Search results for “driftless”

Conference Committee Provides Funding for Restoration in the Midwest's Driftless Area

11/7/2005 November 7, 2005 Contact: Duke Welter, 715-579-7538, or Laura Hewitt, 608-250-3534 Conference Committee Provides Funding for Restoration in the Midwest’s Driftless Area Arlington, VA A conference committee has approved an appropriation to help with the restoration of the Midwests Driftless Area. The committee approved $263,000 for conservation practices in the Driftless Area in Wisconsin

Trout Unlimited and Partners Receive Funding for Restoration in Midwest’s Driftless Area

12/19/2005 December 19, 2005 Contact: Duke Welter, (715) 579-7538 or Laura Hewitt, (608) 250-3534, Trout Unlimited and Partners Receive Funding for Restoration in Midwests Driftless Area WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited and state partners received a Multistate Conservation Grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Sport Fish Restoration Fund in early December to support the

Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious Conservation Award

3/30/2006 Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious Conservation Award March 30, 2006 Contact: Laura Hewitt, TU Watershed Programs Director, 608-250-3534 Trout Unlimited Receives Prestigious Conservation Award WASHINGTON, DC – Trout Unlimited, North Americas largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, has received the 2006 Thomas F. Waters Stewardship Award in recognition of its work to restore the rivers and

A busy restoration season for TU in the Driftless Area 

Published in Uncategorized

The summer of 2024 has been busy for Trout Unlimited staff and volunteers in the Driftless Area. Several projects were completed this summer and many more are in the works.    There was activity in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa this year, with work to remain underway until winter.   The most recently completed Wisconsin project was

Better fishing in the Driftless Area

Published in Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Voices from the river

“We make fishing better” is one of our mottos here at Trout Unlimited. Our efforts do more than simply make fishing better, of course. But everything we do, at some level, translates to better fishing. That sits pretty well with our 300,000 members and supporters because most of them are, in fact, anglers and appreciate


09/29/05 NEWS RELEASE For release September 29, 2005 For more information: Duke Welter 715-579-7538 Chris Wood 571-274-0601 Laura Hewitt 608-250-3534 U.S. SENATE APPROVES APPROPRIATION FOR RESTORATION PLANNING IN THE MIDWESTS DRIFTLESS AREA Arlington, VA The United States Senate has approved an appropriation to help with the planning for the restoration of the Midwests Driftless Area.

Driftless Area Restoration Effort NLC Workgroup

The Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort (TUDARE) was started by Trout Unlimited volunteers to expand capacity for stream restoration projects in the unglaciated region of the Upper Mississippi River Basin in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois. TUDARE works to bring together partners from nonprofit conservation groups, community groups, schools, federal, state, and other agencies

TU sets restoration record in Driftless Area in 2017

Published in Uncategorized

By Duke Welter Trout Unlimited’s Driftless Area Restoration Effort set a restoration record in 2017 and produced a record of solid accomplishments. TU and the many partners who work with TUDARE completed nearly 20 miles of stream restoration through 50 Farm Bill and other projects, adding to the more than 1,200 miles of public stream

TUDARE hosts 10th annual bus tour of restoration sites

Published in Uncategorized

By Duke Welter Near ly 60 people participated in a recent bus tour to visit restored streams in the heart of Southeast Minnesota’s Driftless Area. In this 10th annual tour organized by the Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort, participants got to walk four streams and talk with project managers, biologists, designers and contractors. Questions

Driftless Area Restoration Effort

National Fish Habitat Partnership proposals and applications: The unique 24,000 square-mile unglaciated Driftless Area in the heart of the Upper Mississippi River basin is a natural resource treasure. The scenic landscape with its steep hills and rocky bluffs is home to one of the country’s most remarkable freshwater resources — more than 600 coldwater limestone

Hit the “Easy Button” for Driftless caddis

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May and June are great months for fishing caddis patterns in the driftless.  This year, I noticed many fish receptive to caddis patterns stationed in shallow, fast water in broad daylight. Here are a few suggestions that might help you catch more trout on caddis patterns.  I am not a big fan of floating caddis

Big projects on tap in Driftless Area

Published in Restoration

Several major restoration projects are on tap for the coming field season in the Driftless Area, one of Trout Unlimited’s Priority Waters. Here are several of the biggest efforts on tap  Nohr Chapter – Snow Bottom Stream Improvement Project – Wisconsin  The Nohr Chapter was awarded a Department of Natural Resources Surface Water Grant to


4/01/2005 NEWS RELEASE Embargoed until: 1:00 p.m. CST, April 1, 2005 For more information: “Duke” Welter 715-579-7538 Laura Hewitt 608-250-3534 Steve Kinsella 651-647-1545 TROUT UNLIMITED CALLS FOR RESTORATION OF THE MIDWEST’S DRIFTLESS AREA Minneapolis, MN – A wide scale restoration of the streams and rivers of the Midwest’s Driftless Area will bring enormous environmental and

TU's Driftless Area Restoration Efforts tapped for Hall of Fame

CONTACT: Duke Welter/ Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort outreach coordinator / 715-579-7538 Jeff Hastings/ Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort project manager / 608-606-4158 (Oct. 18, 2016) HAYWARD, WIS. Trout Unlimiteds Driftless Area Restoration Effort has been selected for the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame for the programs conservation work in

Apply now for Stihl equipment grant

Published in Uncategorized

There’s “Stihl” time for Driftless Area chapters to apply for a grant to purchase equipment from the forest and landscape equipment company. Stihl continues to be a great partner for TU’s work in the Driftless area, strengthening a collaboration that started several years ago.  Under the partnership agreement, Stihl representatives from the Midwest region gather

Tips for fishing the Driftless in late winter

Published in Fishing

Winter and early spring fishing can be remarkably good in the Driftless Area. However, flexibility is the name of the game in low temperatures.    Generally, I favor the classic slow and deep approach. If I see no visible rises, I start out indicator fishing with a scud or a caddis on point and a Brassie