Search results for “great lakes”

Wild: Firehole River brown trout

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Tom Reed with a nice Firehole River brown trout. We’d walked maybe a mile away from the bike trail that crosses the Firehole River, just upstream of the Fountain Flat parking area, putting a bit of distance between us and the last couple of anglers we wandered past that early June day several years back.

TU Volunteer Named Conservation Hero of the Year by Field & Stream Magazine

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Erin Mooney 703-284-9408 Howard Kern recognized for his work protecting Californias golden trout Arlington, VA.– Trout Unlimited (TU) volunteer Howard Kern, of Westlake Village, Calif., was named Field&Stream magazines 2009 Conservation Hero of the Year. Howard represents the best of TU’s members, said Chris Wood, TUs Chief Operating Officer. He is

TU, rancher boost fish habitat on Chalk Creek, UT

chalk_creek_bonneville.jpg A Chalk Creek native Bonneville cutthroat: Reconnected to spawning habitat FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 6, 2013 Contact: Paul Burnett, 801-436-4062 Tim Hawkes, 801-928-9008 Trout Unlimited, rancher boost fish habitat on Chalk Creek Project reconnects Weber River cutthroats with spawning habitat (Salt Lake City)The Weber River is home to one of Utahs most

Voices from the River: Rain, cold … and the clicker

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt You can only be expected to handle this for so long. Four straight days of slate-gray skies and icy rain (and even the occasional snow squall) will wear on the tattered soul of anybody who’s ventured north to chase big pike in a remote Manitoba lake. Sure, you expect a day or

Voices from the river: The Holy Trinity

Published in Voices from the river

Angler on California’s Trinity River. By Sam Davidson Every year, when the perseid meteor shower flings sparks across the night skies, I start thinking about fishing the Trinity River. The “Holy Trinity” is one of the best salmon and steelhead streams in California, and perhaps the Lower 48. In August summer run steelhead are in

TU Statement on FY19 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill

tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 18, 2018 Contact: Steve Moyer,, (571) 274-0593 Trout Unlimited Statement on Passage of the 2019 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill WASHINGTON D.C. Last Friday, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the Energy and Water Appropriations bill, which included vital funds for western drought remediation and fisheries habitat programs. With

Voices from the River: Resolved

Published in Voices from the river

Resolutions in January are dumb. I really can’t get into making any sort of rule for myself when there’s only seven hours of daylight and simply getting the newspaper feels like an expedition across the arctic tundra. Leniency. Naps. Snacks. S weat pants. These are things I can get on board with in January. But

TU launches major restoration effort on Battenkill

Published in Conservation, Community

By Jacob Fetterman Stretching from Manchester, Vt., to the Hudson River in New York state, the Battenkill River holds a firm place in fly fishing history.  Beyond the river’s fame and beauty, it has become evident that, without proper stewardship, the wild trout fishery supported by the Battenkill could slip away due to the degradation of quality habitat through factors such as deforestation, sedimentation, channel modification,

Bonds of brothers

As age takes its toll, the memories become stronger By Drew Irby I was browsing through a collection of scanned photos the other day and came across a vintage pic from the family archives. I had been randomly thinking about what happened to certain friends from my college days in northern Arizona. Seeing this shot

Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy postponed

A few months into the global pandemic, I know that I’m not the only one disappointed by postponed or cancelled plans.   While our team pivoted our organizing and communications work so we can still advocate for coldwater fisheries in Alaska, much of our summer programming is cancelled to protect the small villages and towns in the communities we work from COVID-19. Perhaps our most disappointing but necessary cancellation is the Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide

TU staffers turn 2020’s Oregon wildfires into opportunity to improve resiliency

Published in Living with Fire

People all around Oregon woke on Sept. 8, 2020, to high winds, extensive power outages and lots of speculation by foresters that it could be the worst day of fires in Oregon’s history. That’s exactly what it turned out to be for Chrysten Lambert, TU’s Oregon director for Western Conservation, and many others when three wildfires whipped through the area in a split second

Small stream Clean Water Act protections upheld 

In good news for healthy fish, streams and communities, administration vetoes congressional effort to weaken landmark water law Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—President Biden today vetoed a Congressional resolution to block a revised, clearer definition of the “Waters of the United States” that would restore federal Clean Water Act protections for millions of miles of small streams

Seedskadee Board Blog

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited does many great things across our country, but also faces many challenges moving into the future. One brought up often at state council meetings in Wyoming – and likely across the country – is the age and diversity of the board of the local chapters. Let’s face it, many of our TU board

Don’t wait… advocate

Published in Uncategorized

The author fishing during Virginia’s vibrant Fall. by Jeffrey Constantz   My mom taught me the old adage: Don’t discuss money, religion, or politics in polite company. Now, as a full-grown, all-knowing, 21-year-old millennial, I have a different, more nuanced opinion. To quote The Who’s 1965 hit, “My Generation,” “I’m not trying to cause a

Q&A: Pat Byorth

Pat Byorth has long been an advocate for anglers in Montana and with his recent appointment to Montana’s Fish and Game Commission, he is continuing that tradition for the benefit of all Montanans. As a long-time TU employee, he has worked to restore some of our most iconic rivers such as the Madison and the

We Are TU: Gustavo Castano

We care about clean water, healthy fisheries and vibrant communities. We roll up our sleeves to volunteer, we sit on our boards, and we strategize as members and leaders of staff. We want you to join us.  For a discounted first-time membership, click here:  The aim of this blog series is to highlight our friends, in