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Contacts: OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON – Today, Governor Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 5187 and House Bill 1125, the 2023-2025 state transportation and operating budgets. These bills will fund studies required in the process to remove the lower four Snake River dams. The studies will plan to transition the energy, transportation, and irrigation services currently provided by
Every year has its big moments. The ones we vividly remember. The moments that stick out so much in your mind you don’t need a visual reminder of what it felt like when you were there. Those are the easy ones. I’m reminded of the moments in which I was in the Nevada desert, in
We all know that 2020 was far from a normal year. Despite the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Trout Unlimited’s Great Lakes team soldiered on. The team, which continues to grow, was able to accomplish many key projects in the field as well as to continue advocacy efforts. Below are a few of the highlights from 2020, as well as a look ahead
8/12/1999 ASF And TU Sue To Protect United States’ Last Wild Atlantic Salmon ASF And TU Sue To Protect United States’ Last Wild Atlantic Salmon Suit Asks US For Immediate Listing Under Endangered Species Act Contact: 8/12/1999 — — The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) and Trout Unlimited (TU), two of North America’s leading salmon conservation
11/20/2000 International Report Reveals Flaws in U.S. Dam Regulation International Report Reveals Flaws in U.S. Dam Regulation Prompts Call on New President and Congress to Reassess Federally Owned Dams in the United States Contact: 11/20/2000 — — November 20, 2000. Washington, DC . . .A report issued by the World Commission on Dams released in
Now, let’s get them passed in the Senate
If you want to get normally serene trout anglers wound up, just wade into the “hatchery vs. wild/native” debate. I know of at least three organizations that were formed because of disagreements with Trout Unlimited chapters over hatchery and wild fish
By following a few simple steps, anglers can do their part to slow the spread of invasives We know anglers are inundated with information about preventing the spread of things that threaten our freshwater resources. In the Great Lakes, we are distressed by the risk posed by New Zealand Mud Snails (NZMS) and Didymo (recently
Congratulations to Donegal TU Veterans Service Partnership program, VSP Coordinator Bill Nolan, and all the Donegal TU volunteers for putting together this great event with Rivers of Recovery. This is a great example of how the “P” word (partnership) in the VSP is supposed to work! Job well done! Donegal (PA) TU VSP Hosts Rivers
3/20/2006 TU Applauds Vote on CT House Bill 5277 March 20, 2006 Contact: Kirt Mayland, Eastern Water Project Director, 860-435-2073 (w); 646-302-3639 (c) TU Applauds the Environment Committee Vote on CT House Bill 5277 Committee vote is an important step toward better management of states river and stream flows HARTFORD — Trout Unlimited (TU), the
Barbless Flies is one of a handful of international TU Business members. They’re great promoters of ethical fish handling and the work of Trout Unlimited.
By Jamie Vaughan In 2018 Trout Unlimited recently kicked off a new pilot program, Seasons on the Farm, in partnership with the Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds, Plainsong Farm, and the Kent Conservation District. Seasons on the Farm aims to provide practical, immersive farm-based environmental education for middle school students in the Rogue River watershed. Through a series
A great day for a double feature.
4/12/2000 Trout Unlimited Volunteers Anxious to Increase Habitat Recovery Resources Trout Unlimited Volunteers Anxious to Increase Habitat Recovery Resources Fishable Waters Act of 2000 Introduced in Congress Today Contact: 4/12/2000 — — Contacts: Maggie Lockwood (703)284-9425 Steve Moyer (703) 284-9406 Washington, D.C. April 12, 2000 (Washington, DC) – Trout Unlimited, the nation’s leading coldwater conservation
In a year of exceptional drought, we’re working to improve conditions for wild and native trout and salmon from the Smith to the San Gabriel
By Keith Curley I left New Hampshire 16 years ago to come work for TU in Arlington, Va., but often return home to visit family and reconnect with the rivers, lakes and streams where I learned to fish. On one recent trip I had the good fortune of joining TU’s New Hampshire State Council for
As the old Toyota truck bounced over the river rocks and headed toward the water I couldn’t help smiling to myself. My brother and I sat together in the cab, our dad behind the wheel. He was dropping us at the river for a day fishing, like so many times before. “You guys be careful,”
Dean hollered from upstream as a steelhead took his fly, then hollered again a moment later as the fish released it. At another spot Dean had a nice fish on for perhaps a minute, his rod bowed and bobbing. But that steelhead, too, practiced detachment. Welcome to winter steelhead fishing.
6/20/2006 OWAA honors writer for essay on Lake Superior?s coaster brook trout June 20, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Contact: Laura Hewitt, (608) 250-3534 OWAA honors writer for essay on Lake Superiors coaster brook trout Eric Hansen receives Excellence in Craft award LAKE CHARLES, La.Thanks to his efforts to publicize the plight of the few
7/27/2000 Trout Unlimited Responds to Release of Federal Salmon Recovery Plans for the Northwest Trout Unlimited Responds to Release of Federal Salmon Recovery Plans for the Northwest Statement by Jeff Curtis, TU’s Western Conservation Director Contact: 7/27/2000 — — Contact: *Jeff Curtis, TU Western Conservation Director: 503-827-5700; 503-351-2492 (cell) *Alan Moore, TU Western Communications Coordinator: