Search results for “delaware river basin”
In Montana, TU staff secured stream flows on a comprehensively restored stream, Nevada Spring Creek, in the Blackfoot River sub-basin. Nevada Spring Creek, along with Wasson Creek, which flows into it, form a critical reconnect for a long-lost population of fluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in the middle-Blackfoot drainage. This project assures stable flows and temperatures in a
6/18/2001 Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead Conservation Groups File Suit to Save Yuba River Salmon and Steelhead State Water Resources Control Board leaves no option but the courts in efforts Contact: 6/18/2001 — — Monday, June 18, 2001 ALBANY, CALIF. The nations largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization today joined
The valleys of the Teton and Gros Ventre Ranges, with their iconic landscape and waters, illustrate the beauty and longevity of nature. But what will it look like 100 years from now? With climate change and drought wreaking havoc on streams across the country, we are more motivated than ever to invest in climate resiliency
4/01/2005 NEWS RELEASE Embargoed until: 1:00 p.m. CST, April 1, 2005 For more information: “Duke” Welter 715-579-7538 Laura Hewitt 608-250-3534 Steve Kinsella 651-647-1545 TROUT UNLIMITED CALLS FOR RESTORATION OF THE MIDWEST’S DRIFTLESS AREA Minneapolis, MN – A wide scale restoration of the streams and rivers of the Midwest’s Driftless Area will bring enormous environmental and
Genetic diversity is an important component of population resiliency, providing a varied toolbox fish rely on to adapt to a changing environment. Small, isolated populations inevitably lose genetic variability over time and become more distinctive genetically from other populations. Simply by characterizing genetic patterns within and among populations across a landscape, then, we can glean
12/13/2001 Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction Of Pacific Salmon Recovery Act Trout Unlimited Applauds Introduction Of Pacific Salmon Recovery Act Contact: Jeff Curtis, TU Western Conservation Director: 503.827.5700 x.11 12/13/2001 — PORTLAND, ORE. — Officials with Trout Unlimited, the nations leading trout and salmon conservation organization, today applauded the introduction by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) of
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dec. 21, 2016 Contact: Drew Peternell, (303) 204-3057, Matt Rice, (803) 422-5244, Paul Bruchez, (907) 531-2008, Colorado River restoration project secures $8 million grant NRCS award a huge boost for ambitious project to restore threatened river (Kremmling)The U.S. Department of Agricultures Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) today announced $7.75
For Immediate Release Contact: Chrysten Rivard,, (541) 973-4431 Jay (Howard) O’Neil,, (785) 410‐2303 Bob Russell,, (503) 880‐2147 Sharing the Water: Partnership Secures Permanent Water Protections to Benefit Native Fish and Keep a Historic Mill Operating in Oregon’s Rogue River Basin Eagle Point, Oregon – A long-term collaboration between the Butte Creek Mill
Bristol Bay The clear, cold rivers of the Bristol Bay region in southwest Alaska support some of the strongest remaining salmon runs in North America. These waters entice anglers, tourists and other outdoor enthusiasts from around the globe to view rare and majestic wildlife, marvel at an untouched landscape, and chase trophy rainbow trout and salmon. The region is under imminent threat
It’s OK to have a plan to fish a stretch of water. Just be ready to change it if the river tells you something different. Photo by Chris Hunt How you approach a stretch of trout water depends largely on how you intend to fish it. Generally speaking, if you’re planning to swing streamers, fishing
Fish populations and communities are inextricably linked to habitat. Trout Unlimited’s conservation success depends on understanding these linkages, and then applying that understanding to guide habitat restoration to sustain healthy trout and salmon populations into the future. We work with various partners to develop and apply sophisticated modeling approaches and use cutting-edge fisheries techniques to
There is real hope for restoring the Klamath and its fisheries, however. That’s because a multi-decade effort to remove the four dams of the Lower Klamath Project is now close to the finish line.
TU is working to secure healthy stream flows on a restored stream in the Blackfoot River sub-basin. Braziel Creek drains a small watershed west of Nevada Creek. About four miles in length, Braziel Creek supports a nearly pure population of Westslope Cutthroat Trout. The lower quarter mile of the creek has suffered from overgrazing, dewatering, and
The Tailwaters Workgroup of the National Leadership Council serves to help TU volunteers advocate for salmonid populations in tailwater fisheries. The workgroup explores issues, challenges and threats to tailwater fisheries and recommends direction and actions for TU staff and volunteers to take to advocate for these waters. The following resources are designed to help your
The CSI is TU’s original conservation planning application. Beginning in 2010, the CSI provided the first range-wide summary of watershed-scale information related to salmonid distribution, population attributes, habitat conditions, and future threats. Information from the CSI served as the base data for TU’s 2015 State of the Trout report. The CSI approach has evolved into
Editor’s note: The TU Costa 5 Rivers Program sent a handful of college students to the Columbia River basin to study the challenges facing the drainage’s fisheries. At 4:30 a.m. we stumbled from our tents and into brisk chilly air. We zipped up our jackets, sipped hot coffee and ate warm oatmeal. After packing camp,
Editor’s note: The TU Costa 5 Rivers Program sent a handful of college students to the Columbia River basin to fish and study the challenges facing the drainage. Leaving the coniferous forests of Mt. Rainier, the Odyssey crew traveled to the semi-arid desert region of eastern Oregon where we set out to fish the Owyhee
Contact:Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited, (215) 557-2845, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Applauds SRBC Decision to Temporarily Suspend Marcellus Water Withdrawals Decision will help protect streams throughout Pennsylvania’s Marcellus region. Harrisburg, Pa. Trout Unlimited commends today’s decision by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission to suspend water withdrawals in five Pennsylvania counties for Marcellus drilling because
After decades of lawsuits, recovering Snake River salmon and steelhead is inching closer to reality. This week a series of meetings kick off in Washington to gather public input on the impacts of dam removal on the Lower Snake. In preparation, Rob Masonis, vice president for Western Conservation at Trout Unlimited, and Helen Neville, senior
TU’s Cory Toye works to bring people, industry, and agencies together to protect the streams and native fish that run through the Bighorn Basin.