Search results for “great lakes”
Beginning this season, fees for fishing and boating permits in Yellowstone National Park will increase. Anglers can now purchase fishing permits online via Permits for the upcoming season can also be acquired in-park stores and surrounding communities beginning this spring.
The great conservationist, Aldo Leopold, once wrote that “One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. Much of the damage inflicted on land is quite invisible to laymen. An ecologist must either harden his shell and make believe that the consequences of science are none
A relatively small island off Australia’s southern coast, Tasmania is the smallest state in the commonwealth of Australia. Like another nearby island — New Zealand — “Tassie” features some incredible fly fishing. Not only is there plenty of river fishing, Tasmania has more than 1,000 lakes, plenty of which are filled with wild trout. Video
Dec. 12, 2014 Contact: Corey Fisher (406) 546-2979 Chris Schustrom 406-260-1198 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen cheer protections for Montana’s North Fork of the Flathead River Bill withdraws 362,000 acres from mining, oil and gas drilling MISSOULA–A bill that protects the North Fork of the Flathead River in Montana from hard-rock mining and new oil and
Federal agency green lights a $30 million Colorado River reconnection project
There are plenty of people who can guide you to fish near Questa, NM but I’m calling out one in particular: Chris Michael from Rio Grande del Norte Outfitters in Questa.
The role of the National Leadership Council (NLC) and its rules for functioning are detailed in Article IV. of the TU bylaws and in this comprehensive NLC Representative Manual. The NLC is the volunteer body that sets the direction of TU and is made up of one representative elected from each state of TU’s 36 councils.
Executive summary Fishing for trout is a passion shared by countless anglers across the country. The challenge of catching a monster Lahontan cutthroat trout from Nevada’s Pyramid Lake or a salter brook trout from a coastal stream in Massachusetts can be rewarding and frustrating all at the same time. As fly-fishing author John Gierach described
By Charlie Perry Trips to waters filled with trout were the norm of my childhood. Summer adventures in Yellowstone. Weekends spent in the High Uinta Mountains of Utah. Holidays fishing the Green River in a deep red rock canyon below Flaming Gorge Reservoir. These were special places for my family. I have many cherished memories
By Dave Atcheson I have to smile to myself as I watch a line of buddies negotiating the trail in front of me. There’s nothing beautiful about it, just a tangle of legs and arms sticking out from brightly colored rings, bobbing from side to side between the trees in an absurd and uncoordinated display.
Last month, U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley announced $11.6 million in new funding for habitat restoration projects in the Upper Klamath Basin, of which $1.53 million was awarded to Trout Unlimited for eight projects that will improve water quality and key habitat for native fish in the tributaries to Upper Klamath Lake.
Izaak Walton League National Wildlife Federation Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership Trout Unlimited FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE House of Representatives Strikes Double Blow Against Clean Water Protections Washington, DC The U.S. House of Representatives today struck a double blow against efforts to restore Clean Water Act protections for streams that supply drinking water to 117 million Americans
Efforts to fix habitat are as much for people as they are for the planet It’s legislature season in New Mexico, a time I’ve come to abhor for how it represents my species and, perhaps more likely, my deficiencies as a chess player. Sausage making is a circus, spectacular flights of ethical and logical acrobatics
Monument status will better protect the source waters of famous trout streams, key habitats, and fishing and hunting opportunities REDDING, Calif—Today, Trout Unlimited (TU) and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BHA) lauded the announcement from the White House that President Joe Biden will designate the Sáttítla Highlands National Monument in the Medicine Lake Volcanic Highlands in
Periodically, we’ll pose questions to a ” fly-fishing roundtable” of TU anglers in hopes of spurring discussion among all anglers about all things fly fishing. This week: What was your best fishing trip ever?
Millions of Americans in the East will head to the Atlantic’s beaches for vacation this summer. Even anglers who don’t own saltwater-specific gear can use their freshwater equipment to have fun and catch some fish
Johnson Lake will be the subject a giant fish removal project to hopefully prevent the spread of whirling disease in Banff National Park. How seriously are Alberta fisheries biologists taking the threat of whirling disease in Banff National Park? Very. They’re removing fish from Johnson Lake in order to prevent the spread of the parasite
When I was a kid, I loved spin fishing for bass and panfish in East Texas’ Lake Tyler. My dad worked for a company that had a park and a boat launch on the lake, as well as a swimming area complete with a floating barge, and a dock outfitted with a host of slips
Trout Unlimited Media Resources Trout Unlimited is the nation’s leading conservation organization uniting people behind clean waters, healthy fish, and thriving communities. Are you a reporter on deadline? Reach out to one of our communications directors to get the information you need. Working on a longer piece about trout and salmon, rivers and streams, and
Cameron donned the headphones in the co-pilot’s seat, the splendor of McGavock Lake spread out before him through the windows of the DeHavilland Beaver. He had a little spring in his step that morning as he jog-walked his way down to the dock where the Beaver floated on the calm boreal lake that, for most