Search results for “great lakes”

Native Odyssey: Wyoming

Published in Uncategorized

Public Land: Bridger-Teton National Forest Driving south from Yellowstone National Park in Western Wyoming, visitors drive through the awe-inspiring Bridger-Teton National Forest. The mighty snow-capped Tetons provide a scenic backdrop to the pine stands, open fields and meadows that make up the landscape. Defined by pristine watersheds and an abundance of wildlife, the Bridger-Teton National

Bear River Cutthroat Trout

Trout Unlimited has undertaken several movement studies to determine when and where Bear River cutthroat trout move. These studies have helped us identify conservation needs such as removal of barriers blocking spawning runs, and to determine if fish successfully access upstream habitat after barriers are removed. Following trout movement in the Bear River Cutthroat trout

Meadows repair helps rare Eagle Lake rainbow

Published in Uncategorized

The intersection of Little Harvey Creek and Pine Creek, aptly named Confluence Meadow. By Dave Lass and Luke Hunt, PhD In the Eagle Lake watershed, located east of Lassen Volcanic National Park, a diverse collection of local, state and federal partners are working to restore some of the largest meadow systems in California, and to

Evolution of a restoration project – remote stream incubators

Published in Conservation

Lake Sammamish Kokanee. Photo by USFWS By: Dave Kyle When I interviewed for my position with TU in 2016, I was asked if I was familiar with remote stream incubators (RSI). RSI’s are systems typically installed in remote spring fed streams allowing salmon eggs to be reared and released with minimal handing. With a hatchery

TU in Action: Defending public lands

Published in Conservation

The Salmon River and the fabled Sawtooth Mountains of central Idaho. Photo by Chris Hunt. Trout Unlimited members in the West have a message for state legislatures that want to keep trying to “transfer” American public lands to the states: Keep your damn hands off our birthright. As noted in this great High Country News piece

Remote sensing will revolutionize trout conservation

Published in Science, Conservation

Remote sensing is being used to measure improvement in Lahontan cutthroat trout habitat in Nevada. By Dan Dauwalter, Kurt Fesenmyer and Helen Neville Have you ever assisted your local DNR biologist with a painstaking habitat survey on your favorite trout stream where you tediously measured the stream channel, substrates, wood, undercut banks, and so on?

Plying the Andean flats for giant browns

Published in Travel, Featured

Chris Hunt photo. A distinctly tropical experience in a distinctly trouty wonderland Imagine gliding over that stereotypical, crystal-clear Caribbean flat in search of bonefish or permit, your Spanish-speaking guide doing his best to meet you on your side of the language barrier. Everything is just as it should be. The wind is modest. The sun

Historic picks for Interior, EPA bode well for public lands and clean water

Contact: David Kinney, Trout Unlimited, 856-834-6591, ARLINGTON, Va.—Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited, issued the following statement about President-elect Joe Biden’s decision to select U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland (D-N.M.) to lead the Department of the Interior and Michael S. Regan, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality secretary, to lead the Environmental Protection

Aromas bring back childhood fishing memories

Published in Voices from the river, Featured

The James River was flowing cool and clear on a recent weekend morning when a handful of friends and I embarked on what would likely be our final smallmouth bass fishing float of the season before switching focus back to trout for the coming eight months or so. One buddy was in a kayak, two

King Salmon Speech a Monumental Distortion of the Science and the Facts

12/6/1999 King Salmon Speech a Monumental Distortion of the Science and the Facts King Salmon Speech a Monumental Distortion of the Science and the Facts Contact: 12/6/1999 — — Responding to Governor King’s internet posted speech regarding the Endangered Species (ESA) listing of Atlantic salmon, Trout Unlimited (TU) President and CEO Charles Gauvin expressed great

TU Green Team works to restore Rogue watershed in Mich.

Published in Youth, Community

By Jamie Vaughan  While the COVID-19 pandemic has halted many programs this summer, Trout Unlimited staff in Michigan are pleased to continue the Green Team program for its sixth year, employing high school students from across the Rogue River watershed to learn about and take part in watershed restoration projects.   The Trout Unlimited Green Team was established in 2015 and grew out of

Hiking the CDT: Fire and wildlife

Published in Youth, Featured, Featured, Travel

It was not a bad place to be looking for wildlife. There were deer, elk, and moose everywhere. Our best elk sighting was on the second to last day, when we came over a pass. Down in the valley we saw a group of about 50 elk, two bulls were fighting, their antlers clacking when they crashed together. From that exact spot at the top of the pass, we also saw a bull moose kneeling beside a lake, and four mountain goats along a ridge above him.