Search results for “great lakes”
Sometimes you have to get the trout’s attention. Often, the simplest advice is the best. And when it comes to fly fishing, with all its trappings and the intimidating vocabulary ranging from fly sizes, line and rod weights, tippet sizes and sink ratings, simpler is better, particularly for folks who are just starting out. That’s
When I was a kid, the first fly-fishing technique my grandfather ever shared with me was “dapping.” Rather than burden a 10-year-old with all the details of a complex fly cast, he would simply pull about three feet of fly line through the tip-top and put a hopper or some high-floating dry fly on my
Talon Fishing Company is a business and brand built by fisherman, for fisherman. We understand the passion, commitment, and drive to get out, explore new water, and ultimately catch fish. That is why we are dedicated to building and creating the most easily transportable, maneuverable, unique, and stable catarafts that offer unlimited access to any
The Orvis Co. is one of America’s great success stories. Not only is it a conscientious corporation that works hard to understand what its customers want, but it does so with the understanding that, without intact habitat, clean water and access to wild country, its business model would be in trouble. Orvis has been a
Years ago, while fishing the Rio Grande in southern Colorado with Kirk Deeter, I was casting to a rising trout but getting foiled by contrary currents in the river. Drag kept, well, dragging me down. Kirk, a guide and now the editor of TROUT Magazine, gave me the simplest—yet most important—piece of advice I’ve ever
There’s only a few days left to “Give Where You Fish” and support 29 local Trout Unlimited projects across the country. The Embrace A Stream Challenge, a fun, week-long online competition, has already raised more than $50,00 0 for these great projects and your donation – whether $10 or $100 – can help improve a
Some fly-fishing scenes are universally appealing. Trout moving on a dry fly. The rise. Even the refusal. Cheers to the folks at Carpe Diem, the Swedish YouTubers who occasionally present some really great fly-fishing videography like the short film below. Chasing trout isn’t always about catching trout—most of us get that. But it generally is
Wet flies fished on the swing can be among the most effective patterns for trout, particularly in late summer and early fall when migratory fish, like brown trout and brook trout, are aggressive and hungry. Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions ties a great wet fly pattern in the video above. Although originally tied in England
As anglers, we naturally spend more time thinking about the big stuff—where the fish might be and what flies they might be after—than we do about what makes the big stuff so rewarding. You know … like ensuring our equipment is in good shape, our knots are solid and our hooks are sharp. Above, Wayne
As baitfish imitations go, Shenk’s Minnow might be the most fun to tie. While other patterns, like Norm Zeigler’s Schminnow, might actually be a little easier to craft, no other simple baitfish patterns calls for baby-blanket yarn in order to put it together. Above, Tim Flagler ties the Shenk’s Minnow with his own variations (including
Outside Magazine has a great piece about fly-casting phenom Maxine McCormick finding her place as a teenager in a sport whose participants tend to be significantly older and male. She may be a world champion, but she’s also a normal 15-year-old. Her phone buzzed. “It’s hard to practice when your friends are sending you Snapchat
Tying the Atherton No. 2 Nymph
Aaron will work to ensure our restoration efforts bring maximum benefits to local fish and communities. We are thrilled to welcome him to the team!
Rise of the Phoenix: an Elwha River summer steelhead (Photo: John McMillan) By John McMillan Should we invest in dam removal? It’s a question that many communities, businesses and policy-makers are facing these days — partly because of agin g infrastructure and financial liabilities, and partly because of legal obligations to protect water quality and
8/18/2004 TU Releases “Settled, Mined and Left Behind” Report TU Releases “Settled, Mined and Left Behind” Report Ten Western watersheds affected by pollution from abandoned mines profiled in report Contact: Tim Zink Manager, Media Relations Trout Unlimited 703.284.9427 8/18/2004 — Washington — The national conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) today released a report entitled Settled,
6/5/2007 Statement of Trout Unlimited on the New Army Corps/EPA Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Guidance. June 5, 2007 CONTACT: Melinda Kassen, 303-440-2937 Steve Moyer, 703-284-9406 For Immedeate Release: Statement of Trout Unlimited on the New Army Corps/EPA Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Guidance. Arlington, VA , Trout Unlimiteds initial review indicates that thousands of miles of
By Chris Hunt When she was 11 months old, Delaney took some of her first ungainly steps in the blond sand of Luffenholzt Beach and dipped her toes in the cold Pacific. When she was 2, she stepped barefoot into the frigid September waters of Toponce Creek, high in the Portneuf Range of southeast Idaho.
Public comment period opens for repeal of Clean Water Rule TU: “We won’t have clean water in our rivers if we have dirty water upstream.” CONTACT:Sam Davidson / Communications Director / 831-235-2542 (July 27, 2017) EMERYVILLE, CALIF Todays opening of a 30-day public comment period on the Trump administrations repeal of the 2015 Clean
03/25/2009 Wilderness, water bills get House approval March 25, 2009 Contact: Sam Davidson, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wilderness, water bills get House approvalSportsmen celebrate protection of invaluable fish and game habitat WASHINGTON, D.C.The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, the bill that sportsmen around
Dec. 21, 2011 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU supports EPA rule governing power plant emissions WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited today supported the Environmental Protection Agency’s court-ordered final rule that requires coal- and oil-fired power plants to reduce mercury and other toxic emissions into the