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By Charlie Schneider Emerging science can meld with policy and restoration efforts to help reach our ultimate goal of improving steelhead runs. A previous post at Wild Steelheaders United highlighted the petition to list summer steelhead on the Eel River in Northern California, and discussed research by scientists at UC Davis that suggests premature migration
Because of their propensity to flood, riverside communities in the Catskills have maintained a complicated co-existence with their rivers and streams.
The Utah Cutthroat Slam consists of a challenge to catch the four unique cutthroat trout subspecies in their respective native historical ranges within the state
Want to know what 30 of Trout Unlimited’s state councils had to say about national monuments? Here’s the full text of their official comments, submitted July 10. July 10, 2017 Monument Review, MS-1530 U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 Comments of Trout Unlimited on DOI-2017-0002, Review of Certain National
New leadership and investments in people reflect growing federal partnerships and project funding across region Contact: DENVER – Today, Trout Unlimited (TU) announced a series of new investments in its people to accommodate the growing number of innovative partnerships across the Rocky Mountains. Over the last decade, TU has secured roughly $133 million in funding partnerships to
11/4/2005 November 4, 2005 Contact: Ted Fitzgerald, American Fork Home Rivers Initiative Coordinator, 801-465-9949, or Kira Finkler, TU Government Affairs Director, 703-284-9408, Congress Approves Funds for Restoration of American Fork Canyon Watershed Washington The United States Congress has approved $100,000 for the restoration of the American Fork Canyon Watershed. These funds were approved
Sometimes, you can learn an awful lot more about a river, and specifically where fish will be holding in a river, by looking at it from above, rather than standing in it. Granted, that’s not always that easy when you are fishing in flat terrain. But I know plenty of anglers who have been driven
Roaring Creek is a critical perennial tributary in the Lower Entiat River, Upper Columbia Sub-Basin, in Washington. Trout Unlimited aims to improve production of listed steelhead and bull trout in the Entiat basin, and the Roaring Creek Project has multiple objectives to further this goal. Roaring Creek is currently one of the few productive tributaries
Those long, featureless gravel runs that can be found on a lot of western rivers–and freestone rivers throughout the country–might often be trout “dead zones,” but as Orvis’ Dave Jensen points out in the video below, during hatches, these stretches of water can be very productive. Otherwise nondescript habitat, these gravel shelves can be anywhere
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 27, 2014 Contact: Russ Schnitzer: (970) 309-0285 (West) Jeff Hastings: (608) 606-4158 (Midwest) Gary Berti: (304) 704-2731 (East) Steve Moyer: (703) 284-9406 (National) Its a new and better day for fisheries conservation on the farm WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited saluted USDA Secretary Vilsacks announcement in Michigan today that the Natural Resources Conservation
For Immediate Release Contact: Anna Halligan, Trout Unlimited, (707) 734-0112 Conservation partnership restores salmon habitat along Skunk Train railroad Trout Unlimited-led effort replaced old culverts blocking fish passage along the Skunk Train’s famed Redwood Route between Willits and Fort Bragg. December 15, 2020—FORT BRAGG, Calif. Trout Unlimited’s North Coast Coho Project announced today the
The salmonfly hatch on the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River is legendary. Check out this fun video of an epic adventure on the river below Lower Mesa Falls known as Cardiac Canyon from Henry’s Fork Anglers and KBL Studios. Anyone know how long the raft slide is to reach the water? I heard salmonflies
Johnson Lake will be the subject a giant fish removal project to hopefully prevent the spread of whirling disease in Banff National Park. How seriously are Alberta fisheries biologists taking the threat of whirling disease in Banff National Park? Very. They’re removing fish from Johnson Lake in order to prevent the spread of the parasite
1/28/1999 Conservationists Welcome Proposal For $100 Million Coastal Salmon Fund Conservationists Welcome Proposal For $100 Million Coastal Salmon Fund But New Money Won’t Buy Time For Columbia/Snake Salmon Contact: 1/28/1999 — — The nation’s largest trout and salmon conservation group today praised the Clinton Administration’s proposal to invest $100 million in restoration efforts for coastal
Bonneville cutthroat trout Editor’s note: TU’s Costa Five Rivers Native Odyssey team visited Utah recently on its trip across America. During our time in Utah, we sought four species of native cutthroat trout. Luckily for us, Utah has just the thing. The Utah Cutthroat Slam is a challenge that costs only $20 and is an
Contact: Mike Beagle, (541) 772-7720 Tom Wolf, (503) 640-2123 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU supports Gov. Kulongoskis request to protect Siskiyou Wild Rivers area Diverse region encompasses intact habit, offers excellent fishing MEDFORDTrout Unlimited today congratulated Gov. Ted Kulongoski for taking an important step toward protecting one of the most biologically diverseand fish and game richareas
By Kyle Perkins On Thursday, President Obama will designate Browns Canyon National Monument, a move that will be cheered by sportsmen across Colorado and across America. It’s taken years of tough, grassroots work from Trout Unlimited and its partners to finally protect this breathtaking canyon along the Gold Medal waters of the Arkansas River. This
By Kyle Perkins On Thursday, President Obama will designate Browns Canyon National Monument, a move that will be cheered by sportsmen across Colorado and across America. It’s taken years of tough, grassroots work from Trout Unlimited and its partners to finally protect this breathtaking canyon along the Gold Medal waters of the Arkansas River. This
By Kyle Perkins On Thursday, President Obama will designate Browns Canyon National Monument, a move that will be cheered by sportsmen across Colorado and across America. It’s taken years of tough, grassroots work from Trout Unlimited and its partners to finally protect this breathtaking canyon along the Gold Medal waters of the Arkansas River. This
(Above: Upstream from the future sonar site on the South Fork of the John Day) When trying to manage steelhead, one difficult task is getting an accurate picture of population size in any given year and over time. Traditional methods of estimating the number of adult steelhead that return to a river, such as counting