Search results for “delaware river basin”

White House Releases Final Snake River Plan

12/21/2000 White House Releases Final Snake River Plan White House Releases Final Snake River Plan Environmental leaders encouraged that plan has been improved, but still have concerns Contact: 12/21/2000 — — A joint press release from: American Rivers Friends of the Earth National Wildlife Federation Sierra Club: Bill Arthur Taxpayers for Common Sense Trout Unlimited

Effectiveness Monitoring of Process-Based Restoration

Process-Based Restoration Process-Based Restoration (PBR) is an approach to stream and river restoration that mimics sediment transport, wood recruitment and transport, beaver dam building, and other natural processes to achieve restoration goals.  For example, beaver dam analogs may be used to trap sediment and raise the elevation of the streambed, which can increase water table

Plans for work on the Upper Rio Grande

The Upper Rio Grande Initiative aspires to leverage our ongoing and future efforts towards basin scale resilience. This vision not only entails the protection and enhancement of the Rio’s natural ecosystems, but its profoundly adaptive human resources as well. The Initiative acknowledges the interconnectedness of the basin’s ecosystems, its economy and culture. Thus, the ecological outcomes we achieve will not be at the expense of the cultural and economic resilience of our partner communities, but exactly because of it.    Protect Protecting functioning streams and habitat–as in our efforts to secure Outstanding Natural Resource designations for several New Mexico streams–will be a top priority. Protecting the Pecos River basin from

Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idaho’s Big Lost River

11/17/2008 Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idahos Big Lost River Nov. 17, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kim Goodman Trotter, director, Idaho Water Project, (208) 552-0891 or ktrotter@tu.orgOr Bart Gamett, (208) 588-2224, or Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idahos Big Lost RiverIdaho Water Project clears habitat hurdle: Whitefish cant jump Idaho Falls, Idaho A

Trout Love Snow

Published in Fishing
Person in wide river casting with snowy mountains behind

The rest of us, not so much. Winter continues in the West, but that’s ok with us anglers.

TU helping with Boardman Dam removal in Michigan

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited has been acting as a sub-contractor to provide construction oversight of the Boardman Dam Removal river restoration project in Traverse City, Mich., an effort that will continue through early 2018. The Boardman Dam, originally constructed in 1894 as a hydropower generation dam, had no fish passage capabilities. The project is one of three

Voices from the River: Fisherman’s Nightmare

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby They call it Fisherman’s Nightmare. And as scare tactics go, it’s as accurate as it is effective. Floating into the chaotic jumble of rocks and water that serves as sentinel to the Colorado River’s daunting Gore Canyon, it’s easy to imag ine how the rapids earned their name. Dropping precipitously from the

Looking back at a big year for PA Coldwater Habitat Program

Published in Conservation

By Jake Tomlinson The past year was a big one for Trout Unlimited’s Pennsylvania Coldwater Habitat Program, which works with a variety of partners and funding sources to protect critical habitat, reconnect degraded waterways, and restore populations of coldwater fisheries.   During the 2018 field season, TU completed more than 8,000 feet of streambank stabilization and habitat improvement, reducing by approximately 37 tons the

Everything you wanted to know: Lahontan cutthroat trout

Published in Travel

Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi) Species Summary and Status: The Lahontan cutthroat trout is native to the Lahontan Basin of northern Nevada, northeastern California, and southeastern Oregon.  One of the oldest lineages of cutthroat trout, it originally inhabited the ancient Lahontan Basin at least several 100,000 years ago.  As of publication, 72 self-sustaining Lahontan

The tale of Dry Creek

Published in Uncategorized

Editors note: Every Friday, our science junkies over at Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative give us an inside look at what’s happening in the world of steelhead science. During the Holidays, we’re running the best of those Science Friday pieces on the TU blog. If you’ve ever spent any time thinking about the sheer game

Are there other benefits to restoring a free-flowing river?

Adding a large amount of spawning habitat would be a major benefit to breaching the four lower Snake River dams, primarily for fall Chinook salmon. Historically, fall Chinook spawned extensively in the mainstem Snake River above Hells Canyon. That spawning habitat was lost when the three-dam Hells Canyon Complex was built by Idaho Power in