Search results for “great lakes”

Fly tying: JC’s Electric Steelie Stone

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

Being a western angler, I’m not terribly familiar with the steelhead flies used in Great Lakes tributaries. Most western steelhead patterns are purple or pink or some color variation that just looks loud and gawdy. Higher up in the steelhead drainages, like here in Idaho, it’s easier to get awa y from the “eggy” and

Great Work for Our Vets by Bellevue/Issaquah TU!

Published in Uncategorized

On 4/15, the Bellevue/Issaquah Wa. TU #109 and the North Bend, Wa Daughters of the American Revolution chapter jointly held our 4th Annual PHW Fish Out for the PHW chapters in Wa. state. The event was held at Langlois Lake and was attended by 28 Vets from Joint Base Lewis McCord, the Seattle VA Hospital

Catching fish is great, but it is the entire moment that matters

Published in Youth, Community, Conservation, Headwaters, Travel

But then, amidst the chaos of the fight that just took place, I took my eyes off the magnificent creature resting in my hands, an olive woolly bugger still hanging from her bottom lip, and looked up. I gazed around at the exploding colors of red and yellow amongst the trees, the baby blue sky looming over us and at the contorted reflection of all this madness across the waters. It beat out any painting or photograph I’ve ever seen.

Check out Namebini for great fishing in Minnesota

Published in Community

Namebini has been a northern Minnesota business since 2007, taking its name from the original Ojibwe name for the nearby Sucker River.  Namebini has been a northern Minnesota business since 2007, taking its name from the original Ojibwe name for the nearby Sucker River.  Since then they have offered guided fly fishing and a variety of

Trout Tips: Lessons from the gear guys

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

Editor’s note: You can own TU’s newest book, “Trout Tips,” and have it delivered overnight. The book is a compilation of tips and tricks from TU staffers and volunteers from all over America. I’m in Duluth, Minn., for the annual Outdoor Writers Association of America conference, and got the opportunity to do some great public

Work on small tribs in Michigan creates big impacts

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited staff and partners braved snow and cold to finish a fish passage project on Hinton Creek in Michigan. By Jeremy Geist Headwater streams are a critical component to the overall health of a watershed and largely add to the biodiversity of a whole river system. These types of streams are the ones we

Great American Outdoors Act signed in to law

Published in Featured

Because of you — all of you — we can hunt more, fish more and play more. We can build stronger communities. We can lay the groundwork for a better conservation legacy. We can start fixing the backlog of maintenance issues impairing our public lands. We can make rivers and streams will be cleaner. We can make habitat healthier. We can leave this world a little better than we found it

Senate passes Great American Outdoors Act

Published in Conservation, Featured

The Senate voted Wednesday 73 to 25 to pass the Great American Outdoors Act, a bill that permanently and fully funds the Land and Water Conservation Fund and provides money for the growing maintenance backlog on public lands.

Trout Unlimited 2019 Great Gear Giveaway

The 2019 Trout Unlimited Great Gear Giveaway Entry Period has ended. While you can’t enter the giveaway, you can still support TU’s mission by making a donation. Thank you for your support in protecting our coldwater fisheries and, ultimately, our angling traditions for generations to come.

Conservation Success Index

The CSI is TU’s original conservation planning application. Beginning in 2010, the CSI provided the first range-wide summary of watershed-scale information related to salmonid distribution, population attributes, habitat conditions, and future threats. Information from the CSI served as the base data for TU’s 2015 State of the Trout report. The CSI approach has evolved into

Fisher Guiding offers great gifts and more

Published in Community

It’s holiday gift time, TUers. Giving gifts is fun, but it can get a little tricky picking something just right. We’ve heard from folks who want to set up a fishing trip for an angler as a gift, but they’re not completely sure of what date or what trip type will work, which is why

Great Gear for Christmas – Vedavoo Rod Holster!

Published in Uncategorized

Sometimes, the simplest ideas are the best. I first saw this one at the ICAST show last summer, and it was love at first sight. I grabbed one immediately. We loved it so much we included it in the Holiday Gift Guide in the winter issue of TROUT. It’s not big, it’s not expensive and

Wilderness Place Lodge is Alaska fishing at its finest

Published in TU Business, Conservation

Imagine this: Alaska. Wilderness. Strong runs of all five Pacific salmon species. Rainbow trout. Northern pike. Rustic elegance. Great food. Friendly hosts. I have more words to describe Wilderness Place Lodge, but if I could tell you all the great things about this place, it would take a lot more room than we have here.

30 Great Places: Pisgah National Forest

Published in Uncategorized

Region: Southern AppalachiaActivities: FishingSpecies: Brook, brown and rainbow trout Where: The Pisgah National Forest is a 500,000 plus acre wonderland of hardwood forests, mile-high peaks and rushi ng rivers situated along the eastern edge of the mountains of western North Carolina. It was the first national forest established east of the Mississippi and is home

30 Great Places: Black River, Arizona

Published in Uncategorized

Region: Southwest/Southern RockiesActivity: FishingSpecies: Apache, rainbow and brown trout Where: The Black River courses through the two million-acre Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests and the San Carlos and Fort Apache reservations in the White Mountains of east-central Arizona. This is not the desert country that Arizona conjures up, but forested terrain criss-crossed with cold, clear-running streams and