Search results for “great lakes”

How to fish a dry fly downstream

Published in Trout Tips, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Video spotlight

The “upstream and dry” approach is a commonly accepted method—and on some European waters, it’s required—for fly fishing. Here in the U.S., we’re blessed with a lot of trout water, and, thankfully, a lot of public lands on which we can fish at our leisure rather than being forced to pay rod fee, walk a

House passes Moving Forward Act

Published in Conservation, Featured

“Clean water and healthy waterways are critical elements of the Nation’s infrastructure system,” said Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited. “They are rightly recognized as such by the ‘Moving Forward Act.’ Today, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we can see that more clearly than ever before. As individuals, we need clean water to wash our hands and to drink. As communities, we need healthy waterways to sustain our farms, fisheries, our recreation, and our economies

Tying the Repeat Offender

Published in Fly tying, Featured

Trout spey fishing is all the rage these days, particularly in rivers that boast runs of anadromous fish that are swimming home and reacquainting themselves with fresh water and the food they used to eat before they took the salt to dine on the ocean’s bounty

Adipose fins are meant to be

Published in Youth, Featured, Trout in the Classroom

The NYC and Watersheds Trout in the Classroom virtual trout tank’s alevin are looking great and especially active today. At closer look we noticed that they have developed strong fins. Eight fins to be exact.   Why are these fins so important? Not only does every fin have a function and purpose, ichthyologists also rely on meristic characters, or countable structures, such as the numbers

Light the pilot for a young angler and share the craft

Published in Trout Talk

I look back on my fishing life, and I can play certain moments in my mind like black-and-white highlight reels. That first snout of a brown trout sipping a grasshopper fly I cast in the right spot along the riverbank. That first tarpon jump, that made my knees knock as the silver king splashed down on

Tip – One-Shot Wonder

Published in Fishing, Trout Talk, Trout Tips
Man with backpack fly fishing in river

So, so much attention is paid to casting fancy loops overhead, forming the perfect wind-cutting “U” shape and all that, which is wonderful. But your best friend for setting up a great cast is the water right in front of you. Friction and resistance built up by pulling and lifting a fly line off the

TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers

11/17/1999 TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers Audience Taking Advantage of Show’s New Website, Contact: 11/17/1999 — — Trout Unlimited Television’s (TUTV) ESPN2 series has hit the ground running in its second season, attracting a cumulative audience of one million viewers through its first five weeks,

Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmon

02/11/2008 Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmon FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmonScientific review needed to ensure conservation objectives are met February 11, 2008 VANCOUVER A coalition of conservation groups is calling for a scientific review of the Pacific Salmon Treaty to ensure that it is

A drift boat takes shape

Published in Boats

A few weeks ago, we introduced you to a radical drift boat design from Justin Gallen over at Raindog Boatworks. Since then there have been a few updates. Today, we have another from Justin on how the boat is progressing. 

Read the 2017 TU Annual Report

Published in Uncategorized

Dear Reader, On behalf of Trout Unlimited’s 300,000 members and supporters, 220 professional staff, and our trustees and grassroots leaders, we want to share with you the 2017 Trout Unlimited annual report. We realize that annual reports are essentially ritualized bragging, and should be generally read as such. Please consider these numbers, however, before you


There’s a direct connection between great habitat and great fishing. Our country is blessed with 640 million acres of public land that provide much of our best remaining fish and wildlife habitat, with good access for fishing and hunting. These lands are the birthright of every American—keeping them healthy is good for fish and game,

Fishing club or conservation group? Asked and answered

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Are we a conservation organization or a fishing club? That was the question for the Trout Unlimited Deerfield watershed chapter in northwestern Massachusetts when they formed almost ten years ago. Kevin Parsons tells the story: “A buddy approached me and said, ‘Let’s create a TU chapter.’ ‘Fine,’ I said “You be the

Returning thanks

Saint Ambrose once said, “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” That sentiment defines the work of Trout Unlimited’s Veterans Service Partnership, and was visible at the recent “couples trip” hosted by the VSP and the Friends of the Upper Delaware. The Upper Delaware is a great, but challenging wild trout fishery.

Cultivating Community in the Time of COVID-19

Published in Uncategorized

In what feels like a lifetime ago, I was a disaster relief volunteer.  I was always astonished with how grief stricken and tumultuous conditions could unite people in supporting one another with, oftentimes, simple acts of kindness.  As we are all experiencing this pandemic differently, I have found great comfort in how people are uniting