Search results for “deerfield river”

Chasing the Wyoming Cutt-Slam and keeping the wolves away

Published in Fishing

Looking back, I saw Sweet, who had coyly picked a honey hole on a backwater around a small island I didn’t even notice, who was looking upriver at me and grinning ear to ear. At that moment, I remember thinking he resembled a child showing off his hard work.

Volunteers Around the Country Join Together on Trout Unlimiteds National Stream Clean-up Day

06/12/2009 Volunteers Around the Country Join Together on Trout Unlimiteds National Stream Clean-up Day June 12, 2009 For Immediate Release: Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary 571-331-7970 Volunteers Around the Country Join Together on Trout Unlimiteds National Stream Clean-up Day June 13 national event marks TUs 50th anniversary Arlington, Va.On Saturday, June 13, volunteers around

Brookies to benefit from Nissitissit dam removal

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By Robert Shane When we think of dams, especially dam removals, we think BIG; we think the Elwha and the Penobscot and the Snake. We imagine monstrosities of concrete and steel blocking important trout and salmon spawning waters. This plight, however, is not secular to big dams. In the state of Massachusetts there are over

American Fisheries Society honors Burnett as conservationist of year

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Paul Burnett, wearing the white hard hat, celebrates with Utah Division of Wildlife workers and volunteers after completing a 385-foot fish ladder through a concrete culvert to allow migratory cutthroat to return to headwaters they had been cut off from for more than 40 years. Brett Prettyman photo. By Brett Prettyman Trout Unlimited believes in

TU partner named Conservationist of Year in Michigan’s Kent County

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Sue Blackall (left) helps more than 1,000 Sparta students get into the field annually, and enjoys the opportunity to provide hands-on training. By Jamie Vaughan Local Sparta, Michigan resident, retired Appleview Elementary teacher, and community leader Sue Blackall has been honored by Kent Conservation District and Trout Unlimited with the Conservationist of the Year award.

Montana’s rivers need you now

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We won’t sugar coat this: If you care about Montana’s rivers, we need you now. This spring, Trout Unlimited helped launch the Yes for Responsible Mining initiative (I-186). I-186 can help guarantee a cleaner future for our rivers and streams. It will require mining companies applying for new permits to show reasonable proof that they

Five Rivers Odyssey: Exploring the Tongass

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The Tongass National Forest is the largest national forest in the United States and is home to the third largest island in the United States, Prince of Wales (only Kodiak and the big island of Hawaii are bigger). The 5 Rivers Odyssey crew spent 10 days on Prince of Wales to learn more about issues

Veterans Service Partnership and Project Healing Waters working together

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Serving our nation’s military family by engaging veterans, veterans with disabilities, their spouses and their families in the TU community and in support of TU’s coldwater conservation mission is the backbone of TU’s Veterans Service Partnership. To accomplish this, the “partnership” in the VSP is critical to achieving this mission. One of our most significant

Neitzel Farm Off-Channel Wetland Restoration

Using historical photographs, anecdotal evidence and local knowledge, TU worked with project designers Doug Ray of Carex Consulting and Joseph Shehan from Oregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife to re-excavate a 14 plus acre historic off-channel wetland on the Necanicum River. The channel had been filled and converted to ag land. Habitats such as this


Published in Gear reviews, Fishing

Until now, no phone or tablet app was particularly useful in locating trout streams and finding public access to them.  Enter “TroutRoutes,” an app that maps trout streams in Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Nebraska and North Dakota.  Montana, Wyoming and Michigan are on the way.   The app claims that there are over 4,000 streams shown

TU: Hastings Bill Stifles Innovation, Collaboration on Dam Operations

Contact:Kate Miller, (503) 827-5700 x16, kmiller@tu.orgRob Masonis, (206) 491-9016, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU: Hastings Bill Stifles Innovation, Collaboration on Dam Operations Background: On August 1, 2012 representative Doe Hastings (R-WA-4) introduced HR 6247 the “Saving Our Dams and New Hydropower Development and Jobs Act of 2012.” This bill aims to promote hydropower production by

Looking back at 2017

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Last week, I had an hour between meetings in Carmel, California, so I called Tim Frahm, who directs our CA coastal steelhead work. He invited me to look at a project that Christy Fischer, his spouse, and he had worked on. Over chicken sandwiches they told me a riveting story about how

Broad coalition urges Northwest governors to action on salmon, steelhead

Published in Conservation, Fishing, steelhead, TROUT Magazine

Editor’s note: The following was delivered today to Govs. Kate Brown (Ore.), Steve Bullock (Mont.), Jay Inslee (Wash.) and Brad Little (Idaho) from a coalition power companies, conservation groups, the transportation sector and community utility coops. Feb. 24, 2020 Dear Governors Brown, Bullock, Inslee and Little: The debate over the management and impacts of the

Rivers and roads: Connecting people … and fish

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By Laura MacFarland A majority of Wisconsin’s 115 fish species, including trout, need to move throughout a watershed seasonally or at varying stages in their lifecycle to feed, find cooler water, avoid predators, and reach spawning habitat. Rivers, long and linear in nature, are vulnerable to habitat fragmentation thanks in part to our immense network

Recovering the natural wealth of our rivers

Published in Fishing, Conservation, TROUT Magazine

A healthy brook trout stream in West Virginia. Editor’s note: This is part one of a two part series on brook trout restoration in West Virginia, and well, everywhere else. About six weeks ago, while helping the Department of Natural Resources to stock trout in a stream, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice said, “We dump