Search results for “great lakes”

TU helping with Boardman Dam removal in Michigan

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited has been acting as a sub-contractor to provide construction oversight of the Boardman Dam Removal river restoration project in Traverse City, Mich., an effort that will continue through early 2018. The Boardman Dam, originally constructed in 1894 as a hydropower generation dam, had no fish passage capabilities. The project is one of three

MothBear Outfitters

Published in TU Business, Community

One of the best parts of my job at Trout Unlimited is working with young, emerging companies. Typically start-ups owned and managed by young people, these companies are making the fly-fishing business exciting. Often, they see conservation as an integral part of the business from the outset. Making good is part of the business plan,

With bi-partisan support, GLRI Act flies through House

Published in Conservation, Advocacy, Government Affairs

On Feb. 5 the United States House of Representatives passed HR 4031, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Act.  This bill seeks to increase the GLRI funding back to its original levels of $475 million.   The bill had support from 50 bi-partisan co-sponsors and passed 373-45.  Additionally, 15 Representatives spoke in support of the bill. They

TU Business Spotlight: Zero Limit Adventures

Published in Uncategorized

What do you call eight great guides passionate about fly fishing? Zero Limit Adventures. Whether you are looking to experience the raw power of king salmon, trophy brown trout and steelhead, the beauty of rainbows and brook trout, or small or large-mouth bass, Zero Limit Adventures is experienced, qualified, and equipped to put you in

The Mickey Finn

Published in Fly tying, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

With fall coming on and a few high-country leaves starting to turn here in the Rockies, some anglers are jumping ahead to “streamer season.” I’m not ready to make the leap just yet, but I do generally have a few flies in my box that work well during the shoulder season that is late summer

The beauty of close

Published in TROUT Magazine

Sheer granite cliffs rose out of Lost Lake where I pulled my first small brook trout out of the water, an elk hair caddis in its mouth. Scarlet Indian paintbrush, yellow glacier lilies and purple elephant head padded the banks of the next lake like a cheery grandmother’s doormat. White and blue columbines clung to

TU helping with Boardman Dam removal in Michigan

Published in Import

Trout Unlimited has been acting as a sub-contractor to provide construction oversight of the Boardman Dam Removal river restoration project in Traverse City, Mich., an effort that will continue through early 2018.    The Boardman Dam, originally constructed in 1894 as a hydropower generation dam, had no fish passage capabilities.   The project is one of three dam removals on the

What’s in the Omnibus?

Published in Uncategorized

By Kate Miller Nearly halfway through fiscal year 2018, Congress finally approved an appropriations bill to fund government ag encies for the remainder of the year. Last week, President Trump signed the bill into law, bringing to a close months of tense negotiations, two government shutdowns, five continuing resolutions and lots of high drama and

Voices From the River: Hand-me-downs

Published in Voices from the river

I grew up chucking big Rapalas and Beetle Spins at bass in farm ponds and lakes in Kansas—it was a great way to learn some basics of casting and working a lure. I remember my Dad (who in most respects is not a patient man) patiently showing me how to tie an improved clinch knot

It's a new and better day for fisheries conservation on the farm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 27, 2014 Contact: Russ Schnitzer: (970) 309-0285 (West) Jeff Hastings: (608) 606-4158 (Midwest) Gary Berti: (304) 704-2731 (East) Steve Moyer: (703) 284-9406 (National) Its a new and better day for fisheries conservation on the farm WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited saluted USDA Secretary Vilsacks announcement in Michigan today that the Natural Resources Conservation

Native Odyssey: Yellowstone National Park

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program Native Odyssey Team visited Yellowstone National Park recently, where they chased native fish in the waters where they belong. Public Land: Yellowstone National Park. Establ ished March 1, 1872, Yellowstone National Park covers an area of 3,471 square miles through Wyoming, Montan and Idaho. The park rests

TU completes first phase of Tippy Dam site bank restoration in Michigan

Published in Conservation

By Matthias Bonzo  Trout Unlimited was part of a multi-partner project this year at an eroding stream bank located along the Manistee River below Tippy Dam in Wellston, Mich. The site, known as the Tunk Hole, was eroding severely due to intense foot traffic from recreational use. This area receives some of the highest angler pressure in

Native Odyssey: Rocky Mountain National Park

Published in Uncategorized

Public Land: Rocky Mountain National Park. Established Jan. 26, 1915, Rocky Mountain National Park was the 10th recognized national park in the United States. It is the best place in the Lower 48 for visitors to experience alpine landscapes and tundra. Driving in from Denver (just two hours away) allows for visitors to see numerous

Fly Fishing Film Tour features ‘The Return’

Published in Community, Conservation

By Brett Prettyman Each year about this time fly fishers find inspiration to stock those boxes they had grand intentions of filling over the winter months. It is called the Fly Fishing Film Tour, also known as F3T. What started as a celebration of a beloved sport has grown into an annual event drawing anglers