Search results for “delaware river basin”
Jan. 22, 2015 Contact: Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited, 540-353-3556, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen invited to write about Special Places for Trout Unlimited essay contest Winner will net a Scott Radian fly rod package and publication in TROUT Magazine WASHINGTON, D.C.–Trout Unlimited today launched an essay contest open to the
The Biden Administration today took a step forward on meeting the nation’s obligations to upper Columbia River tribes but fell short of producing a comprehensive plan for the entire Columbia basin including the Snake River.
The communities and ecosystem of the Columbia River Basin need healthy and harvestable salmon and steelhead populationsHaley Ohms and Rob Masonis
Major energy development proposals have such enormous implications for our waters and fisheries that there must be a high bar for approval
It took a trip across the country for a Pennsylvanian to discover anglers quietly making a difference back home.
Snake River ambassador, Josh Warnick’s, journey to falling in love with the art of steelheading
By David Kinney None of us had laid eyes on the stream before, and as it turned out, we were just a bit over-equipped for the task at hand. We had four- and five-weight rods, chest waders, and a thousand flies, among them the blue-winged olives and Isonychia we’d been told to expect. One of
Conservation groups to file suit over Plum Creek’s conservation plan Conservation groups to file suit over Plum Creeks conservation plan Contact: Bruce Farling Executive Director Montana Trout Unlimited 406-543-0054 6/11/2002 — Seattle, WA — Conservationists will go to federal court to stop Plum Creek from ruining one of the last remaining bull trout populations in
04/09/2008 Trout Unlimited Announces Annual Musconetcong River Clean-Up on April 19 April 9, 2008 Contact: Brian Cowden 201-230-3383 TU Musconetcong Project Coordinator Erin Mooney 703-284-9408 TU Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Announces Annual Musconetcong River Clean-Up on April 19River is Site of TU’s Newest Home Rivers Initiative HACKETTSTOWN, NJ–Trout Unlimited, in coordination with
Biden Administration Agreement: Step Toward Comprehensive Solution for Columbia Basin Salmon and Energy Infrastructure Contacts: Today, the Biden Administration announced a 10-year partnership with tribes and states to restore wild salmon, expand clean energy production, increase resilience, and provide energy stability in the Columbia River Basin. Trout Unlimited applauds the decades-long, unfaltering commitment from the
Trout Unlimited has been actively working to improve trout streams in the Catskills since the late 1950s and shows no signs of stopping.
Now is our chance to let the Biden Administration know it is time to act.
170627_TU_FY18_EW_Approps_House_FNL.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Bureau of Reclamation FY18 Budget Request. Dear Chairman Simpson, Ranking Member Kaptur, and Members of the Subcommittee, I am writing on behalf of Trout Unlimited (TU) and its 300,000 members and supporters to express our views on Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations for programs within your jurisdiction which are of great
tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 6, 2018 Trout Unlimited awarded four new grants for habitat restoration work in upper Klamath River Basin Funding from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation will support restoration work in the Wood and Sprague Rivers and Threemile Creek KLAMATH FALLS, OreTrout Unlimited (TU) announced today the award of four major grants
A screen capture shows the kind of trophy brook trout caught by Mike Borger in a secret lake in Algonquin Provincial Park, a wild landscape bigger than the state of Delaware. I may be on the wrong side of this particular issue, but I loathe the notion of guarding fishing secrets so closely that it
New TU film gives a case study of how TU is leasing water rights to benefit rural communities and restore a former Blue Ribbon trout fishery.
For Immediate Release: Thursday, June 23, 2016 Contact: Margaret Delaney,, 202-800-8689 National Conservation, Sportsmen Groups Applaud USDA-DOI Announcement of New Coordination of Water Conservation Efforts in the Colorado River Basin Announcement Responds to Calls from Conservation Leaders, Gov. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet for Greater Coordination Between Federal Grant Programs to Protect Communities and Critical Water
Community Agriculture Alliance: Common ground on water As originally printed in the Steamboat Pilot & Today on November 3, 2021 Unless you’ve been avoiding the national news in recent months, you are well-aware of the ongoing drought gripping the Colorado River basin. In September, the United States Bureau of Reclamation declared a Stage 1 water
We are dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring the coldwater fisheries within the Deschutes River Basin. Our chapter is comprised of over 725 members who are passionate about working with local organizations to improve the Deschutes Basin.