Search results for “great lakes”


About us Full time guide and wildlife artist in Casper, Wyoming. What we do Create functional art work to use while out fishing or guiding. All work is hand drawn with Sharpies and every pice is custom. Also do catch and release art work for that great catch that you would like to preserve that

Lund’s Fly Shop

Fly fishing shop in downtown River Falls specializing in fly fishing gear for everything from trout to muskie and anything in between. Huge selection of flies and fly tying materials. We stock waders & wading shoes, fly rods & reels, clothing, sunglasses, nets, and all sorts of fly fishing accessories. We also have a great

Tip – fishing wet flies

Published in Fishing, Trout Talk

Tom Rosenbauer walks us through how and where to fish wet flies. This is great to do once the water clears and lowers. Windy days are an ideal time to give this a try.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Partners

Don’t go it alone! There are many national, regional and local groups that are cultivating diverse facets of your community through a variety of indoor and outdoor events. Introducing yourself and your conservation efforts is a great start to a conversation. Consider the potential partners in your community and how you might meet to learn

Trout Unlimited to Restore Cutthroat Habitat in Grade Creek

6/8/2006 Trout Unlimited to Restore Cutthroat Habitat in Grade Creek June 8, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Warren Colyer, 435-753-3132 or Scott Yates, 307-332-7700 Trout Unlimited to Restore Cutthroat Habitat in Grade Creek Federal Grants Jumpstart Planning and Construction Work WASHINGTON, D.C. Thanks to two major federal grants, Trout Unlimited (TU) will soon begin work

Bristol Bay Wild Salmon Featured in Prestigious Science Journal

Contact: Tim Bristol, Trout Unlimited, Alaska Program Director, 907-321-3291, tbristol@tu.orgPaula Dobbyn, Trout Unlimited, Alaska Director of Communications, 907-230-1513, Bristol Bay Wild Salmon Featured in Prestigious Science JournalStudy’s Main Authors Suggest a Large Mineral Development Such as Pebble Could Pose a Substantial Threat to the Fishery’s Long-Term Health. (Anchorage, Alaska, June 2, 2010) — An

Responding to warming waters in the Gulf of Maine

Published in Conservation

By David VanBurgel Picture fly fishing in Maine: canopied streams; cold water tumbling over granite; deep lakes; brook trout as colorful as the streambed gravels of their native waters. The impacts of climate change may not be so easy to see in Maine as they are other places. Still, a recent articleby prize-winning journalist Colin Woodard

Cold Stream—A Trout Conservation Inventory

Published in Uncategorized

Today, ownership of 8,000 acres of Maine’s finest trout habitat transferred to the state’s Department of Conservation. Staff there will start working with their colleagues at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to develop a management plan to protect and enhance brook trout and whitetail deer habitat on the Cold Stream property, while

Gear test: Solve the mystery bird call with Song Sleuth

Published in Uncategorized

Identifying that mystery bird call is only a recording away with a new app. Courtesy photo. By Brett Prettyman There are few things that can distract me while fishing. I tend to tune everything out except the sounds of the water and wildlife. Watching certain species of birds flying erratically over the river has tipped

Deming Creek restoration benefits Klamath bull trout, redband

Published in Uncategorized

The new confluence of Deming Creek and the South Fork Sprague River. By Chrysten Lambert Trout Unlimited, in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service Parnter’s Program completed a substantial habitat reconnection project on the South Fork Sprague River, the headwaters of the iconic Klamath River. The project involved restoring the Deming Creek tributary

TU responds to news Utah may challenge public lands ownership

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 21, 2018 Contact: Corey Fisher, Public Land Policy Director, Trout Unlimited, (406) 546-2979, Utah lawsuit could challenge public land ownership SALT LAKE CITYAccording to media reports, last week Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes told assembled members of the Utah Rural Caucus that he is preparing a lawsuit that could challenge

Voices from the River: Book connects kids with fly fishing

Published in Voices from the river

By Brett Prettyman The reasons we fish are as numerous as bugs on the water during a Mother’s Day caddis hatch. Chances are the vast majority of us got started flinging flies, dunking worms or throwing hardware with the help of parents or grandparents – and, for those lucky ones, both. Fishing isn’t only important

Sierra Trout Camp 2018

Published in Uncategorized

By Tom Kloehn It was the first day of Sierra Trout Camp 2018, and even though the kids weren’t fishing yet, it was hard to miss their enthusiasm for any chance to get near a river. The kids were bouncing around the creek, splashing in and out of the water, completely oblivious to rocks and

Teen Summit and TU Camp applications opening soon!

Published in Uncategorized

Dreaming of warmer weather? Good! It’s time to start thinking about TU’s offerings of summer camps and academies for young people. TU’s Regional Fly Fishing Camps and Academies For over 25 years, volunteers have been directing TU’s youth regional camps. The first was in Pennsylvania and now TU’s grassroots network boasts 25 camps across the

Rainscaping to help the Rogue River

Published in Conservation

By Jamie Vaughan Michigan has no shortage of freshwater lakes, rivers and streams, and local environmental groups are always collaborating to come up with creative ways to protect the precious water resources.   In western Michigan, partners joined together to create the Grand River Rainscaping Program, which is helping homeowners, landscapers and contractors learn about and incorporate green infrastructure practices

It’s National Fishing and Boating Week

Published in Boats, Featured

It’s National Fishing and Boating Week across the country. As witnessed by many last year during the height of the pandemic people all across the country turned to the outdoors to provide them with the space they needed to be with their loved ones safely.

Everything you wanted to know: Lahontan cutthroat trout

Published in Travel

Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi) Species Summary and Status: The Lahontan cutthroat trout is native to the Lahontan Basin of northern Nevada, northeastern California, and southeastern Oregon.  One of the oldest lineages of cutthroat trout, it originally inhabited the ancient Lahontan Basin at least several 100,000 years ago.  As of publication, 72 self-sustaining Lahontan

The Gurgler: The under-utilized foam fly

Published in Trout Talk, Featured

I’m headed to East Texas this week for some bass and panfish fishing in some of the region’s swampier areas, and I’ve done some tying over the last few days to make sure I’m armed with “all the right stuff.” But I didn’t feel like I was ideally equipped until I tied up a handful