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The CCF Board meets with Trout Unlimited’s conservation leaders once a year, where the staff make proposals for project support, and the Board decides how to distribute that year’s fund. The following are featured Coldwater Conservation Fund projects. Download CCF impact reports at the bottom of this page. Wild Trout Designations, Pennsylvania CCF grants in

Decades-long effort to fully fund conservation priorities finally realized

With outdoor participation skyrocketing, dollars for access, habitat and maintenance crucial  For immediate release  July 22, 2020  Contact: Shauna Stephenson Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861,  (July 22, 2020) WASHINGTON D.C. — Landmark conservation legislation that includes full and permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and dedicated funding for the maintenance backlog on public lands passed the House today, making its next stop the President’s

Trout Unlimited Launches New Film Celebrating Revival of Historic Wyoming Watershed  

Contact: Nick Gann, Rocky Mountain Communications Director, Trout Unlimited – Trout Unlimited media resources: CHEYENNE, WY – Earlier today, Trout Unlimited (TU) launched a new film, “Lifeblood,” celebrating the collective work and partnerships needed to revitalize Muddy Creek, an important tributary of the Colorado River Basin located south of Rawlins, Wyoming.  For decades,

Mabel Creek Coastal Cutthroat Project

Mabel Creek is in the Upper Youngs River, above 90-foot-tall Young River Falls, so the native coastal cutthroat trout populations above the falls persist largely undisturbed by decades of hatchery production focused on targeted anadromous fisheries downstream in Youngs Bay near Astoria. While located on private timber land, the Upper Youngs River area is open

Grand Valley State students shoot ‘Tree Army’ film

Published in From the field

Last fall, Grand Valley State University students from the ‘Producing for Clients’ class worked with Trout Unlimited staff in Michigan to produce a video covering the exciting new initiative called the Rogue River Tree Army. Students filmed footage and interviews over multiple field days as the Tree Army, made up of staff and volunteers, planted thousands of

Did you know TU has a podcast?

Published in Headwaters

Emerging is the official podcast of the TU Costa 5 Rivers program and has been running for four seasons.  The show began in the fall of 2020 when University of Georgia fly fishing club president, Joseph Berney, had the idea to share stories using this medium. Thanks to early support from Simms and Costa, the

Video spotlight: Atlantic Salmon Reserve

Published in Video spotlight

Imagine a river system where management depends on the lightest possible human footprint. Where trees aren’t cut. Trails aren’t improved. Rivers left to flow on their own to the sea. Such a place exists, about an hour’s chopper ride from the Russian city of Murmansk, on the remote Kola Peninsula, where Atlantic salmon, arctic char,

Video spotlight: Last Call

Published in Video spotlight

For most anglers, the Yellowstone River through Paradise Valley is a mythic body of water—a dream to float and fish and experience, and for most, the chances to do so rarely come along. It’s sweeping bends, deep pools and tailouts that collect spent mayflies and create a buffet worthy of the river’s storied trout are

Video spotlight: Fly Fish Arkansas

Published in Video spotlight

Most of us have heard of the famous tailwaters in Arkansas, where big trout lurk in cold, bottom-release river water. Few of us outside of Arkansas have ever actually fished these storied waters, let alone tangled with their trophy residents. After watching the film below, I think we should. Video of FLY FISH ARKANSAS –

Silver Bow Fly Fishing

About us Silver Bow Fly Shop is Spokane’s oldest fly shop opening it’s doors in 1988. Our staff is extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of fly fishing from local trout rivers, warmwater species, to saltwater fly fishing. In our shop you can find equipment from top brands like Sage, Simms, and Winston Rods to our

House drought response bill could devastate CA salmon, steelhead

Published in Uncategorized

Dead salmon in the lower Klamath River, 2002. Yesterday, June 12, 2017, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 23, the Gaining Responsibility on Water (Grow) Act. This bill is one of the worst pieces of legislation in recent memory, in terms of its devastating effects on salmon and steelhead and their fisheries. According to Steve

Yakima Basin Integrated Plan legislation advances through U.S. Senate committee

Senator Cantwells precedent-setting water and fisheries legislation passes Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee CONTACT: Michael Garrity, American Rivers, 206-852-5583 Lisa Pelly, Trout Unlimited, 509-630-0467 Ben Greuel, The Wilderness Society, 360-670-2938 (Nov. 19, 2015) Seattle, Wash. Today federal legislation to protect and enhance the Yakima River basins fisheries, ecosystem and water supply was passed by

Highlights aplenty in New Hampshire in 2018

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited’s staff had a busy year in New Hampshire in 2018, spending some time monitoring previously completed projects, installing new projects, and evaluating opportunities for new projects in 2019 and 2020.  From site visits, to completing field surveys, to conducting eight community workshops, TU staff did a little of everything in 2018.   One major project that consumed a lot of hours for the

Highlights aplenty in New Hampshire in 2018 

Published in Uncategorized

Crews spent weeks loading Poorfarm Brook in Gilford, N.H., with wood structures to enhance habitat. By Colin Lawson and Erin Rodgers Trout Unlimited’s staff had a busy year in New Hampshire in 2018, spending some time monitoring previously completed projects, installing new projects, and evaluating opportunities for new projects in 2019 and 2020.  From site visits, to completing field surveys, to

TU launches major restoration effort on Battenkill

Published in Conservation, Community

By Jacob Fetterman Stretching from Manchester, Vt., to the Hudson River in New York state, the Battenkill River holds a firm place in fly fishing history.  Beyond the river’s fame and beauty, it has become evident that, without proper stewardship, the wild trout fishery supported by the Battenkill could slip away due to the degradation of quality habitat through factors such as deforestation, sedimentation, channel modification,