Search results for “deerfield river”

It’s Alaska Wild Salmon Day—celebrate by helping to protect them

Published in Uncategorized

By: Nelli Williams One afternoon late last summer, I took advantage of a sunny, warm day to take my kids to a playground near Campbell Creek. It was packed with kids swinging, jumping and sliding. Suddenly, we all heard shrieking near the river. It quickly became apparent that nothing was wrong, but that a couple

TU names Ziemer to water policy post; Byorth to lead MT Water Project

Trout Unlimited Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jan. 30, 2014 Contact: Pat Byorth, (406).548-4830 Scott Yates, (307)-349-0753 Trout Unlimited names Ziemer to new water policy post, Byorth to lead Montana Water Project (Bozeman)Trout Unlimited (TU), the nations largest organization dedicated to trout and salmon conservation, today announced that Laura Ziemer, director of TUs

Trout Unlimited releases full 10 Special Places report

special.jpg Dec. 18, 2014 Contact: Katy Dunlap, Eastern Water Project Director, 607-703-0256, Mark Taylor, Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited releases full 10 Special Places report Report focuses on protecting iconic public fishing and hunting areas from impacts of shale gas development WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited today released a new report

Native Odyssey: Wyoming

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Public Land: Bridger-Teton National Forest Driving south from Yellowstone National Park in Western Wyoming, visitors drive through the awe-inspiring Bridger-Teton National Forest. The mighty snow-capped Tetons provide a scenic backdrop to the pine stands, open fields and meadows that make up the landscape. Defined by pristine watersheds and an abundance of wildlife, the Bridger-Teton National

Conservation Portfolio Analysis aids brook trout efforts in NE

Published in Uncategorized

By Keith Curley Brook trout are often looked at through the lens of decline, and with good reason – brook trout have been lost from many of their historical habitats. The Northeast, however, continues to be blessed with an abundance of brook trout habitat. According to TU’s Conservation Portfolio, Range-wide Assessment, and Focal Area assessment

The Pecos is fishing great … for now

Published in Conservation, Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine

The lifeblood of the Village of Pecos, the Pecos River flows through public and private lands in a narrow canyon flanked by in aspen, Gambel oak, and mixed conifer. The Pecos boasts a fun salmon fly hatch in early summer, and I love how spooky the fish are in autumn, when elk bugles echo, the banks blaze with yellow cottonwoods, and the water resembles the air above, cold, clear and

Tincup Project Partners Receive Conservation Award

Wednesday, November 27, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Lee Mabey, Forest Fisheries Biologist, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, 208-557-5784, Tincup Project Partners Receive Conservation Award Trout Unlimited, Caribou-Targhee National Forest and permittees recognized for large-scale project as part of the Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative JACKSON, Wyoming –The

How conservation can save our politics and save America

Published in From the President

Wednesday afternoon, a day that America won’t soon forget, I was on a phone call just across the river in Trout Unlimited’s Arlington, Va., headquarters.    A group of us at TU were talking about recovering Snake River salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest when my phone began blaring with a message from the mayor of Washington, D.C. In response to the attacks on the Capitol, she was ordering a city-wide curfew in three hours.   TU staff and volunteers regularly go

In search of national monument designation

Published in Advocacy

Dan Johnson is an amiable bear of a man with an ursine nose for finding things. We were on a mission to find one of the sources of California’s largest spring creek, the Fall River.

It is finally September in Northeastern Oregon

Published in Snake River

It is finally September in Northeastern Oregon As the season changes, TU’s Andy Scheele thinks about time, restoration and steelhead returning to their home waters It is finally September in Northeastern Oregon; my favorite month of the year. The weather and foliage are changing. Elk are bugling in the mountains. Insects are burying their heads

Critical Minerals Report: Special Places

Below are some of the country’s most unique landscapes that encompass, or exist near, known critical mineral deposits. As you read, please consider our tenets to see how they can avoid and mitigate impacts to irreplaceable natural resources while supporting responsible critical minerals mining. Boundary Waters, Minnesota Straddling the border between northern Minnesota and Canada,

Critical Minerals Report: Mapping

Below are some of the country’s most unique landscapes that encompass, or exist near, known critical mineral deposits. As you read, please consider our tenets to see how they can avoid and mitigate impacts to irreplaceable natural resources while supporting responsible critical minerals mining. Boundary Waters, Minnesota Straddling the border between northern Minnesota and Canada,

Short casts: New lake in Wyoming; shad in Oregon, clean water takes a hit

Published in Uncategorized

Big migratory Bonneville cutthroat trout are among the fishiest resources of the Wyoming Range. This spring, a landslide created a new lake in the Wyoming Range’s Willow Creek drainage. From the “How Cool is This?” department comes the news of a new lake in western Wyoming. This last winter’s record-setting snowfall caused an entire mountainside

Video spotlight: Detecting the grab

Published in Video spotlight

Steelhead season is well under way up and down the West Coast, but here in Idaho, on the Salmon River, the season is on a bit of an unofficial hiatus until March or April. The Salmon is a legitimate steelhead hotspot all throughout the fall, but by the time late December and January come around,

Watershed Multi-species Assessment

Trout Unlimited works with our conservation partners to identify areas where protection and restoration can benefit not only trout and salmon, but also other fish, aquatic species and human communities. TU scientists were instrumental in developing the Native Fish Conservation Area concept, where watershed management is focused on the long-term persistence of native fish communities

Skating big dries for big trout

Published in Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Trout Tips

Nicco stood next to me along the middle reaches of Patagonia’s Malleo River in the fading Argentine light. Willows shrouded the creek, and I could only see the silhouette of the big Fat Albert as it drifted in the heavy water just across river. Nicco, my guide for the day, chose the hefty, foam monstrosity

What to do if we can’t fish?

Published in Trout Talk

Native Colorado River cutthroat trout. Kara Armano photo. Luckily, I’ve still been able to fish. Thanks to living over 8,000 feet and having plenty of high mountain streams and lakes, I have lots of options. At least so far. I recently went to beat the heat that was nearing triple digits to a new-to-me high