Search results for “deerfield river”

Video spotlight: Epic fails

Published in Video spotlight

We’ve all been there. But, thankfully, for must of us, nobody was standing by with a video camera. And, for those of us who’ve never been caught on camera failing miserably while fishing, we have this to appreciate. I’ve endured my share, for sure. I took a fly deep in the flesh of my forearm

Let’s get back to our roots

Published in Uncategorized

These days, it seems like we encounter a lot of distraction – we’re sucked in by problemsthat don’tmatter and daily stressthat haslittle consequence in the grand scheme of things. So for this year’s State of Trout Unlimited speech we decided it was time to get back to our core values. For a few of us,

Video spotlight: Life of a Guide

Published in Video spotlight

There was a time when I thought being a fishing guide would be about the coolest existence a guy could experience. That all changed one rainy Father’s Day weekend some 15 years ago when renowned guide Rod Patch floated me and my wife down the Cardiac Canyon reach of the Henry’s Fork. From bouncing the

TU calls for answers on Big Thompson fish kill

TROUT UNLIMITED RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2016 Contact: David Nickum,, (720) 581-8589 Randy Scholfield,, (720) 375-3961 Trout Unlimited calls for accountability in Big Thompson fish kill Asks: How did this happen, and how can it be prevented from happening again? (DENVER) Trout Unlimited today called for answers and accountability in the

No traction for mining bill in Montana

Published in Uncategorized

The Montana House of Representatives took the side of the hard rock mining industry when they voted to table a common-sense bill, HB 593, recently. HB 593, introduced by Representative Nate McConnell (D-Missoula), would have required an independent audit of mining companies every 3 years. These audits would make sure the mining companies are following

Commercial fish farm on Michigan’s Au Sable to close by end of year

Published in Uncategorized

Opponents to a fish farmer’s plan to significantly increase trout production at the Grayling Fish Hatchery believed the operation threatened the river’s health below the flow-through facility. (Photo courtesy of Joe Hemming) By Mark Taylor A commercial fish hatchery on Michigan’s famed Au Sable river will cease operations by the end of the year. The

New license plate means happy trout in South Carolina

Published in Conservation, Community, Fishing

Nov. 12, 2019, will go down as a historic day for coldwater conservation in South Carolina. After a monumental effort by the Mountain Bridge, Saluda River and Chattooga River Chapters, a brand-new South Carolina Trout Unlimited license plate was unveiled. Designed by homegrown artist, Jay Talbot of Columbia, S.C., the tag features a striking native

An ode to Doug Rohrer

Published in Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Voices from the river

By Rob Shane Doug Rohrer came into my life about a year and a half ago, on a Friday afternoon in June, on the side of a dirt road in the Poconos. I was on my way to Hancock, N.Y., for another weekend of fishing the Delaware River when I slammed on my brakes, threw

Matt Heron Fly Fishing takes you to the Truckee

Published in Community

I suppose there are people – perhaps many people – who do not immediately think of fly-fishing when the hear the word “California”. There was a time when I might not have, either. But I’m over that now, mostly because of great people like my friend Matt Heron.

Take care of your feet

Published in Boats, Featured, Gear reviews

Footwear matters on the river, especially when you’re putting in big miles and days in and out of the boat. If you can keep your feet happy, the rest will follow

Trout Unlimited welcomes Interior recommendations for public lands oil and gas reform

TU asks on bonding, speculative leasing are among administration recommendations Contact: Corey Fisher, Public Lands Policy Director, Trout Unlimited,, 406-546-2979 ARLINGTON, Va.—Momentum is building in Washington to modernize oil and gas leasing policies on public lands following the release of a new report from the Department of the Interior, which recommends increasing minimum bond

TU: Hastings Bill Stifles Innovation, Collaboration on Dam Operations

Contact:Kate Miller, (503) 827-5700 x16, kmiller@tu.orgRob Masonis, (206) 491-9016, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU: Hastings Bill Stifles Innovation, Collaboration on Dam Operations Background: On August 1, 2012 representative Doe Hastings (R-WA-4) introduced HR 6247 the “Saving Our Dams and New Hydropower Development and Jobs Act of 2012.” This bill aims to promote hydropower production by

Looking back at 2017

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Last week, I had an hour between meetings in Carmel, California, so I called Tim Frahm, who directs our CA coastal steelhead work. He invited me to look at a project that Christy Fischer, his spouse, and he had worked on. Over chicken sandwiches they told me a riveting story about how

Broad coalition urges Northwest governors to action on salmon, steelhead

Published in Conservation, Fishing, steelhead, TROUT Magazine

Editor’s note: The following was delivered today to Govs. Kate Brown (Ore.), Steve Bullock (Mont.), Jay Inslee (Wash.) and Brad Little (Idaho) from a coalition power companies, conservation groups, the transportation sector and community utility coops. Feb. 24, 2020 Dear Governors Brown, Bullock, Inslee and Little: The debate over the management and impacts of the