Search results for “deerfield river”

Trout Tips: Lighter tippet, smaller flies

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

Winter or early spring fly fishing can be a lot of fun. I swear by the Henry’s Fork this time of year—some of the best fish I’ve caught in this storied river have come when I’ve had to slide down the bank over two feet of snow to get to the river. But winter fly

TU joins Operation Pollination in Driftless Area

Published in Uncategorized

In September, Trout Unlimited participated in the signing of the Mississippi River Operation Pollination Partnership.   The Partnership is a collaborative of groups, individuals and communities working with Rotary’s Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG) and Rotary International to create, enhance and expand habitat for pollinators along the Mississippi River flyway.   Incorporating habitat for

Trout Unlimited Applauds DEC Plan for Beaverkill Watershed

4/1/2000 Trout Unlimited Applauds DEC Plan for Beaverkill Watershed Trout Unlimited Applauds DEC Plan for Beaverkill Watershed Plan follows up on six-year TU study and sets path for new wild fish management program for Catskill Region Contact: 4/1/2000 — — Contact: Jock Conyngham: TU BeaMoc Project Manager, 207.846.9189 Nat Gillespie: TU Catskills Coordinator, 607.498.5960 April

New York's Laws Fail to Protect State's Rivers and Streams

09/15/2008 New Yorks Laws Fail to Protect States Rivers and Streams September 15, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kirt Mayland, (646) 302-3639 Erin Mooney, (571) 331-7970New Yorks Laws Fail to Protect States Rivers and Streams Report Details Where Laws and Systems Fall Short in Protecting the States Waters Albany, N.Y. As New York incurs pressure

Korkers Joins Trout Unlimited in Fighting Aquatic Invasive Species

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary, TU (703) 284-9408 Sam Houser, Korkers (503)723-7100 Korkers Joins Trout Unlimited in Fighting Aquatic Invasive Species Company to donate portion of sales of new wading boot to TU. Arlington, Va.Korkers, the Portland, Ore.-based wading boots manufacturer, is joining Trout Unlimited (TU) in the fight against aquatic

Orvis, TU begin project to open 1,000 miles of water over next decade

Contact:Elizabeth Maclin, Trout Unlimited, emaclin@tu.orgBill Eyre, Orvis, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Orvis, TU begin project to open 1,000 miles of water over next decade MANCHESTER, Vt. Orvis and Trout Unlimited this week announced the first two streams that will be improved to allow better passage for wild and native trout as part of the new

An administrator’s favorite week at work

Published in Uncategorized

Photo courtesy of Blaine County School District By Cathy Tyson Earlier this fall, I became a field scientist, chemist and sixth-grade teacher. Mostly, my work for TU is behind a desk, crunching numbers. But each September, I feel like Clark Kent taking off his tie, and putting on a cape, as I get back to

Hope for Idaho’s Salmon

“I have concluded that I am going to stay alive long enough to see salmon return to healthy populations in Idaho.” Those words by U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) at a conference at the Andrus Center last week may do more to project the recovery of the imperiled Snake River salmon and steelhead than multiple

TU plants trees to restore Michigan trout streams

Published in Conservation, Community, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Youth

Trout Unlimited has received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to plant nearly 17,000 trees along coldwater streams in Michigan. The project, “Reducing Runoff in the Rogue River Watershed,” aims to address stormwater runoff that pollutes, erodes and warms the important West Michigan trout fishery by

Mountains to the sea and back again

Published in Conservation, steelhead

Sawmill Creek is a tributary to the Lemhi River. The Lemhi River watershed is one of the highest elevation and farthest inland reaches for fish migration in the world, as the new signs point out. The watershed is also one of the most important spawning and rearing habitat areas for salmon and steelhead in the Columbia Basin.

Buckle up. Trout Week is coming

Published in Community, Featured

From Sept. 25 through Oct. 2, we’ll bring you dozens of ways to connect — from virtual conversations with important names in conservation and fishing to in-person opportunities to get your hands dirty and your waders wet with local TU members and supporters

Volunteers go big on the Hooch

Published in Conservation

TU volunteers in the Southeast turned a $7,500 Embrace-A-Stream grant into a quarter-million-dollar project and energized the local conservation community.

5 Rivers Odyssey Reflection: Matteo Moretti

As a college student and environmentalist interested in pursuing a career in the outdoor media industry, I am constantly amazed at all the wonderful opportunities offered to young and passionate anglers and students. The journey I embarked upon through the Trout Unlimited Costa 5 Rivers Odyssey is one that truly exemplifies a dedication to creating

Trout Unlimited's National Stream Clean-up Day is April 17

For Immediate Release Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary 703-284-9408Trout Unlimited’s National Stream Clean-up Day is April 17 TU chapters join together to remove trash from rivers and streams. Arlington, Va.On Saturday, April 17, volunteers around the country will join together to clean local streams and rivers on Trout Unlimited’s (TU) National Stream Clean-up Day.

MT Smith: Did you get your permit?

Published in Uncategorized

To everyone who drew a permit to float Montana’s Smith let us be the first to say: Congratulations, you lucky son-of-a-gun. Not only are you about to embark on one of the country’s most amazing floats, you have also earned the distinction of making nearly 10,000 hopeful applicants from across the country jealous of your

New York chapters help with riparian plantings

Published in Conservation, Community

New York City Chapter Members gather after planting along the Amawalk River in Westchester, NY. By Tracy Brown Since 2017, Trout Unlimited has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant close to 10,000 native trees along priority trout streams in New York rivers. New York chapters have organized and implemented more than 30 volunteer

TU improving habitat in New Hampshire’s Lakes Region

Published in Conservation

By Joel DeStasio During the 2019 summer field season, Trout Unlimited field staff completed strategic wood addition habitat restoration work on Gunstock River and its unnamed tributary in Gilford, N.H.   This project was initiated by the Belknap County Conservation District with the assistance of grants provided by The New Hampshire Association of Conservation Districts and the New Hampshire Conservation