Search results for “great lakes”

Learn two new patterns on Loon Live tonight

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Matt Callies of Loon will tie small golden stonefly and caddis fly nymphs on Loon Live tonight at 9 p.m. ET. Callies ties flies for viewers the first and third Thursdays of every month. Viewers can not only watch Callies tie live, but Loon manages an archive of previous tying episodes on its website, giving

2018 Outdoor Expo

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May 19, 2018 the Fallen Timbers Chapter of TU participated in Toledo Metroparks Outdoor Expo. This is a wonderful event put on by the Metropark system and we had great success meeting with the local community in sharing TU. The event was FREE to the public and offered various outdoor activites from rock climbing to

Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Samantha Carmichael

Published in TROUT Magazine

Daughters. I have watched my husband happily announce that I was expecting a girl twice in our marriage. Mouths smile, but eyes squint, and brows furrow, and comments range from “Another one?” to “Well, maybe number 3 will be a boy” or “you are going to try for a boy, right?”  There isn’t going to

Voices from the river: Return of the G-Man

Published in Voices from the river

Longtime advocate for fishing and hunting and TU grassroots leader Geoff Malloway re-opens the Central Coast Fly Fishing shop. By Sam Davidson To Geoff Malloway, inaction, and its frequent companion inertia, are like poaching. They are a violation of the sportsmen’s code. He can’t abide them. You can see it in his face at meetings

Senior art project focuses on Snake River cutthroat trout

Published in Youth, Community, Conservation, Featured, Science, Women

“It is crucial that as a community and a nation we take care of the land and river that acts as an oasis for this prize fish because if we don’t, we are at risk of losing one of the most beautiful and complex ecosystems. While many rivers have seen a loss in native cutthroat, the Snake watershed has managed to remain as a native cutthroat dominated river, and that is something worth protecting.”

North Sound TU VSP Fly Casting Clinic & BBQ!

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Congratulations to North Sound TU and Chapter VSP Coordinator Cory Cuevas for putting together a GREAT fly fishing event for veterans, active duty military, spouses, and families! The event will be held at Edgewater Park in Mount Vernon, WA on Saturday, September 16th. The event kicks off with the BBQ at 11AM followed by fly

Video spotlight: Joe Humphreys – Nymphing Techniques

Published in Video spotlight

Winter is waning, and soon we’ll be in the heart of dry fly season. Some of us are already seeing some good early-spring hatches. Still, for many of us, nymphing will still be our primary fishing technique for a while yet. Video of Joe Humphreys | Nymphing Techniques Few are better at that game —

Trout Tips: Edit your water

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

One of the biggest challenges for new fly fishers is learning water, understanding where trout might hold and approaching water with a solid fishing strategy. Trout Tips | Edit your water from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo. Above, Russ Miller of Fishpond does a great job describing how to approach a classic meadow stream, and offers

New England Newsletter 2020

From reconnection projects to in-stream habitat restoration, Trout Unlimited’s staff had a great year in New England in 2019, and are teed up for another big one in 2020. The efforts helped improve access to dozens of miles of previously out-of-reach streams for the region’s trout and other stream-dwellers, while also improving habitat in rivers

Newsletter highlights successes in New England

Published in Conservation, Community

From reconnection projects to in-stream habitat restoration, Trout Unlimited’s staff had a great year in New England in 2019, and are teed up for another big one in 2020. The efforts helped improve access to dozens of miles of previously out-of-reach streams for the region’s trout and other stream-dwellers, while also improving habitat in rivers

Clean Water Rule – TU opposes SR12 and other similar measures

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title=”application/pdf” />170131_TU Letter re CWRule – S.Res_.12.pdf Re: Trout Unlimited (TU) opposes legislation that would undermine the Clean Water Rule (Rule). TU’s 150,000 members nationwide work to conserve, protect and restore the nation’s trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. Our members give back to the resource they love by investing dollars and volunteer hours

Relentless optimism, relentlessly applied: crib notes from Chris Wood

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Anyone who keeps abreast of the Trout Unlimited blog knows that Chris Wood, TU’s chief executive officer and president, has some really good stories and narrative chops. TU staff who support TU’s habitat, streamflow, and fish passage work in the West got to hear some of those stories on Jan. 28 during Chris’s keynote remarks

TU Salutes Dombeck's Stewardship of Forest Aquatic Resources

3/28/2001 TU Salutes Dombeck’s Stewardship of Forest Aquatic Resources TU Salutes Dombecks Stewardship of Forest Aquatic Resources Chief Announces His Retirement Contact: 3/28/2001 — — Arlington, VA. . . Trout Unlimited commended Forest Service Chief Mike Dombeck for being a true steward of the nations natural resources as his four-year tenure at the helm of

Get to know Colorado this weekend thanks to Orvis

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The Orvis store in Denver’s Cherry Creek area is offering anglers the chance to get to know Colorado, and learn about its fly fishing during its upcoming angler education weekend this Saturday and Sunday. Spring is a great time to bone up on your fishing skills—anglers from all over the West are invited to come