Search results for “delaware river basin”

Tribasin Fish Passage and Watershed Restoration Project begins in Upper Greys River Watershed in Wyoming

Friday, October 4, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Kelly Owens, Forest Hydrologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-739-5598, Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF) announced today that Phase 2 of the Tribasin Fish Passage and Watersehd Restoration Project is scheduled to begin during the fall

Bringing back the upper Animas

Published in From the field

Seven years after the Gold King spill, a $90 million settlement agreement sets the watershed on the course for recovery. Ty Churchwell explains why it matters.

Sponsor a Trout for the Race up Rock Creek

Published in Conservation

“Supporting the research and projects that TU is doing was an easy choice,” Tim Panek said. “Knowing the travels and travails of these wild fish and protecting their habitat will not only enhance fishery, but more importantly, enhance Rock Creek for all the inhabitants and visitors to the valley including our family and friends.”

Veteran congressional staffer Lindsay Slater to lead the Trout Unlimited policy team

Reorganized policy, communications teams promise to amplify TU’s impact Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—Longtime congressional staffer Lindsay Slater—who was instrumental in protecting wilderness areas in the Northwest and building momentum for a comprehensive plan to remove the lower four Snake River dams, rebuild the region’s infrastructure, and recover imperiled Pacific salmon and steelhead—is joining Trout Unlimited as

Federal environmental review confirms benefits of Klamath River dam removal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   January 25, 2022 Media Contacts Brian Johnson, Trout Unlimited —; (415) 385-0796 Curtis Knight, California Trout —; (530) 926-3755 Mark Rockwell, Fly Fishers International —; (530) 559-5759 Klamath River: Federal Environmental Review Confirms Prior Analyses that Dam Removal Benefits Far Outweigh Risks Washington, DC—Today the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Voices from the River: Reality bats last

Published in Conservation

As anglers, we are out there in the field, witnessing firsthand the stream closures and warmer waters and burned landscapes. What we’re seeing, year after year, is evidence piling up of profound changes in the air and under our feet.

But at present, I’m not sure about our individual and collective will to respond and take action. It’s human nature to stick to our ingrained habits and mindset, to resist change in our thoughts or routines, short of emergency or catastrophe.

TU’s California program awarded $2.47 million in new conservation grants

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Squaw Creek restoration area, Truckee River watershed. Recently Trout Unlimited’s California Program received major grant awards for eight projects that improve fish passage or dry season streamflows in steelhead, Coho, and trout streams around the state. The Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP), administered by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife), and the California Wildlife

Voices from the River: Conflict to Collaboration in Idaho

Published in Voices from the river

Snake River steelhead, an Endangered Species Act listed species, will benefit from a collaboration of groups in Idaho that once worked against each other. Trout Unlimited photo. By Kira Finkler Looking around the West, it is easy to find watersheds where people are fighting over too little water. In Idaho, a group of partners decided

‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ call for more access and habitat protections

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Measuring 20 miles long with nearly 100 miles of shoreline, it’s difficult to ignore Blue Mesa Reservoir. Sitting on the western flank of Gunnison County, Colorado’s largest body of water is a pivotal cog of the Colorado River Storage Project and the centerpiece of the surrounding Curecanti National Recreation Area, a sport fishing and outdoor

Rising from the ashes

Published in Featured

This is a special week for steelhead anglers, and others who care about the magnificent sea-run form of rainbow trout in its native range of the Pacific Northwest. On Friday at 5 p.m. PST, Wild Steelheaders United will launch “Rising from the Ashes,” a new film on the resurgence of summer steelhead in Washington’s Elwha

TU applauds Regional Conservation Partnership Program improvement bill

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Oct. 17, 2017) WASHINGTON, DC – Trout Unlimited, its 300,000 members and supporters nationwide, and its dozens of staff members who work with farmers and ranchers daily, applaud the introduction of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program Improvement Act bill today. The bill is designed to make the Farm Bill’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program, (RCPP), one

Conservation Groups File To Exclude Hatchery Fish From 15 Esa Listings

Conservation Groups File To Exclude Hatchery Fish From 15 Esa Listings Conservation Groups File To Exclude Hatchery Fish From 15 Esa Listings With ESA protections of hatchery and wild fish called into question by a controversial court opinion last fall, groups today file for wild-only listings for 15 salmon and steelhead stocks. Contact: Kaitlin Lovell

Salmon Treaty Agreement Major Step Forward, Says Trout Unlimited

9/29/1999 Salmon Treaty Agreement Major Step Forward, Says Trout Unlimited Salmon Treaty Agreement Major Step Forward, Says Trout Unlimited Contact: 9/29/1999 — — Trout Unlimited and Trout Unlimited Canada today commended the U.S. and Canadian negotiators for the Pacific salmon agreement announced June 3 in Vancouver, British Columbia and Seattle, Washington. The agreement ended a