Search results for “great lakes”

Zero Limit Adventures, the New York ‘Dream Team’

Published in Uncategorized

What do you call a team of great and passionate guides who love to do nothing but fly fish? In western New York, we call them Zero Limit Adventures. Zero Limit Adventures is a uniquely staffed guide service with expertise in various skills as well as diverse interests, backgrounds and personalities. ZLA provides guests with

Wilderness Lite: Backcountry adventure

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Land your next trout onto the stripping apron of an ultralight float tube amongst the breathtaking solitude of backcountry still waters. Backcountry ultralight float tubing is a GREAT introduction to trout, an absolute blast for an experienced angler, and a journey to bring families and friends together. Ever venture just a few miles into the

Lake trout on the decline in Yellowstone Lake

Published in Conservation, Fishing, Science, TROUT Magazine

National Park Service removed more than 280,000 invasive fish in 2019 Yellowstone National Park and its crews of contracted gillnetters removed 282,960 invasive lake trout from Yellowstone Lake this summer, a slight dip from previous years, and a likely indication that overall lake trout numbers are shrinking.  Nevertheless, there remains work to be done to

The cult of the invasive fish

Published in Trout Talk, Featured

Growing up in the Denver suburbs, one of my favorite childhood haunts was a public park a short bike ride from home. It sported the sketchy jungle gym with the sharp, rusty edges, the little spring loaded ridable critters that, with enough momentum, could send a small child into orbit, and a small lake that

What Trump’s budget means for anglers

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“The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.”— President Teddy Roosevelt [STAND UP FOR CONSE RVATION FUNDING HERE] Land and water conservation are taking a direct hit in President Trumps proposed budget. In his message to

Trump budget bad for clean water, cold water fisheries

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trump Administration budget ignores Americans support for clean air and waterCuts will harm agencies already strapped for funds CONTACT: Steve Moyer / Trout Unlimited(703) 447-8401, Kate Miller / Trout Unlimited(703) 489-6411, (May 23, 2017) Washington D.C. — President Trump released his detailed budget today proposing deep cuts to agencies and

To Wait on Pale Ice

Published in Fishing

Day 4 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Arctic

Parkside Elementary, TU team up to protect Rum Creek in Mich.

Published in Uncategorized

By Jamie Vaughan Rockford – Parkside Elementary students are changing the way their school is impacting their neighboring trout stream. The past two years, Parkside fifth graders have been analyzing the health of Rum Creek, an important coldwater tributary to the Rogue River, and decided they wanted to improve the footprint of the school on

Panfish … for the pan

Published in Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Youth

Across the country, the panfish bite is on. Or it’s about to be on, depending on where you live. And don’t be shy. Take your limit. Especially of the small ones. Panfish, like bluegill, bream, pumpkinseed and almost all varieties of sunfish are prone to overpopulating and stunting in a lot of lakes and ponds.

Video Spotlight: Proven techniques for trout

Published in Video spotlight

I love the old-school feel of today’s New Fly Fisher videos. And the short film below is a great all-around tutorial on tackling trout (and bass, frankly) fishing in moving water. Using southern Ontario’s Grand River as a backdrop, host Bill Spicer chases fish with proven guides that have a lot of great information for

TU replanting Michigan forests hit by ash borer

Published in Conservation

By Jamie Vaughan While emerald ash borer is old news in Lower Michigan, the impacts are still playing out today.   In Sparta, ash trees once dominated the floodplain forests along Nash creek. Now, few live trees remain among thousands of dead trees in various states of decay.   With limited markets for firewood, poor accessibility due to saturated soils, and risks

Trump Administration budget ignores Americans’ desire for clean air, water

Published in Uncategorized

Volunteers assist TU staff on a riparian corridor planting project in the upper Potomac River watershed in West Virginia. Elimination of funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program, as proposed in President Trump’s FY2018 budget, would devastate stream restoration efforts that are helping to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. The proposed FY 2018 budget

Permanent protection for Sáttítla

Permanent protection for Sáttítla/Medicine Lake Highlands  California’s Medicine Lake Highlands are a unique area of public lands that serves as a vast natural water reservoir and the sole source of the Fall River and its famous trout fishery. Photo: Pit River Tribe Tell President Biden and Congress to designate the Sáttítla/Medicine Lake Highlands National Monument

Video spotlight: How to save the day on a trout river

Published in Video spotlight

Below, in the Orvis video narrated by Dave Jensen, is a great story. And it’s a familiar one. Almost exactly two years ago, I was fishing what the locals had described to me as a great little grayling stream in eastern Alaska. This deep, slow channel that connected a network of ponds and lakes just

Forest Service announcement is great win for the Tongass National Forest

Published in Conservation

A brown bear searches for its next meal near Wrangell, Alaska, on the Tongass National Forest. Chris Hunt photo. By ending industrial old-growth logging and investing in restoration, USFS places new focus on forest health, recreation and resiliency  For decades America’s largest national forest has been subjected to industrial clear-cut logging that has left its bountiful salmon runs,

Upper Midwest Regional Rendezvous Resources

Thank you to the 75+ volunteers who joined us in Illinois for the 2019 Upper Midwest Regional Rendezvous! We had a great event sharing information, learning from one another, from partners and TU staff and developing strategies and tactics to take home to our local chapters and state councils. As you can see from Rodney