and the

A watershed moment for the Klamath

Published in Dam Removal

Trout Unlimited and our Klamath partners have worked for more than two decades to get to this point in restoring the Klamath River and the fisheries, economies and cultures that depend on it.

Volunteer Leaders, Scientists, Advocates and Partners Honored at Trout Unlimited National Gathering in Spokane

Contacts:  Spokane, WA—At CX3, Trout Unlimited’s annual national gathering held September 27 – October 1, a cast of remarkable leaders and volunteers were honored for their contributions to protecting and restoring the nation’s coldwater resources and salmon and trout populations. This year, the Ray Mortensen Award, the organization’s highest honor, was awarded to Fran Smith

Bonneville cutthroat return to headwaters after 50 years

Published in Conservation

For the first time in 50 years, Bonneville cutthroat trout in Utah’s Weber River were able to ascend Strawberry Creek, an important spawning tributary, thanks to a major conservation effort in Northern Utah. Since 2012, Trout Unlimited has worked closely with many partners in the Weber River Basin to reduce habitat fragmentation and allow native

Lessons from Warren and Scott

Published in Conservation, From the President, TROUT Magazine
Warren Colyer and Scott Yates.

Trout Unlimited members, and many of our staff, love to fish. Perhaps none more than Scott Yates and Warren Colyer, both of whom co-lead our largest staff cohort, the Western Water and Habitat program. One of my favorite memories at TU was fishing on Wyoming’s Gros Ventre River at dusk. I was working the far


P R E S S  R E L E A S E Karuk Tribe ● Yurok Tribe ● Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations ● Trout Unlimited ● California Trout ● Sustainable Northwest ● American Rivers ● Save California Salmon ● Klamath Riverkeeper    For Immediate Release: July 16, 2020 For more information:  Craig Tucker,

FERC Flounder in Responding to California Energy Crisis

3/14/2001 FERC Flounder in Responding to California Energy Crisis FERC Flounders in Responding to California Energy Crisis Contact: 3/14/2001 — — Urges Trading Fish and Wildlife Protection for Power Washington, DC After blaming California deregulation and California Governor Gray Davis for not keeping the lights on, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) took aim at

A letter from the Wyoming Range

Published in Featured

Soon enough, as the sun tracks westward over the nearby Salt River Range, I will be cooking fresh, tasty blue grouse over the coals of a spruce fire in a camp out of the wind in wild, wonderful Wyoming