Search results for “deerfield river”

Pinks and steelhead

Published in Uncategorized

Pink salmon in its spawning phase. Fall is in the air and it’s time to get on the river. But first, let’s give our steelhead IQs another booster shot.. This week we have a guest writer and scientist, Colin Bailey, a PhD student studying fisheries science at Simon Fraser University under Jonathan Moore (Moore is

Beer boost: Team effort improves habitat on Virginia’s Beaver Creek

Published in Conservation

By Mark Taylor  A team approach is helping improve trout habitat on a popular fishing stream near Harrisonburg, Va.  Trout Unlimited’s national staff partnered with the local TU chapter and a property owner to improve a section of Beaver Creek, a spring-fed stream that runs through private land but that is open to public fishing through a unique cooperative program.  The

Love in the time of climate change

Published in Voices from the river

For one angler, a wounded California is better than no California at all It was a classic Yuba day with Joe and the Butler brothers—a 105-degree scorcher with the river inviting swimming as much as fishing. As typical as it seemed, the river was in many ways new to me. It had been two years

TU: New report shows importance of headwaters

June 30, 2014 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, (571) 274-0601 Jack Williams, Senior Scientist, Trout Unlimited, (541) 261-3960 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New Trout Unlimited report documents importance of small streams to clean water and fishing in America As Congressional attacks on the Clean Water Act continue, anglers must mobilize to protect habitat

‘Fisheries’ article highlights changes in Alaska waters

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By Dave Atcheson The lead article, gracing the cover of the October issue of the journal Fisheries, details a recent study on how environmental changes may affect our salmon in both the near and distant future. The study is spearheaded by lead scientist Erik Schoen, from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and encompasses the work

Pigeons, persistence and hope

Published in From the President, TROUT Magazine

I recently read an essay where a priest on a mission to Guatemala discovered that artists from the village painted museum-quality artwork on the inside walls of a bell-tower—a place where only pigeons would see them. The story reminded me of Trout Unlimited’s work—behind the scenes, often unnoticed, complicated, hard, and, ultimately, beautiful.   What a year. We reckoned with racial injustice as a nation, and looked inward to the fact that we need to become

The Thalweg – Best of 2021

Published in Uncategorized, Boats

Boats. There’s something about them that continues to instill wonder in anglers and recreational users across the country. In 2021, we took a chance and started The Thalweg on Trout Unlimited’s digital magazine. We didn’t know where we’d end up, but the truth of the matter is we didn’t care either. Casual conversations about technique, mistakes, rapids, tips and funny moments transcribed to the pages of our digital space for all to see, hear and contribute.

Klamath fish reintroduction effort receives additional capacity 

Published in Conservation

The 2024 Oregon legislative session ended last week, and Trout Unlimited is pleased to share that the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) Klamath Fish Reintroduction effort received important funding to fully monitor the first returns of anadromous fish to the Upper Basin this fall.    The largest dam removal project in history is underway

Investing in safer roads and thriving fish in Yakutat

Published in Restoration

The scenery and fishing opportunities here will take your breath away, but even this far-flung corner of Alaska isn’t immune to the degradation of fish habitat that can happen when development occurs alongside rivers and streams.

Colorado Trout Unlimited Officially Goes On Record In Opposition To Referendum A

7/17/2003 Colorado Trout Unlimited Officially Goes On Record In Opposition To Referendum A Colorado Trout Unlimited Officially Goes On Record In Opposition To Referendum A Contact: David Nickum Executive Director Colorado Trout Unlimited 303-440-2937 x12 7/17/2003 — Boulder, Co — One of Colorados leading conservation organizations has voted to oppose the States efforts to win

New route proposed for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

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Confluence of Red Run and Dry Fork in the Cheat River drainage By Katy Dunlap Last fall, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) filed a formal application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seeking approval to construct and operate a 564-mile interstate natural gas pipeline across some of the best trout habitat in West Virginia and

Busy spring for riparian planting projects in NY

Published in Uncategorized

Volunteers planted 600 native trees and shrubs along Schoharie Creek near Jewett, NY. (Photo Laura Weyeneth, Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District) By Tracy Brown Trout Unlimited had a busy spring on the banks of streams in eight watersheds in New York, planting thousands of trees and shrubs to provide shade and other benefits.

Sponsor a native trout in the Race up Rock Creek

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Every spring, fluvial cutthroat congregate in healthy tributaries of the Clark Fork River to begin their long journey up the stream to spawn – with some fish known to swim more than 100 miles in several weeks. The lengthening daylight, rising water levels and warming water temperatures trigger the upstream cutthroat migration for spawning. Before

Fish in hot water on the North Umpqua

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Trout Unlimited and Wild Steelheaders United applaud the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for taking action to protect wild summer steelhead in the North Umpqua River. Last week, the ODFW sent out a press release announcing that the heralded “Fly Water” of the North Umpqua will be closed to angling from 2:00 p.m. until

Water transactions

Fish need water. They need enough water, at the right time and the right temperature to thrive. But Trout Unlimited knows that people need water too, and that with increased frequency of drought across the western United States innovative solutions are needed to modernize how we use and share water to make sure there will