Search results for “great lakes”

How to fish a boulder garden

Published in Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Trout Tips, Video spotlight

Here’s one for you western anglers who are wondering, with all the late winter snow and the spring rain, if we’re ever going to see fishable water levels anytime soon. The answer is, the water’s already fishable. We just need to find the places where trout are holding amid the near-constant temperature changes and water

LWCF can be your guide to fishing in your backyard

Published in Uncategorized, From the field

If you don’t know where to go fishing next, check out this map. Compiled by the Trust for Public Land, it outlines every project the Land and Water Conservation Fund has helped become a reality over the past half century. There is also a map to looks at potential future projects — a glimpse into

Voices from the River: Yellowstone promise

Published in Voices from the river

A native Yellowstone cutthroat trout. A backcountry treasure. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Chris Hunt Who knows how many times I’d driven over the little creek as it flows southeast through an arched culvert toward its eventual confluence with the mighty Yellowstone River. A hundred? At least a hundred. And every time, I made a

Scranton hosts TU's 2015 Annual Meeting

Sept. 16, 2015 Contact: Chris Hunt, National Communications Director (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU descends upon Scranton, Pa., for annual meeting SCRANTON, Pa.Hundreds of Trout Unlimited volunteer leaders from across America are in Scranton this week for the non-profit conservation organizations annual meeting that will feature everything from a fishing outing and conservation tour

New SweetWater beer and #fishforafish campaign benefits brookies

Published in Uncategorized

By Mark Taylor Who isn’t drawn to beer featuring really great trout artwork on cans and packaging? And how great is it when that beer is not only super tasty, but also benefits wild trout? SweetWater Brewery’s new fall seasonal, Mosaic Hazy IPA, checks all the boxes. It’s a juicy, fruity, moderately hoppy (65 IBUs)

Communications Resources

While our mission is conservation, one of the most important areas we can focus on as a chapter or council is effectively communicating all we do at the local level to build awareness, attract and engage members and supports, and increase our impact. Good communications is critical to increasing attendance and participation, inspiring volunteerism, and

National Volunteer Week: Kicking off year-long gratitude

Published in Conservation, Community

I love saying thank you. It is an odd thing to say but I do—I love sharing a genuine thank you. I truly enjoy sharing sincere appreciation. Not only do I usually see a smile appear but I, too, get inspired to continue my efforts. It is important to recognize the power of appreciation. Each

Fishing for recovery and love

Published in Voices from the river, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Women

I’m certain there’s nothing glamorous nor fun about breaking your knee. Yes, your knee. In college, I shattered my knee (tibial plateau) while skiing in Canada. After two major surgeries, I was on the slow road to recovery, which meant getting super buff crutching across campus (and dealing with thick, nasty callouses on my palms),

Catch the F3T, help a local conservation cause

Published in Community, Featured, Fishing, Travel

The Fly Fishing Film Tour is available for online streaming right now, and if you’re interested in catching this year’s film offerings, you can buy tickets from an independent screening and help a local conservation cause in the process. So far, the F3T has raised more than $30,000 for local conservation causes via independent screenings.

Keystone Fund helps Pennsylvania’s famous Brodhead Creek

Published in From the field

Trout Unlimited has partnered with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership on a series of videos highlighting a few of the projects powered by this critical source of conservation funding. For more information on the Keystone Fund, you can visit:

Fishing and hunting on a refuge? You bet

Published in From the field, Featured, Featured, Featured

The Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming. At first blush it may seem odd that hunting and fishing is allowed on wildlife refuges, let alone expanding these uses as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently proposed. After all, they are wildlife refuges, right?   However, hunting and fishing on refuge lands goes back to earliest days of the refuge system

TU, BLM announce five-year, $8.9 million agreement for Western watershed restoration  

Agreement will support process-based restoration in Colorado River, California-Great Basin, and Columbia Pacific Northwest watersheds  Contacts:   Arlington, Va.—The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced a five-year, $8.9 million agreement to reconnect and restore arid Western watersheds, including the Colorado River, California-Great Basin, and Columbia Pacific Northwest river systems. TU will

Fundraising Committee Resources

Fundraising Committee Duties All of the great conservation mission work your local chapter accomplishes requires resources to be successful. The Fundraising Committee is typically tasked with planning the major money-raising events, ranging from the traditional banquet and grant applications, to newer types of fundraisers, such as online auctions, crowd-funding, major donor friendraisers and more. Recruiting