Search results for “great lakes”

Fly tying: The Slumpbuster

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

The Slumpbuster is a John Barr creation, and it’s intent is exactly as the name implies. It’s big. It’s heavy. It pushes water. It’s the “look at me!” fly that we all search for when things are slow, the action suddenly ceases or under high water when finding fish might be a bit of a

Fly tying: Damselfly nymph

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

If you fish in froggy water—slow-moving, maybe a bit muddy—you need to have damselfly nymphs in your fly box. They work well in long slicks in trout water or even in high-elevation trout ponds and lakes. And, of course, they’re great for warm-water critters like bass and bluegill in waters where they’re found. The originator

Living Waters Fly Fishing stands with TU on Lower Snake

Published in Dam Removal

“Conservation is one of the pillars of the fishing community and as anglers we are meant to be stewards of the aquatic environment. The removal of dams unlocks so much more than just the water they hold – it unlocks the natural potential of anadromous fish. By deconstructing our own creations, we allow nature to rebuild itself in a way that we could never imagine! For this reason, as a business and as anglers, Living Waters Fly Fishing supports the removal of dams on the Snake River.”

Trout Unlimited expands Tree Army to more Michigan watersheds

Published in Community

Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Tree Army planted 17,067 trees along rivers and streams throughout the Rogue River watershed over the last two years. Its “soldiers” are just getting started. The Tree Army, which is funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through the U.S. Forest Service, is made up of TU staff, seasonal work crews and volunteers. This year, the Rogue River Tree Army

TU plants trees to restore Michigan trout streams

Published in Conservation, Community, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Youth

Trout Unlimited has received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to plant nearly 17,000 trees along coldwater streams in Michigan. The project, “Reducing Runoff in the Rogue River Watershed,” aims to address stormwater runoff that pollutes, erodes and warms the important West Michigan trout fishery by

Forest Service announcement is great win for the Tongass National Forest

Published in Conservation

A brown bear searches for its next meal near Wrangell, Alaska, on the Tongass National Forest. Chris Hunt photo. By ending industrial old-growth logging and investing in restoration, USFS places new focus on forest health, recreation and resiliency  For decades America’s largest national forest has been subjected to industrial clear-cut logging that has left its bountiful salmon runs,

Royal Coachman Lodge

The Royal Coachman Lodge is one of the premier Alaska fly fishing lodges located in the heart of the world famous Bristol Bay sport fishing region of Southwest Alaska. The lodge sits on the banks of the Nuyakuk River, a quarter of a mile downstream from the outlet to Tikchik Lake, nestled in the 1.6

Native: Arctic char? Or Dolly Varden?

Published in Uncategorized

By Dave Atcheson “I cast out and try to be patient, waiting for my fly to sink. On my first cast I’m too patient and snag. On the next I begin my retrieve earlier, an excruciatingly slow retrieve, just a twitch of the line here and there to keep my fly undulating above the weed

Trout and Trees: restoring Michigan’s streambanks

Published in Conservation, Community

By Matthias Bonzo Last year TU began to implement a project we’re calling “Trout and Trees.” Funded by a grant from the USDA State and Private Forestry – Landscape Scale Restoration Initiative, the project seeks to improve near stream (riparian) habitats coupled with instream habitat work to provide as complete restoration to a degraded site

Check out Thin Air Angler for great fishing in Wyoming

Published in Community

You may know him as a fly-tying savant. His reputation there is solid, and if you’ve ever watched him at a fly-fishing show, you can see immediately that it’s deserved. He makes hard things look easy. Bob Reece is a professional in every sense of the word. He’s one of America’s best at the vise.

TU leaders join AFFTA’s Conservation from the Couch

Published in Community, Conservation, Featured

Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood will join Keith Curley and Rob Masonis, TU’s vice presidents for eastern and western conservation, respectively, this week when they all “sit down” for the American Fly Fishing Trade Association’s Conservation on the Couch series. The webcast is Thursday at 8 p.m. ET, and viewers can register to

Uncompahgre River RV Park is a great fishing launching pad

Published in TU Business, Fishing

Let’s say you want to fish in southwest Colorado. And let’s say you’re an adult of a certain age – maybe 50 or more. Have we got a deal for you. Here it is: the Uncompahgre River RV Park in Olathe, Colo. Mark and Michelle at the URRVP pride themselves on providing a comfortable and