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Embrace A Stream 2024 em

Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and

Embrace A Stream 2024

Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and

2024 Embrace A Stream

Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and

Embrace A Stream 2024

Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and

TU Summer on the Fly

A fly fishing program at your camp! Engage campers in this meaningful sport that builds a lifelong connection to nature. This program makes implementing it simple, affordable, and fun. You only need access to fishable water. Benefits Fly fishing teaches motor skills, concentration and patience, and kids love it. But perhaps best of all, fly

Restoring hope

Published in Conservation

I would generally advise not spending the day before you head to Canada for a week long fishing trip with your 13-year-old son, and other TU supporters, in another state. But that is what I did the week before last. If you worry for the future of our country, attend next year’s Pennsylvania Rivers Conservation

Restoring hope

Published in Uncategorized

I would generally advise not spending the day before you head to Canada for a week long fishing trip with your 13-year-old son, and other TU supporters, in another state. But that is what I did the week before last. If you worry for the future of our country, attend next year’s Pennsylvania Rivers Conservation

Voices from the River: End of the road

Published in Voices from the river

As anglers, we have more in common with these folks than you might think. By Chris Hunt Years ago, when I first started working in advocacy for Trout Unlimited, one of our focus issues had to do with off-road vehicles and how some riders tended to take liberties on our public lands by pioneering new

Tell your story

Published in Conservation

My Dad says it happened when I was about 7 years old. Some punk lifeguards and their hangers-on were tormenting a sand shark they had pulled from the surf down the Jersey shore. I marched in between the sea of tree-trunk legs and, through my tears, carried the dead fish back to the surf. My

TU Who? Awareness is Essential to Growing Our Impact

Published in Uncategorized

Our work will take generations to accomplish and every chance we get to educate and inspire the broader community to care for our streams is another opportunity to raise awareness and build a larger coalition around our conservation efforts. by Jeff Yates If a dam tumbles down on a small, babbling brook and no-one hears

STREAM Girls camp connects fly fishing and STEM

Published in Youth, Community, Women

Trout Unlimited continues to get Michigan girls connected with their local streams through the lens of an angler, artist and scientist through STREAM Girls. TU’s STREAM Girls Program is about breaking down barriers and providing support in two male-dominated arenas: STEM-related careers and the sport of fly fishing. This national program is impacting significant numbers

Simms and Trout Unlimited Unite to Protect and Preserve Montana’s Gallatin River

Dec. 1, 2020 For Immediate Release                                                                                                                        Contact: Andrew Gerrie, Backbone Media,, 970-963-4873, ext. 13 John Frazier, Simms,, 406-551-5298 Brett Prettyman, Trout Unlimited,, 801-209-5320 BOZEMAN, Mont. (Dec. 1, 2020) – Simms Fishing Products announced today a multi-year partnership with conservation group and non-profit Trout Unlimited (TU). The partnership will focus on TU’s Home Rivers

Voices from the River: Luck versus Skill

Published in Voices from the river

Luck, or skill? In the case of exceptional anglers like the Steelhead Whisperer, it’s mostly the latter. By Jim Burns Consider how much of your fly fishing is skill, how much is luck. This summer I excitedly boarded a plane with my fly tube and sat down, expecting nothing more than a peaceful flight, but

Video spotlight: Brook Trout Country

Published in Video spotlight

Our video post yesterday on an upcoming brook trout film got a lot of traction—it’s clear that I’m not the only guy out there who loves brookies, even if catching them here in the West means I’m catching a non-native fish that’s likely contributed to the decline of native cutthroat trout. Let’s be completely clear

MT Smith: Did you get your permit?

Published in Uncategorized

To everyone who drew a permit to float Montana’s Smith let us be the first to say: Congratulations, you lucky son-of-a-gun. Not only are you about to embark on one of the country’s most amazing floats, you have also earned the distinction of making nearly 10,000 hopeful applicants from across the country jealous of your