Search results for “deerfield river”
Few animals have been as totemic for humans as salmon. Entire cultures of indigenous peoples in North America evolved around this fish, its remarkable life history, and its powers as a food source. Whole reg ional economies have risen and foundered on the vicissitudes of the world’s seven salmon species—five of which are native to
By Tim Frahm When steelhead and tractors occupy the same piece of stream, tractors typically win… and steelhead don’t. Sometimes, however, we need to stand up and cheer when we find big excavators, dirt trucks and earth-movers driving up and down in a riverbed. Such a time is now for the Carmel River, one of
One of the highest forms of praise for any of us in the fly fishing world is to be recognized by the best for being the best. Our peers know excellence because they provide excellence. That’s why I was so happy when Madison Valley Ranch was recognized by Orvis at the 2015 Orvis Guide Rendezvous
Even when they’re beset by freezing rain or other forms of natural calamity, public lands bring peace
Region: WestActivities: FishingSpecies: Lahontan cutthroat, rainbow and brown trout Where: The crystalline jewel of the northern Sierra Nevadas, Lake Tahoe, is fed by 63 creeks, yet only one river flows out—the Truckee. Leaving the northwest corner of the lake at Tahoe City’s Fanny Bridge (so named for the posteriors of tourists gaping at the huge
Region: MidwestActivities: FishingSpecies: Brook, brown and rainbow trout; steelhead; Chinook and Coho salmon Where: The Huron-Manistee National Forest stretches nearly one million acres across the northern half of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, touching Lake Michigan in the west and Lake Huron in the east. Home to diverse ecosystems ranging from coastal marshlands to oak savannahs, the
Region: Pacific NorthwestActivities: FishingSpecies: Steelhead Where: The North Umpqua flows 110 miles from its headwaters in the Cascade Mountains (near Crater Lake National Park) to its confluence with the mainstem Umpqua west of Roseburg, in southwest Oregon. Of particular interest is the river’s fly-fishing-only water, beginning near Rock Creek and continuing 31 miles upstream. Why:
Region: Pacific NorthwestActivities: FishingSpecies: Steelhead Where: The North Umpqua flows 110 miles from its headwaters in the Cascade Mountains (near Crater Lake National Park) to its confluence with the mainstem Umpqua west of Roseburg, in southwest Oregon. Of particular interest is the river’s fly-fishing-only water, beginning near Rock Creek and continuing 31 miles upstream. Why:
Hubbard’s Yellowstone Lodge has twice been selected as an Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Lodge of the Year. That’s a prestigious honor, awarded by people who know the ins and outs of running a lodge.
Editor’s Note: Few people have had more influence on steelhead fishing and its proponents than author and artist Russell Chatham, who passed away recently. Chatham’s writing, painting, and appearance in films helped promote both the art and science of fly fishing for steelhead and the growing sense of loss as steelhead runs in coastal streams
With fond memories of our last two adventures, it is with great excitement that we announce the 2020 Trout Unlimited and Kinross Fort Knox Armed Forces Appreciation Fishing Trip at Seasons on the Fly Lodge in Bristol Bay, Alaska!
“For us, this was a no brainer. For my entire lifetime, we’ve been trying to have both dams and fish. We’ve spent billions of dollars trying to do that. It hasn’t worked and it won’t work. These fish need free-flowing rivers to survive. Hatcheries are no substitute. We need to remove the lower four.”
For generations, Alaska has been known as “the last frontier.” For anglers, it might be better known as the Salmon Frontier. Alaska is, simply put, the best of what’s left. It’s home to the largest salmon runs left in America and, in some cases, the world. Here, anglers share the rivers and streams with mighty
A visual update on our work to secure protections for steelhead in southeast Alaska.
New TU film gives a case study of how TU is leasing water rights to benefit rural communities and restore a former Blue Ribbon trout fishery.
TU’s Hillary Walrath has inspired Wyoming women to connect with rivers Before she was old enough to attend kindergarten Hillary Walrath knew she would end up working in rivers. So, it was no surprise Walrath went right from grad school to working for Trout Unlimited. What Walrath didn’t expect was that the increasing disconnect with
The new Ford Bronco not driving through a river. Ford Motor Co. promotional photo. Editor’s note: On Monday, TU’s Kirk Deeter scolded Ford Motor Co. for marketing the company’s revamped Bronco by showing it driving through a creek, a potentially harmful activity to trout, salmon and their habitat. Here’s the latest from Deeter. We’ve been
Restoration Ripple Effects: Co-benefits to fish, wildlife, and communities. River restoration benefits more than fish. Healthy and restored river corridors have room to move, taking on complex and connected forms. Water can readily access the floodplain as water rises, slowing a river’s flow, providing diverse habitats to both aquatic and terrestrial species, and cleaning water
4/01/2005 NEWS RELEASE Embargoed until: 1:00 p.m. CST, April 1, 2005 For more information: “Duke” Welter 715-579-7538 Laura Hewitt 608-250-3534 Steve Kinsella 651-647-1545 TROUT UNLIMITED CALLS FOR RESTORATION OF THE MIDWEST’S DRIFTLESS AREA Minneapolis, MN – A wide scale restoration of the streams and rivers of the Midwest’s Driftless Area will bring enormous environmental and
Westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) Species Summary & Status: Officially designated as Montana’s state fish, the westslope cutthroat’s historical range included all of Montana west of the Continental Divide, as well as the upper Missouri River drainage. The average size of these fish is 6 to 16 inches, depending on habitat. It is often