Reels to the rescue

How a partnership with iconic Colorado companies benefits TU’s Embrace A Stream program
How a partnership with iconic Colorado companies benefits TU’s Embrace A Stream program
Dam removals offer hope for coldwater trout in the face of climate change.
I was caught, checking my phone yet again, in hopes of finding a response to the question that I’d posed hours earlier: an invitation to a woman I recently met to get a drink together.
Jeff’s two step-daughters, Katherine (left) and Kaitlyn, ages seven and eight, show off their volunteer spirit on a recent Trout Unlimited streamside trash cleanup. Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of blog posts from TU leaders explaining their love for volunteering, for making fishing better and for sharing TU’s message all over
There was a storm at our backs as we neared Silver City, a winter storm calling for 6 inches of snow. That night, we had to use tents for the first and last time in New Mexico. I was annoyed because it broke our cowboy camping streak. We had slept out every night in New Mexico. Thankfully, it only sprinkled.
9/29/1999 Salmon Treaty Agreement Major Step Forward, Says Trout Unlimited Salmon Treaty Agreement Major Step Forward, Says Trout Unlimited Contact: 9/29/1999 — — Trout Unlimited and Trout Unlimited Canada today commended the U.S. and Canadian negotiators for the Pacific salmon agreement announced June 3 in Vancouver, British Columbia and Seattle, Washington. The agreement ended a
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 19, 2015 Contact: Drew Peternell,, (303) 204-3057 David Nickum,, (720) 581-8589 Randy Scholfield, TU communications,, (720) 375-3961 TU: CO water plan provides support for healthy rivers Collaboration, innovation will help achieve state water goals (Denver)Trout Unlimited praised the final Colorado Water Plan unveiled today by the Colorado Water
Many conservation organizations are great at on-the-ground habitat restoration. Others excel at policy advocacy. Trout Unlimited is one of the few that shine at both. Our recipe for success is simple. We take the results and good will generated by the partnerships, relationships, and in many cases, friendships created through our restoration work, and use
Nick points abound in nature, but are also created by man
A TU chapter partners with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to search for pure Kern River rainbow trout in its spectacular native range
What makes them so remarkable is how typical they are of others in Trout Unlimited. They are simply two ordinary people doing extraordinary work.
Contact:Peter Anderson, (208) 345-9800 or (208) 850-4664 (cell) Warren Colyer, (435) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Hails Victory for Oneida Narrows Trout Fishery IDWR decision ‘underscores that collaboration and partnerships are the future of water management in the West’ Boise Trout Unlimited hailed a decision by the Idaho Department of Water Resources to deny
With record high temperatures and historically low water levels, we need to conserve and restore 30 percent of lands and waters by 2030
A fishery management plan being developed for southwest Oregon coastal rivers has generated debate over whether to temporarily reduce or prohibit harvest of wild steelhead. TU’s Kyle Smith has a suggestion.
Another award highlights TU’s good work on coho populations and steelhead benefit too.
Montana TU is collaborating and trying to come up with answers and solutions for trout health issues in SW Montana.
2/9/2000 Associated Press Article: Good, Bad Science Debated in Fish Hearing Associated Press Article: Good, Bad Science Debated in Fish Hearing Contact: 2/9/2000 — — The science used in federal studies of proposals to breach four Snake River dams to save salmon from extinction was either flawed or right on the mark, fishermen, conservationists, farmers
Why one Alaskan guide is paying attention to a proposed industrial access road, and you should too
chalk_creek_bonneville.jpg A Chalk Creek native Bonneville cutthroat: Reconnected to spawning habitat FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 6, 2013 Contact: Paul Burnett, 801-436-4062 Tim Hawkes, 801-928-9008 Trout Unlimited, rancher boost fish habitat on Chalk Creek Project reconnects Weber River cutthroats with spawning habitat (Salt Lake City)The Weber River is home to one of Utahs most
One of the first people I met when I came to Trout Unlimited was Capt. Ben Wolfe, the owner of Wolfe Outfitters. It was clear from the get-go that he was the real deal. Capt. Ben caught his first fish at the ripe old age of four on his grandfather’s fly rod. He’s been fishing