Search results for “great lakes”
What a thrilling prospect to catch native fish in a spectacular wilderness setting like in the picture above. That is what anglers’ dreams are made of. Years of hard work, planning and enduring partnerships strove towards this goal, but it’s still not quite a realized dream. In 2005, Fred Bunch, chief of resource management at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, hatched a plan
A tip of the ol’ Gasson Stetson to Jeff and Pescador on the Fly. In a year when so many things seemed to be so hard, they made something easier.
The Trout Unlimited Service Partnership is off and running. Since we began transitioning in April of this year to a more inclusive model of engagement and outreach incorporating both the first responder and military communities, new memberships for these groups have jumped by nearly 250 percent from the same period last year. These new members
Today is a day for thanks. After decades of half-hearted funding for one of the most successful conservation projects in the country, the Land and Water Conservation Fund will finally have full and permanent authorization and funding after a signature from the President. Passed in the 60s and funded by off-shore oil and gas royalties,
How TU staffers in Utah are taking their local landscapes back to the times of mountain men
Trout Unlimited ‘Special Places’ report features Lake Erie watershed Dec. 10, 2014 Contact: Katy Dunlap, Eastern Water Project Director, 607-742-3331, Mark Taylor, Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lake Erie watershed recognized in 10 special places report Great lake and its tributaries offer legendary fishing opportunities. WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited is featuring the
One of the best experiences a fly angler can have is a stay at a remote fishing lodge, be it somewhere in the Rockies or the Adirondaks, or even as far-flung as Alaska or the Canadian north woods. I’ve had the pleasure of staying at lodges in the far north while chasing pike, walleye, lake
A couple summers ago, I was fishing Eagle Rock Lake near Questa with a bubble and fly rig on a spinning rod, and was doing well enough to attract the attention of several nearby children who were having a tough go. Eventually they asked me what I was doing, and I showed them. We took turns with my rod for
Two great American landscapes face unprecedented threats from very different sources, but both have a bright future if the right decisions are made at the right time
Coalition members celebrate the removal of Veazie Dam on the Penobscot in 2013. A year ago, ocean-going fish in Maine’s Penobscot River regained access to some 2,000 miles of spawning and rearing habitat thanks to the final step in a restoration project designed to bring the Penobscot drainage back to it’s former glory. With the
Join us on August 19, 2020 at 1 PM PDT on Instagram Live @troutunlimited when we talk fishing the Sierras with Matt Heron @mattheronflyfishing!
Diana Miller with a Yellowstone cutthroat trout caught in a tributary to Yellowstone Lake in the summer of 2018. Dave Sweet photo. Trout Unlimited is devoting the month of September to celebrating public lands and the agencies dedicated to upholding America’s public land heritage. It’s no coincidence that National Hunting and Fishing Day and National
There is a risk to presuming that the first few minutes of a fishing outing will portend how the entire day will unfold. How often do we struggle early, and then rally? How often do we dominate early and then fade? But we often can’t help ourselves, which is part of why I got a
Tim Romano photo. Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) Species status and summary: In Alaska, Arctic char are often confused with a closely related species, Salvelinus malma (Dolly Varden), since Dolly Varden have similar coloration and inhabit the same locations as Arctic char. In many cases, definitively distinguishing Arctic char from a Dolly Varden requires close examination
My first introduction to Red Rock Lakes came a decade and a half ago when a friend suggested that I might think about applying for an antelope hunting license in the area. I was new to Montana and knew nothing about wildlife refuges except for some vague understanding that they were a different type of public land that I guess maybe you could hunt on?
From August 13th to 16th we will host 12 veteran or active-duty members of our armed forces on a trip with Denali Fly Fishing Guides, a TU-endorsed business, in Cantwell, Alaska, to chase Arctic grayling and all their iridescent beauty.
Region: New EnglandActivities: Fishing, hunting, hikingSpecies: Brook and brown trout; whitetail deer; ruffed grouse; moose Where: The White Mountain National Forest comprises more than 750,000 acres in the eastern New Hampshire counties of Grafton, Coos and Carroll with a small portion of the forest extending into Maine. The forest includes over 100 miles of the
Region: Southern RockiesActivities: Hiking, fishing, rafting, hunting, mountain biking, campingSpecies: Rainbow and brown trout Where: The Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument is a swath of more than 240,000 acres of protected public land in Taos County, in north central New Mexico. Much of the land abuts about 50 miles of its eponymous river. The
Done right, and fished often, that’ll keep ‘em fired up for a few years. At least until they start thinking about the next big deal and wanting the car keys.
By Nick Schmal and Laura MacFarland As stewards of more than 220,000 miles of America’s fishable streams and rivers, the U.S. Forest Service has long been an invaluable partner in protecting and restoring coldwater fisheries and their watersheds throughout North America. Perhaps most impactful in recent decades, has been their leadership in the advance of