Search results for “great lakes”

Rose is at the ready for Wyoming anglers, hunters

Published in Advocacy

As part of Trout Unlimited, she works to protect the hunting and fishing heritage that is so important to so many people. TU’s team works in collaboration with federal and state agencies, partner conservation groups and sportsmen and women for common-sense solutions to protect the wild places of the West. TU is engaged on the legislative level in every Western state and nationally on the congressional level.

Big day in Klamath Country

Published in Dam Removal, Featured

This Transfer Order is a critical step forward in the long slog to remove four old fish-blocking dams and re-open more than 400 miles of historic habitat for the Klamath’s struggling salmon and steelhead runs.

No sign of slowing down: Sierra Trout Camp 2017

Published in Uncategorized

TU’s Sierra Trout Camp recently celebrated its 5th anniversary of prepping the next generation for fly fishing and conservation. By Sam Sedillo For five years now, Trout Unlimited’s Public Lands office in Truckee, California has hosted one of northern California’s premier fly fishing camps for young people—Sierra Trout Camp. This camp blends a mix of

TU ranching partner wins environmental stewardship award from cattle industry

Published in Uncategorized

Maggie Creek Ranch manager John Griggs receiving the Environmental Stewardship Award during the Cattle Industry Convention. Photo courtesy of the Cattle Industry Convention. A long time Trout Unlimited partner in conservation was recently honored during the Cattle Industry Convention held in San Diego. Maggie Creek Ranch, the Searle family and ranch manager Jon Griggs were

New route proposed for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

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Confluence of Red Run and Dry Fork in the Cheat River drainage By Katy Dunlap Last fall, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) filed a formal application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seeking approval to construct and operate a 564-mile interstate natural gas pipeline across some of the best trout habitat in West Virginia and

Voices from the River: Win a pair of Costa sunglasses

Published in Voices from the river

An angler looks for trout on Argentina’s Alumine River. What’s your best tip for seeing fish? Share and win a pair of Costa sunglasses. By Kirk Deeter Many of you have already noticed that TU is emphasizing “trout tips” for its members and friends. We figure, heck, if you all help us make fishing better

Blackfoot River Outfitters

Welcome to Blackfoot River Outfitters – Missoula, Montana’s family owned Orvis endorsed fly fishing company. We’ve been sharing Montana’s rivers with anglers for over 25 years while imparting fly fishing knowledge that is informed, honest, and timely. We hope to include you as one of our many loyal shop customers and guiding clients. What we

Agencies team up to remove rainbow trout from Slough Creek tributary

Published in Conservation

The long-term goal is to establish a pure population of native Yellowstone cutthroat trout Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and the Custer Gallatin National Forest are seeking public comment on plans to remove rainbow trout from the Buffalo Creek watershed north of Yellowstone National Park to protect the genetic integrity of native cutthroat trout in

Fishing Big Sky Country with Garrett Munson from Montana Fishing Outfitters

Published in Community

The folks at Montana Fishing Outfitters are the real deal. They’re committed to bringing you a great Montana fishing experience. What’s more, they’re committed to conservation. These guys are long-time members of the TU Team, and absolutely committed to protecting, reconnecting, restoring and sustaining fish and fishing on their home waters.

Guess this river, win a prize

Published in Uncategorized

Many great comments were submitted for last month’s Guess the River contest but there can only be one winner. This time around it’s Justin Garant with the guess of the Green River in northern Utah. Justin, reach out to me at and I’ll have something in the mail for your correct answer. alt=”” title=””

Skills: Fishing a hopper-dropper rig

Published in Uncategorized

My friend Rob Parkins runs the fishing and hunting section at the Jack Dennis Outdoor World on the square in Jackson, Wyo., and he’s a heck of an angler, as well as a RIO ambassador. Rob fishes the South Fork of the Snake often, as well as a number of waters here in eastern Idaho

Fly of the week: Hendo Hammer

Published in Uncategorized

As winter spits its last few storms at those of us in the East, our minds naturally turn to the first main-event hatch of the spring. Hendricksons are on the horizon, and I’m planning my pilgrimage to the Au Sable for a few days of cold fingers and a few nights of huddling in a

Fly tying: The GFA Hopper

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

For me and other dry-fly enthusiasts (and that’s putting it mildly, at least in my opinion), this month is the month. It’s “hopper time.” Here in Idaho, our backcountry streams are in great shape–runoff is well past done, night-time temperatures are a bit chilly, whcih serves to keep our high-country streams cold. The warm summer

Smoky Mountain Angler

About us The Smoky Mountain Angler carries everything you need for a successful fishing trip in the Smokies or anywhere! As the oldest fly shop in Gatlinburg and the only fly fishing outfitter in town, we feature quality fishing gear from Orvis, Simms, Sage, Echo, Redington and more. We have the area’s best selection of

Wrapping soft hackle

Published in Fly tying, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Video spotlight

Soft-hackle patterns have earned a spot in my fly box. Over the last half-decade or so, they have gone from seldom-use curiosities from some hidden corner of a rarely opened fly box to my first choice on many waters here in the West. Why? Because they work. And they often work when streamers, nymphs, traditional