Search results for “great lakes”

Catch the F3T, help a local conservation cause

Published in Community, Featured, Fishing, Travel

The Fly Fishing Film Tour is available for online streaming right now, and if you’re interested in catching this year’s film offerings, you can buy tickets from an independent screening and help a local conservation cause in the process. So far, the F3T has raised more than $30,000 for local conservation causes via independent screenings.

Keystone Fund helps Pennsylvania’s famous Brodhead Creek

Published in From the field

Trout Unlimited has partnered with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership on a series of videos highlighting a few of the projects powered by this critical source of conservation funding. For more information on the Keystone Fund, you can visit:

Fishing and hunting on a refuge? You bet

Published in From the field, Featured, Featured, Featured

The Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming. At first blush it may seem odd that hunting and fishing is allowed on wildlife refuges, let alone expanding these uses as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently proposed. After all, they are wildlife refuges, right?   However, hunting and fishing on refuge lands goes back to earliest days of the refuge system

TU, BLM announce five-year, $8.9 million agreement for Western watershed restoration  

Agreement will support process-based restoration in Colorado River, California-Great Basin, and Columbia Pacific Northwest watersheds  Contacts:   Arlington, Va.—The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced a five-year, $8.9 million agreement to reconnect and restore arid Western watersheds, including the Colorado River, California-Great Basin, and Columbia Pacific Northwest river systems. TU will

Fundraising Committee Resources

Fundraising Committee Duties All of the great conservation mission work your local chapter accomplishes requires resources to be successful. The Fundraising Committee is typically tasked with planning the major money-raising events, ranging from the traditional banquet and grant applications, to newer types of fundraisers, such as online auctions, crowd-funding, major donor friendraisers and more. Recruiting

Skills: Counter-wrapping intelligence

Published in Uncategorized

Fly tying is always an exercise in patience, at least for me. While I enjoy tying flies, I’m good for about a half-dozen at a time. Then I get antsy. So, the less time I spend at the vise and the more time I spend actually fishing the flies I tie is important to me.

Fly tying: Down to the wire

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

I started using wire in my fly tying about a decade ago, and today, I’m not sure what I’d do without it. It’s a versatile tying material that do anything from add weight to simple sparkle, or to toughen up a fly to make it last longer. I’ve even started using really thin wire on

Fly fishing lifestyle gear for anglers

Published in Uncategorized

So, the shopping season is already upon us. STAY TUNED for a comprehensive gift guide from the editors and field testers of TU, that will be coming your way in Trout Magazine, as well as in a digital format, in the very near future. For starters, however, I have to recommend my friend Mark Koenig’s

Virtual outdoor show? It’s a real thing

Published in Uncategorized

The North American Sportsman Show is a free, online “exposition” featuring just about anything you might find at an actual sportsman’s show, minus the convention center corn dogs and the $20 parking bill. It is “show season” after all, with expos, fly tying shows, fishing shows, boat shows, RV shows and the like hitting expo

Caption contest: Write the best one, win a fly box

Published in Uncategorized

Write a funny caption for this photo, win an heirloom TU fly box. Please check out the next issue of TROUT magazine, which should be arriving in your mailboxes any day now. We’re proud, as always, of our mix of essays, from the likes of John Gierach and Chris Camuto. We have a neat photo

Skills: Tying the uni knot

Published in Uncategorized

We have lots of options for tying tippets to flies, and various knots work better for different situations. But, for a good, strong, universal knot, it’s tough to beat the uni knot. Video of How to Tie a Uni Knot Above, Tim Flagler demonstrates how to tie the uni knot. It’s a simple process and,

TU photography featured in ‘This is Fly’

Published in Community

The photography of Trout Unlimited’s Josh Duplechian is featured the latest edition of This is Fly, an online fly-fishing magazine. Josh is a gifted photographer, and I’ve known him for well over 15 years—he and I worked together at the Idaho State Journal in Pocatello before we both escaped the newspaper industry and came to

Fly tying: Size 22 Parachute Adams

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

Small flies intimidate me. I’ve essentially relegated the tying of all flies smaller than size 18 in my fly box to the experts. But I might have to take the plunge after watching Tim Flager tie a size 22 Parachute Adams below. Video of Parachute Adams Size 22 The Adams and its many variants might

Chapter Meetings

Chapter Meetings to Build Community For the last 60 years, TU’s chapters have followed a membership meeting model that has served us well. That’s a part of our culture and community we don’t want to change, but it’s also a great place to start evolving our model to connect with more members and the community

Flashback Pheasant Tail nymph

The venerable Pheasant Tail nymph is a fly box staple, and there’s a reason for that. It works. And it’s not the most onerous fly to tie, either, as demonstrated below by Matt Callies of Loon Outdoors, who cranks one out in just a few minutes. These great little nymphs also lend some versatility to

Climate Change Resources

Customizable Power Point decks to download General Resources From Citizens’ Climate Lobby 

So, you want to write for TROUT Magazine?

Published in Uncategorized

By Kirk Deeter I’ve been receiving a lot of pitches lately, which is great. I love to mix things up, am always looking for new talent, and enjoy giving people a shot (because it doesn’t seem all that long ago when a few editors gave me my first story assignments). That said, there are hints