Search results for “great lakes”

Short casts: Public lands win, great fishing beards, classic writing

Published in Uncategorized

Thanks for writing, calling and posting. Your efforts paid off in the protection of our public lands … for now. Last night on his Instagram account, Utah Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz announced that he w as abandoning a bill to sell some 3.3 million acres of public land in the West. The reason? He’d heard

Taking action to protect the places we live and love

Published in Conservation

This week’s news that the EPA was suspending the Clean Water Act’s protections for headwater streams was a stark reminder that elections have consequences. The previous presidential administration worked for years to write the rule, and the new one doesn’t like it. Game over, right? No. Don’t forget an unassailable fact—elected leaders are elected. By

Taking On Acid Rain

9/15/19999 Taking On Acid Rain Taking On Acid Rain Contact: 9/15/1999 — — WHAT IS ACID RAIN? Scientists have determined that acid rain develops when pollution, mostly from coal-fired electric power plants, enters the atmosphere and returns to the ground in the form of acid rain. Specifically, nitrogen oxides and disulfur oxide have been identified

Pine Forest Bill Clears House Committee

Contact: Jim Jeffress (775) 560-9594 Pine Forest Bill Clears House Committee Bill could be one of the first with a wilderness component in recent years Washington D.C. — A bill to help secure the future of the Pine Forest Range moved through the House Natural Resources Committee today, one of the first bills with a

‘Catching Yellowstone’s Wild Trout’

Published in Fishing, Conservation, Travel, TROUT Magazine

Editor’s note: The following is excerpted from the new book, “Catching Yellowstone’s Wild Trout: A Fly-fishing History and Guide,” by Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited’s national digital director. The book, endorsed by TU, is available for pre-order now, and hits shelves on June 17. Several of today’s iconic fisheries in Yellowstone National Park are only fisheries

Watershed restoration

A watershed can be understood as the area that drains into a given river or lake. While that definition is simple, the mechanisms that sustain — or threaten — the health of a watershed often are not. These mechanisms include biological, physical and chemical processes that happen instream, as well as on the ridges, slopes

Undisclosed Excursions LLC

I am a born and raised Alaskan and fishing is my absolute passion! My love of fishing began in Southcentral Alaska where I explored the lakes of the Mat-Su Valley, the rivers on the Kenai Peninsula, and the deep sea of the Gulf of Alaska. I moved to Southeast Alaska in 2018 and have been

Voices from the River: Goodbye Gibbon River brook trout

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt I first fished the upper Gibbon River some 20 years ago. In its quiet, high reaches above Virginia Cascades, it is perhaps the prettiest stretch of meadow stream in all of Yellowstone. It snakes, cold and deep, through a picturesque mountain valley below a couple of high-country lakes that source it. Its

Fly tying: Rusher’s Steelhead Nymph

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

Tim Flagler has steelhead on the brain. It is that time of year, though, so all is forgiven. On Western rivers that run to the sea, these far-traveling, ambitious rainbows have come home, and they’re in the tailouts and the deep pools, waiting winter out just like the rest of us. In the upper Midwest,

Cycling to the source of the Eklutna

At the end of May, a crew of spirited friends and I coasted out of Eklutna Lake campground with trimmed packs, tents and miscellaneous items strapped to our bikes, bound for the head of the glacial valley…or at least its vicinity. It was a fresh adventure for all, and for me, the opportunity to witness the East and West Forks of the Eklutna River beyond Eklutna Lake and set eyes on the glacier, where the Eklutna River begins

Taking the extra step in Montana

Published in Fishing

“Oh my god, oh my god,” the woman screamed. Our walk became a run.
With her partner out of earshot, I noticed she did not have a net. By the looks of the bend in her rod, I decided she might need one.
“You want a net?,” I asked.
“PLEASE!,” the woman yelled, eyes never breaking from the water.

Fish movement and life history

Tracking how and when fish move to different habitats, and the different biological strategies they use, lets us learn about their basic ecology and understand how to sustain and restore what they need to thrive. It also helps verify the success of our restoration work when we confirm that fish are accessing and using restored

Lifelong love affair

Published in Uncategorized

Childhood days spent wandering and fishing California’s South Fork Kings River became the foundation of a man’s life as a sportsman-conservationist. By Bill Templin You probably have one of those places in the Great Outdoors that you’ve been visiting since you were very young. For me it’s the South Fork Kings River.SFKingsRiver@oldSwimminHole_Templin.jpg (L) The “old

Media Teleconference: TU releases '10 Special Places' report

ALLegany RedHouse Fishing youth _ALL_ (24a) copy[1].jpg Media Teleconference: New Trout Unlimited report features public fishing and hunting areas in East at risk from shale gas development Dec. 17, 2014 Contact: Mark Taylor,, 540-353-3556 MEDIA ADVISORY: Trout Unlimited releasing full 10 Special Places report Report focuses on protecting iconic public fishing and hunting areas

Pine Forest Clears Senate Committee with bipartisan support

May 16, 2013 Contact: Jim Jeffress, Trout Unlimited (775) 560-9594 Shauna Sherard, Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861 For Immediate Release Pine Forest Clears Senate Committee with bipartisan support Sportsmen eagerly await committee action in the House Washington D.C. – A bill that would designate new wilderness in Nevada was favorably reported by the Senates Energy and

Wisconsin TU Veterans Service Partnership Leaves Lasting Impression

Published in Uncategorized

This past August, nine military families gathered for an adventure filled week at Camp American Legion near Minocqua, WI. Wisconsin TU volunteers (representing 4 different TU Chapters) provided the expertise on “fly fishing day”, held August 17. The Camp offered active troops, National Guard, Reservists, and Veterans the opportunity to reconnect with reintegrate with their