Search results for “great lakes”

Trout Unlimited releases full 10 Special Places report

special.jpg Dec. 18, 2014 Contact: Katy Dunlap, Eastern Water Project Director, 607-703-0256, Mark Taylor, Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited releases full 10 Special Places report Report focuses on protecting iconic public fishing and hunting areas from impacts of shale gas development WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited today released a new report

Infrastructure Legislation

This year in Washington, we have a remarkable, once-in-a-generation opportunity—a chance to pass major legislation that would put Americans to work while promising cleaner water, healthier rivers and rebounding trout and salmon fisheries.  An historic opportunity for clean water, healthy trout & salmon populations  For years we have been pushing for investments that target watershed restoration projects that offer multiple benefits:

Trout Unlimited applauds appointment of Leslie Weldon

Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO – (571) 274-0601 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited applauds appointment of Leslie Weldon Long-time regional forester well-equipped to step into leadership role Washington, D.C. Trout Unlimited today applauded the federal appointment of Leslie Weldon as deputy chief of the U.S. Forest Service. “I’ve known Leslie for many years and

Spend time with the future

Published in Uncategorized

Hunter and Alliegh getting it done Every year Trout Unlimited brings together 20-30 teenagers from all over the country for a teen summit. They are mostly veterans of TU youth camps. This year’s group met at Georgetown Lake in Montana. It is not a one-and-done experience for them. After the summit, they commit to serving

Alaskan lake trout: All you need to know

Published in Fishing

In Alaska, lake trout inhabit the deeper lowland lakes along the central Arctic coastal plain, as well as waters in the Brooks Range and Alaska Range. They are not found in the Yukon-Kuskokwim lowlands or the coastal drainages of Southeast Alaska.

Grassroots partnerships key trout wins in Wisconsin

Published in Conservation, Community

By Chris Collier I think it’s fair to say that every person who gets involved with Trout Unlimited quickly learns that the organization has become what it is today because of its commitment to being a grassroots organization. This local-level focus leads to strong partnerships and a connection to projects important to communities and native

Our duty to comment on public lands plans

Published in Conservation, Community

American’s have a birthright to federal public lands throughout the nation. Forests, rivers, grasslands and more offer exceptional recreational opportunities for each one of us, and we have a duty to speak up on how they are managed. In New Mexico, two large swaths of public lands are revisiting management strategies. The Carson and Santa

Everything you need to know: Eagle Lake rainbow trout

Published in Fishing

Eagle Lake rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss aquilarum)  Species summary and status: Eagle Lake rainbow trout are a lake dwelling subspecies of rainbow trout found in Eagle Lake and its tributary streams on the east side of the Sierra Nevada in Lassen County, California. First described by J. O. Snyder in 1917, Eagle Lake rainbow trout were

Of Sons and Walleye

Published in Conservation

“Dad, look!” I followed Wylie’s arm and saw a big bald eagle perched in a tree. It was one of 10 sightings that week. Wylie, 13, has grown taller than my 6’2”. When we go back-to-back, it is only a mother who remembers her first baby, and his hyper-competitive brothers who refuse to allow their


Restoring our damaged habitat and making fishing better Trout Unlimited works all across the country restoring degraded trout and salmon waters and making them viable and fishable once again. We partner and collaborate with landowners, state and federal agencies, local communities and our corps of volunteer anglers to return once-healthy trout streams to their former

Conservation Funding: NOAA-NMFS Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Commerce, Justice and Science

Published in Uncategorized

170628_TU_FY18_CJS_House_FNL.pdf June 28, 2017 RE: NOAA FY18 Budget Request Dear Chairman Culberson, Ranking Member Serrano and members of the Subcommittee, I am writing on behalf of Trout Unlimited (TU) in regards to Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations for the NOAA programs (Department of Commerce) within your jurisdiction. NOAA’s habitat programs are of great interest to our

Fly tying: The Bluegill Belly Bean

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

Here in the West, we’re officially in the Dog Days — it’s hot. As Niel Simon wrote in Biloxi Blues, “Man, it’s hot. It’s like Africa hot. Tarzan couldn’t take this kind of hot.” OK, maybe I’m being a little dramatic. But, when it gets this hot, it stresses our lower-elevation trout strea ms—water temperatures

EPA Report Shows Importance of Headwaters, Wetlands

Oct. 10, 2013 Contact: Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 DSC_1241.JPG FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Importance of Waters and Wetlands Documented in New EPA Report Scientists from sportsmens organizations favorably review report that will guide development ofa new rule clarifying the Clean Water Acts role in safeguarding waters of the United States WASHINGTON A recently released report by

TU applauds designation of new Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument

July 10, 2015 Contact: Steve Moyer, VP for Government Affairs, (571) 274-0593 David Lass, California Field Director, (530) 388-8261 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited praises designation of new Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Presidential action will permanently protect water supply, habitat, and sporting opportunities in Northern California EMERYVILLE, Calif.Trout Unlimited (TU) today applauded President Obamas