Search results for “great lakes”

Art exhibit highlights Great Lakes ecosystem

Published in Uncategorized

Coaster brook trout oil painting by Alexis Rockman The Great Lakes are one of the most important natural treasures in the world, holding 20 percent of the earth’s fresh water and forming an interconnected system that is among the most beautiful, economically significant and ecologically complex regions on the planet. In January 2018 the Grand

A vision for the Great Lakes: healthy waters and connected communities

Published in Restoration

Trout Unlimited starts off 2022 with a new strategic direction, building on the great work that we have been doing. Under this new plan Trout Unlimited is building a foundation for the future of healthy waters and healthy fish on the strength of whole communities committed to their care and recovery across generations.     Our

Newsletter features 2020 highlights for Great Lakes team

Published in Conservation

We all know that 2020 was far from a normal year. Despite the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Trout Unlimited’s Great Lakes team soldiered on. The team, which continues to grow, was able to accomplish many key projects in the field as well as to continue advocacy efforts. Below are a few of the highlights from 2020, as well as a look ahead

TU’s science programs in Great Lakes keep growing

Published in Science, Community, Featured

By Jake Lemon  Trout Unlimited’s team in the Great Lakes region continues to expand on its ambitious science-related initiatives, which are critical in informing protection and restoration projects in the region.  TU continues to support our chapters and partners in enhancing their water monitoring activities with the Mayfly sensor station, a low-cost real-time stream monitoring technology. Developed by Stroud Water

TU getting things done in the Great Lakes region

Published in Conservation

I recently spoke about Trout Unlimited’s conservation work to a small gathering of anglers, most of whom had been Trout Unlimited members at some point but had drifted away and lost touch.    They were surprised to learn that TU had grown to become an organization with 300,000 members and supporters who dedicate more than 700,000 volunteer hours annually, a

Comment now on Great Lakes Asian carp proposal

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By Taylor Ridderbusch On Monday, Aug. 7, the US Army Corps of Engineers released the draft Brandon Road Feasibility Study, which assess options for preventing Asian carp from reaching the Great Lakes. The report was originally set to be released on Feb. 28, 2017, but was delayed by Trump Administration officials. Thanks to hard work

Great Lakes to benefit from two pieces of major legislation

Published in Conservation

As we approach the end of 2020, the Great Lakes region is two presidential signatures away from securing major legislative wins.  Congress recently approved funding measures for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) and for the Brandon Road Lock and Dam project to keep Asian carp out of the Great Lakes.  “Trout Unlimited would like to thank the

Bipartisan effort needed to protect Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

Published in Conservation

By Taylor Ridderbusch   For the third consecutive year, the Trump Administration’s budget proposal looks to cut critical programs that protect and restore coldwater resources and that form the foundation of multi-billion dollar commercial and recreational fishing economies.   The proposal would significantly cut funding to the EPA and other agencies, essentially eliminating programs such as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), Section

TU applauds proposed full funding for Great Lakes restoration

Published in Uncategorized

By Taylor Ridderbusch Trout Unlimited is pleased to see that the Omnibus Appropriations Bill has included full funding, at $300 million, for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The GLRI has proven to be one of the best tools for sparking investment into coldwater fisheries throughout the Great Lakes Basin. TU applauds the work of the

Great Lakes: Act now to help stop Asian carp.

Published in Uncategorized

Asian carp are currently one of the biggest and most serious threats the health of the Great Lakes, and preventing them from making it further up the Chicago Waterway should be a national priority. Congress, in a bipartisan effort, instructed the Army Corps of Engineers to explore different options for creating a barrier at the

Video Spotlight: The Daily Show dives into Great Lakes challenges

Published in Video spotlight

How do you take a fairly mundane subject (for most folks) like the health of the Great Lakes and make it interesting? Have the folks at The Daily Show with Trevor Noah tackle it. In this segment, Daily Show “correspondent” — yeah, he’s actually a stand-up comedian — MIchael Kosta connects with Dan Egan to,

Students make a difference in Michigan with Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

Published in Uncategorized

By Jamie Vaughan Rockford, MI: East Rockford Middle School 6th graders have been working with Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative (TU) and the Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds (LGROW) to promote watershed health in Rockford with on-the-ground restoration practices and community education initiatives through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). Students spent

TU troubled by proposed elimination of Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

CONTACT: TAYLOR RIDDERBUSCH / Trout Unlimited Great Lakes Organizer / 715-313-0001 (March 16, 2017) ARLINGTON, Va. Trout Unlimited is deeply troubled by the Trump administrations proposed FY 2018 budget, which would eliminate critical programs that protect and restore coldwater resources and that form the foundation of multi-billion dollar commercial and recreational fishing economies. The