Search results for “great lakes”

The Moonlit Lunar S-Glass is a creek freak’s fly rod

Published in Gear reviews
A Moonlit fly rod

I love to fish glass. Love it. I love the slower cast, the softer feel. I love how glass gives smaller fish some heft. I love the bend in the rod that stretches into the cork. Glass fly rods, in my opinion, provide a more intimate, visceral connection with the fish we’re all after

Snorkeling in frigid water, jumping jacks and a successful restoration project

Published in Restoration

Snorkeling is a relatively easy and cost-effective way to survey streams for trout populations estimates. This summer, TU’s Jacob Fetterman conducted his first surveys on a stretch of Camden Creek, a tributary to the Battenkill River, prior to a habitat restoration project. He will survey the same stretch next to estimate the impacts of the project.

TU staffers celebrate Public Lands Month

Published in Responsible Recreation, Featured

To celebrate Public Lands Month, many TU staffers took to their local public lands and waters to participate in #ResponsibleRecreation. Staying close to home while still getting out to enjoy the outdoors has been imperative for many during the pandemic. Here are some of their stories: Exploring public land heritage along the Columbia River Tsagaglalal. 

Questar Corp. donates Rocky Mountain Front gas leases to Trout Unlimited

6/28/2006 Questar Corp. donates Rocky Mountain Front gas leases to Trout Unlimited June 28, 2006 Contact: Dave Stalling,, (406) 721-4441, (406) 531-7840 cell Chris Wood,, (703) 284-9403, (571) 274-0601 cell Brian ODonnell,, (970) 903-0276 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Questar Corp. donates Rocky Mountain Front gas leases to Trout Unlimited Conservation group asks Congress

Trout Unlimited's Guide to America's 100 Best Trout Streams Receives Prestigious National Outdoor Award

11/30/1999 Trout Unlimited’s Guide to America’s 100 Best Trout Streams Receives Prestigious National Outdoor Award Trout Unlimited’s Guide to America’s 100 Best Trout Streams Receives Prestigious National Outdoor Award Book Highlights the ‘Who’s Who’ of American Trout Streams Contact: 11/30/1999 — — Trout Unlimited’s ‘Guide to America’s 100 Best Trout Streams’ by John Ross, recently

Maclin, Curley promoted to new posts

Elizabeth Maclin Feb. 23, 2015 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited (703) 284-9403 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU promotes Maclin to executive VP post; Curley promoted to VP for eastern conservation WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood announced today the promotion of Elizabeth Maclin to the organizations executive vice president position. Maclin

Chuck Sams wins TU's 10 Special Places essay contest

Contact: Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Michigan angler Chuck Sams wins 10 Special Places Essay Contest Virginians Bo Painter and Matthew Reilly garner second and third places WASHINGTON, D.C. Chuck Sams is an engineer living within a days ride of all the great Michigan rivers. He attends trout camp

Tyker Hubble

Trout Unlimited Youth Essay Contest Winner Tyker Hubble, Garland, Utah, Seventh grade Life without public lands would be boring. All the fun activities my family enjoys are in these green spaces. No public lands would mean no camping, fishing, hunting and hiking. Public lands provide people with access to try new things or do something

Fly shops—a blinding flash of the obvious

Published in Uncategorized

By Walt Gasson We do surveys at TU. We ask questions and TU members give us answers. We use those answers to guide the things we do. That’s a good thing. TU is a membership-driven organization. That’s one of the things I love about working here. But once in a while, we ask a survey

The caddis: ‘The most dishonest fly ever’

Published in Uncategorized

Big trout won’t chase adult caddis as much as they will go after emerging caddis that are still in the water. Tom Rosenbauer doesn’t like caddis flies. OK. Maybe you need some background. I’m in snowy Island Park, Idaho, for a couple of days this week to drop in on the School of Trout, a

The TU-Loon Outdoors Spring Fly Showdown

Published in Community, Featured

The coronavirus outbreak has changed our lives this spring. Here’s a small diversion to take your mind off the crisis for a bit. Right about now, in a normal world, we’d be in the throes of the NCAA National Championship basketball tournament. Many of us would have agonized over the completion of tournament brackets, invested

Fly tying: The Navy Diver

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

I’ve always been a fan of tungsten in my fly tying. For some reason, I just tend to cast heavy nymphs and streamers better when the weight is at the fly, instead of pinched onto the line as split shot or paste. It’s a personal preference, I suspect, and it works for me. I especially