Search results for “deerfield river”

FERC clarifies path to Klamath dam removal

Published in Conservation

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) this week approved the partial transfer of ownership of four dams on the Klamath River from the utility PacifiCorp to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC). The purpose of this transfer is to enable the KRRC to decommission and remove these dams, beginning in 2021. FERCs decision marks a

Fish northwest Montana with Wild Montana Anglers

Published in Community, TU Business

Martin City, Mont. Can you point to it on a map? Yeah, when Mark Fuller’s Wild Montana Anglers first joined as a TU Business member, I couldn’t either. It’s north of Kalispell and east of Columbia Falls, on the west slope of the Rockies. And it’s a wonderful place for the fly angler. Mark Fuller

Improving Habitat in a Great Basin Oasis

Published in Restoration

In 2019, the Inland Trout Program of Trout Unlimited set out to improve and restore fish habitat near “the Elbow”, a renowned fishing access area included in the new state park. Utilizing both biogenic floodplain features and rock j-hook structures

Video spotlight: The Cardiac Salmonfly

Published in Video spotlight

The salmonfly hatch on the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River is legendary. Check out this fun video of an epic adventure on the river below Lower Mesa Falls known as Cardiac Canyon from Henry’s Fork Anglers and KBL Studios. Anyone know how long the raft slide is to reach the water? I heard salmonflies

‘Catching Yellowstone’s Wild Trout’

Published in Fishing, Conservation, Travel, TROUT Magazine

Editor’s note: The following is excerpted from the new book, “Catching Yellowstone’s Wild Trout: A Fly-fishing History and Guide,” by Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited’s national digital director. The book, endorsed by TU, is available for pre-order now, and hits shelves on June 17. Several of today’s iconic fisheries in Yellowstone National Park are only fisheries

Keeping a fish factory intact

Published in Conservation

Caption: Lynn Finley alongside the Encampment By Chris Wood I met Lynn Finley last week when Beth and Bruce White hosted a fundraiser for Trout Unlimited’s North Platte restoration work. Lynn is a small, fire-cracker of a woman who runs a lodge in Riverside, Wyo. We were sitting in her kitchen overlooking the Encampment River,

Little streams make a big difference for our drinking water

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood As it flows along my family’s land in Levels, West Virginia, the Little Cacapon River is fed by several small seasonal waterways formed by rainwater and snowmelt. Eventually, all that water runs into the Potomac River and on past our nation’s capital, where a half-century ago, forward-thinking policymakers crafted a landmark act

Thinking big, starting small

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine

Herman Garcia (L) of CHEER and Matt Clifford, California Water Attorney for Trout Unlimited, at an off-stream storage project site along Little Arthur Creek. In 2006, the Pajaro River on California’s central coast came out of obscurity to make national headline—for the wrong reason: it was named the most endangered river in America. Historically, the

The tipping point for salmon and steelhead

Published in From the President, Dam Removal

These remarks were delivered yesterday at the 2021 Environmental Conference at the Andrus Center for Public Policy at Boise State University. I want to begin my remarks today by talking about SARs—not the viral respiratory disease, but the percentage of juvenile salmon or smolts that survive the ocean, and their trek through the dams, and return to spawn. Experts call this the “smolt to adult

Faces of Restoration: Meyers Earthworks and its stake in restoring California’s chinook salmon

Published in From the field, Conservation, Restoration

Meyers Earthwork crew constructing a roughened rock ramp to restore passage at the Deer Creek Irrigation District Dam, summer 2019.Photo by Amiana McEwen, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants. Editor’s note: TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these contractors. We hire equipment

Never been closer: new progress on the Klamath

Published in Dam Removal

The Klamath River is one of the country’s most beleaguered watersheds. But on July 27 the Oregon Public Utilities Commission provided some good news, when the agency approved an order granting transfer of four old fish-blocking dams to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation so they can be taken out.

Conservation groups to file suit over Plum Creek's conservation plan

Conservation groups to file suit over Plum Creek’s conservation plan Conservation groups to file suit over Plum Creeks conservation plan Contact: Bruce Farling Executive Director Montana Trout Unlimited 406-543-0054 6/11/2002 — Seattle, WA — Conservationists will go to federal court to stop Plum Creek from ruining one of the last remaining bull trout populations in

Maine's Kennebec Valley Chapter Receives Highest Award for Edwards Dam Efforts

8/25/1999 Maine’s Kennebec Valley Chapter Receives Highest Award for Edwards Dam Efforts Maine’s Kennebec Valley Chapter Receives Highest Award for Edwards Dam Efforts Contact: 8/25/1999 — — The Kennebec Valley (Maine) Trout Unlimited (TU) chapter led by Palmyra, ME President- Bruce Bowman and boasting over 250 local members drew high praise and recognition from the

Southwest Colorado leaders visit D.C. to push for Superfund funding

June 16, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ty Churchwell,, 970-903-3010 Randy Scholfield, TU communications,, 720-375-3961 San Juan and La Plata County officials say the Animas River cleanup depends on EPA priority and funding (Washington, D.C.) In the wake of the Trump administrations proposed deep cuts to EPA funding, Southwest Colorado leaders flew to

The Krug Family Forest: A tribute to tributaries and small tracts

Published in Community

By Nick Sanchez and Jamie Vaughan  Urban sprawl, development and agricultural pressures have deforested much of southern Michigan. In rapidly developing areas of southern Michigan, forest and farmland loss continues to this day. Luckily, family forest owners, like the Krug Family, are taking steps to protect their forests and the important waters that flow through

Trout Unlimited and partners break ground on two Buffalo Fork fish passage and restoration projects

Contact: Nick Gann, Rocky Mountain Communications Director, Trout Unlimited – Trout Unlimited media resources: JACKSON, WY — Trout Unlimited and partners recently broke ground on two fish passage and habitat restoration projects along the Buffalo Fork of the Snake River. Part of the federally designated National Wild and Scenic River System, the Buffalo