Search results for “great lakes”

TU replanting Michigan forests hit by ash borer

Published in Conservation

By Jamie Vaughan While emerald ash borer is old news in Lower Michigan, the impacts are still playing out today.   In Sparta, ash trees once dominated the floodplain forests along Nash creek. Now, few live trees remain among thousands of dead trees in various states of decay.   With limited markets for firewood, poor accessibility due to saturated soils, and risks

Upper Midwest Regional Rendezvous Resources

Thank you to the 75+ volunteers who joined us in Illinois for the 2019 Upper Midwest Regional Rendezvous! We had a great event sharing information, learning from one another, from partners and TU staff and developing strategies and tactics to take home to our local chapters and state councils. As you can see from Rodney

Video spotlight: How to save the day on a trout river

Published in Video spotlight

Below, in the Orvis video narrated by Dave Jensen, is a great story. And it’s a familiar one. Almost exactly two years ago, I was fishing what the locals had described to me as a great little grayling stream in eastern Alaska. This deep, slow channel that connected a network of ponds and lakes just

Trump Administration budget ignores Americans’ desire for clean air, water

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Volunteers assist TU staff on a riparian corridor planting project in the upper Potomac River watershed in West Virginia. Elimination of funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program, as proposed in President Trump’s FY2018 budget, would devastate stream restoration efforts that are helping to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. The proposed FY 2018 budget

Short casts: New lake in Wyoming; shad in Oregon, clean water takes a hit

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Big migratory Bonneville cutthroat trout are among the fishiest resources of the Wyoming Range. This spring, a landslide created a new lake in the Wyoming Range’s Willow Creek drainage. From the “How Cool is This?” department comes the news of a new lake in western Wyoming. This last winter’s record-setting snowfall caused an entire mountainside

Better late than never for TU intern team in Wisconsin

Published in Conservation

By Chris Collier  A pair of college interns are helping Trout Unlimited collect field data and prioritize restoration projects for brook trout in Wisconsin’s Northwoods.  Interns play an important role for TU during the summer, but the program in the Great Lakes and beyond was in doubt earlier this spring.  In mid-March, TU’s field programs had to freeze the hiring process

Coming to a big screen near you

Published in Community

It’s still a bit blustery here in the West. The only thing predictable about the weather is that it will be perfectly unpredictable. Yesterday in Idaho Falls, we endured an early spring snow squall followed by a quick downpour of rain and then enjoyed sunny skies the rest of the day. But we had to

Voices from the River: Frozen

Published in Voices from the river

By Mark Taylor BALDWIN, Mich. — My fellow passenger was friendly. “What is that?” she asked, looking at the 3-foot-long, cordura-covered tube in my grasp. “A fishing rod,” I said. “You’re going fishing in Michigan in February?” she said, raising her eyebrows. “Like, ice fishing?” Actually, I was going to a meeting with TU’s Great

Voices from the River: Keeping the Faith

Published in Voices from the river

Nick Halle, TU’s volunteer operations coordinator, kept at it even after falling in over his head and was rewarded with this nice buck steelhead from Ohio’s Conneaut Creek during a recent TU staff steelhead outing. By Mark Taylor “I’ve lost all faith.” The admission came from Keith Curley as we stood in the snow on

Video spotlight: High Altitude Lines

Published in Video spotlight

We’ve all done some questionable things for fish. We’ve toted float-tubes into the backcountry on the word of a Google maps photo, only the find the “lake” choked with lily pads and all of three feet deep. We’ve wandered up blue line in the Gazeteer only to realize, after too many miles to turn back,

Voices from the River: Black water

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt The first time I visited a blackwater swamp, I was probably about 12. My dad rented a little jon boat from the marina near Uncertain, Texas, and he manned the tiller as we glided over the glassy waters of Caddo Lake. I was instantly enchanted. At the time, 35 years ago, East

Yellow perch … in Yellowstone?

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Yellow perch were discovered in Goose Lake inside Yellowstone National Park in 1919. Photo by Wikimedia Commons. Wait. Don’t panic. There aren’t any yellow perch inside the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park. At least not anymore. I’m in the final throes of researching a book on the wild trout of Yellowstone that’ll hit bookshelves next

2nd Annual Flathead Valley TU Veterans Fishing Day!

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On Friday, July 20, 2018, FVTU took a group of veterans fishing on the lower Flathead River as part of the FVTU Veterans Service Partnership (VSP) program. TU chapters around the country use the VSP as a means of connecting with their local vets to show their support and appreciation for our service men and

Simms turns t-shirt inventory into cash for Yellowstone Cutthroat trout

Jan. 8, 2015 Contact: Rich Hohne, Simms (406) 922-1243 Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Simms turns t-shirt inventory into cash for Yellowstone Cutthroat trout BOZEMAN, Mont.When a shipment of new apparel arrived at Simms headquarters last spring bearing long-sleeved shirts that didnt match any of the colors in the companys catalog,