Search results for “great lakes”

Funding for Delaware Basin a promising start

Published in Uncategorized

A section of the Musconetcong River in New Jersey restored by TU. (TU/Brian Cowden) By David Kinney For the first time, Congress is setting aside dedicated funds for conservation efforts in the Delaware River Basin. Consider the $5 million appropriation included in the new budget agreement a down payment for the Delaware River Basin Restoration

In the East and Midwest, LWCF benefits those who love the outdoors

Published in Uncategorized

Take action to #SaveLWCF By David Kinney and Taylor Ridderbusch In 2016, sportsmen and women in Maine celebrated the successful end of a seven-year project to preserve an 8,159-acre parcel known as Cold Stream Forest (above). It was a step that protected a 14-mile native brook trout stream and seven ponds. “Cold Stream is one

Connecting people to policy

Published in Conservation

TU’s government and policy staff. By Chris Wood Several of the bright lights in the Trout Unlimited policy world came into the intergalactic headquarters last week. Their recent accomplishments are pretty amazing. Dave Kinney of New Jersey helped organize efforts to pass and then fund legislation for restoration in the Delaware Basin; Taylor Ridderbusch of

To Wait on Pale Ice

Published in Fishing

Day 1 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Arctic

20 Questions: Christine Peterson

Published in 20 Questions, Featured

Prolific freelance writer juggles everything from motherhood to conservation on an ever-evolving journey I’ve known and admired Christine Peterson for years, largely through our mutual affiliation with the Outdoor Writers Association of America, the oldest professional organization dedicated to outdoors communicators in the country.  Earlier this year, Christine was named the organization’s new president —

Saluda River

Trout Unlimited Chapter located in the Midlands of South Carolina. Our main conservation focus is the lower Saluda River, a tailrace of Lake Murray. We are focused on conservation through education and citizen science.

Voices from the River: A year in the Boundary Waters

Published in Voices from the river

Dave Freeman with his chosen mode of transportation for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota. Courtesy Dave Freeman. Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Dave Freeman. He spent a year in the wilds of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness with his wife, Amy, to raise awareness about proposed mines in

TU study shows new angling regulations needed for California’s Rush Creek

Published in Uncategorized

A worthy butterball from Rush Creek. By Jessica Strickland A scientific analysis led by Trout Unlimited highlights the need for a revision of angling regulations on Rush Creek, a fabled trophy brown trout fishery in California’s Mono County where intensive restoration efforts since 1994 have enabled the creek to recover some of its former glory

California proposes changes to inland trout angling regulations

Published in Conservation

A golden trout, the state freshwater fish of California, in all its glory. Editor’s note: To the extent that there can be an intersection between coldwater fisheries conservation and state angling regulations, and because fishing is the portal through which many people become interested in conservation, TU may get involved through our local members, chapters

The Dark Side

Published in Voices from the river, Conservation, Fishing

The author’s brother, gone over to the Dark Side. Last week I went to what my brother and lifelong fishing partner calls “the Dark Side.” That would be fishing in warm, still water for largemouth bass and northern pike, mostly with conventional tackle. We always get a laugh out of this, because neither of us

Muscle memory on the Green River

Published in American Places, Featured

My previous canoeing experience had consisted of gliding across the glassy lakes of the Sierra Nevada. And while Lake Tahoe and Lake Lahontan could become treacherous in a storm, they did not represent the intrinsic peril of the swift, boney river onto which I was about to embark

Climate change and the future of Yellowstone

Published in Conservation

Above, the view from the lip of Lower Yellowstone Falls. Photo by Chris Hunt. Below, Larry Harris on Indian Creek in Yellowstone National Park. by Larry Harris I have camped and fished in Yellowstone Park almost every year from 1992 to the present, enjoying weeks there with family and friends. Yellowstone Park is crowded when