Search results for “great lakes”

Fly tying: The RS2

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

I was in Denver a couple of weeks for a family thing, and I got to spend some time with my aunt and uncle in the city’s suburbs. My uncle is an avid fly fisher—he and I went to northern Saskatchewan this past summer and spent four days on a boat together chasing pike. We

Fundraising Events

Fundraising Events For decades, the traditional means by which a TU chapter or council raises funds is by holding an annual fundraising banquet. This is still the primary way that most chapters and councils raise funds, and is an important part of any fundraising event strategy, but there are new and evolving ways that are

Skating big dries for big trout

Published in Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Trout Tips

Nicco stood next to me along the middle reaches of Patagonia’s Malleo River in the fading Argentine light. Willows shrouded the creek, and I could only see the silhouette of the big Fat Albert as it drifted in the heavy water just across river. Nicco, my guide for the day, chose the hefty, foam monstrosity

Teachers, staff step up to save trout at Colorado school

Published in Community, Youth

By Matt Moskal It’s a heart-warming phenomenon when stress, hardship and tragedy bring people together. Groceries are delivered to elderly neighbors, engineers fabricate ventilators seemingly out of thin air and corporations donate millions to those in need. Even in the most polarized of eras, hardship brings out the best in humanity. For Colorado conservationists, nowhere

Fooling Dollies with dancing streamers

Published in Trout Talk, Featured

That’s when the magic happens — when the Dolly, all colored up for the fall spawn, sprints from under a rootball or from the depths of the dark water at the edge of a drop-off and attacks the fly. And when you can see it all happen? OMG

North Sound TU VSP Fly Casting Clinic & BBQ!

Published in Uncategorized

Congratulations to North Sound TU and Chapter VSP Coordinator Cory Cuevas for putting together a GREAT fly fishing event for veterans, active duty military, spouses, and families! The event will be held at Edgewater Park in Mount Vernon, WA on Saturday, September 16th. The event kicks off with the BBQ at 11AM followed by fly

Video spotlight: Joe Humphreys – Nymphing Techniques

Published in Video spotlight

Winter is waning, and soon we’ll be in the heart of dry fly season. Some of us are already seeing some good early-spring hatches. Still, for many of us, nymphing will still be our primary fishing technique for a while yet. Video of Joe Humphreys | Nymphing Techniques Few are better at that game —

Trout Tips: Edit your water

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

One of the biggest challenges for new fly fishers is learning water, understanding where trout might hold and approaching water with a solid fishing strategy. Trout Tips | Edit your water from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo. Above, Russ Miller of Fishpond does a great job describing how to approach a classic meadow stream, and offers

New England Newsletter 2020

From reconnection projects to in-stream habitat restoration, Trout Unlimited’s staff had a great year in New England in 2019, and are teed up for another big one in 2020. The efforts helped improve access to dozens of miles of previously out-of-reach streams for the region’s trout and other stream-dwellers, while also improving habitat in rivers

Newsletter highlights successes in New England

Published in Conservation, Community

From reconnection projects to in-stream habitat restoration, Trout Unlimited’s staff had a great year in New England in 2019, and are teed up for another big one in 2020. The efforts helped improve access to dozens of miles of previously out-of-reach streams for the region’s trout and other stream-dwellers, while also improving habitat in rivers

Management matters

Published in Advocacy, Conservation, Fishing

By Garrett Hanks Wolf Creek pass in the San Juan mountains of Colorado serves as the tipping point between the westward San Juan basin, home to the recently rediscovered San Juan cutthroat trout, and the Rio Grande cutthroat’s namesake river to the east.  Unlike trout, bear, mule deer and other wildlife are unhindered by the ridgeline; their tracks freely cross the divide. Look north and you’ll notice the burn scar from the West Fork fire of 2013. Setting off south along the Continental Divide Trail, you quickly

Desert rainbows

Published in Voices from the river, Featured
A rainbow trout from Idaho's Little Lost River.

On a map, it doesn’t look all that far. A quick jaunt up the freeway. A race across a sea of potato fields and a good section of the Idaho National Laboratory, where plans are in place to build a dozen modular nuclear reactors to help power some 36 western communities starting in less than a decade. Finally, there’s the run up the river valley to where the desert meets the Lemhi Range

From the TROUT Magazine vault: Restoration

Published in Boats

Two years ago, I took possession of a weathered 15-year- old wooden fishing dory from my friend Andy Toohey. “Took possession,” because I didn’t buy it, and he didn’t want it. He let me have that boat, but only after I had promised that I would fully restore it, and I wouldn’t bring it back, whether I lived up to promise number one or not.

A case of mistaken identity

Published in Travel

It was the stuff of angling dreams yet, until a few short days prior, I wouldn’t have even confidently been able to identify a native interior redband in an underwater lineup. As I reached the highest point on the stream that I was comfortable climbing, my sandaled feet bloodied and blistered, I pondered what a shame that was. 

Why I #TUVolunteer

Published in Uncategorized

Southern West Virginia chapter volunteers gather after the 20th Annual Elkhorn Creek Cleanup on April 15 in the community of Northfork, in McDowell County, W.Va. By Rob Shane When I was young, maybe 6 or 7, I had a tendency to act like a total brat — usually upset about not getting some toy that

Why I #TUVolunteer

Published in Uncategorized

Southern West Virginia chapter volunteers gather after the 20th Annual Elkhorn Creek Cleanup on April 15 in the community of Northfork, in McDowell County, W.Va. By Rob Shane When I was young, maybe 6 or 7, I had a tendency to act like a total brat — usually upset about not getting some toy that

Sportsmen key to cleaning up abandoned mines

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited began organizing sportsmen and women in a coordinated manner in 2001–largely in response to my observation when I worked at the Forest Service that the voice of hunters and anglers was largely missing from the development of the Roadless Area Conservation Rule—an initiative that protected nearly 60 million acres of some of the