Search results for “great lakes”

Trout Unlimited Partners with Dominion to Restore Potomac River Headwater StreamsNew director hired to oversee collaborative initiative

11/3/2005 November 3, 2005 Contact: Bryan Moore, TU Project Director, (304) 641-2658, or Bob Fulton, Dominion, (304) 627-3200, Trout Unlimited Partners with Dominion to Restore Potomac River Headwater Streams New director hired to oversee collaborative initiative WASHINGTON — The national conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced a new watershed restoration initiative in

Voices from the River: Trying not to fish

Published in Voices from the river

This bridge over the Willamette River in Eugene, Oregon, teases anglers with art. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited By Brett Prettyman Efforts to keep fishing from entering my mind during our family vacation only lasted to the first state line. Some may find it hard to believe, but fishing doesn’t always fit into the plans. It is

Clean Water FAQ

Published in Uncategorized

Is your stream at risk? Find out. Stand up for Clean Water today Frequently Asked Questions about the Clean Water Rule: What are intermittent and ephemeral streams?These are small streams that may run sporadically or dry up during certain times of the year. They comprise more than 60 percent of the stream miles in the

Trout conservationists applaud EPA/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers initiative to restore Clean Water Act protections

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary (703) 284-9408 Trout conservationists applaud EPA/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers initiative to restore Clean Water Act protections Agencies guidance is a key first step for restoring fundamental protection to nations waterways. Milwaukee, Wisc.–Trout Unlimited commends the Obama Administration and its Clean Water Act agencies, the U.S.

Growing up with fresh water means never growing out of it

Published in Uncategorized

By Mandy Nix I’ve always been a child of water. A native to the North Carolina Piedmont, I spent the stickiest of summers at Kerr Lake (pronounced “Car”), the 50,000-acre reservoir that stretches across the line between the Old Dominion and my own Tar Heel State. Some mornings I’d greet the water as a freshwater

Little Beaver Kill gets a restoration makeover

Published in Restoration

By Jesse Vadala  When Trout Unlimited undertook a restoration project on the Little Beaver Kill in Livingston Manor, trout were to be just one of the beneficiaries.   The restoration project is part of a bigger vision to reduce flooding in the Town of Livingston Manor. It is also part of TU’s longstanding efforts in

Quest for Kittatinny trout

Published in Uncategorized

By Rob Shane As an angler, discovering a new stream with healthy populations of wild trout is a reward that does not come without hours of exploration and research. Truth be told, this exploration can be quite difficult with a rod and reel. Thanks to the Kittatinny Ridge Coalition, Audubon Pennsylvania, and a few electro-shocking

Gear test: The new Redington Butterstick

Published in Uncategorized

Mike Sepelak fishes the Redington Butterstick on a remote Idaho freestoner for native cutthroat trout. Photo by Chris Hunt. When I unzipped the bright orange rod tube containing the new Redington Butterstick and slowly lifted out the three-piece length of snazzy white fiberglass, I swear I heard the trumpets warming up for a sweet rendition

Video spotlight: Together

Published in Video spotlight

Volunteers from the Snake River Cutthroats (Idaho Falls), Star Valley (Wyoming), and Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited chapters braved cold in mid-October 2017 to plant willows, mulch and seed. Kris Millgate/Tight Line Media. Partners in the Tincup Creek Stream Restoration Project in eastern Idaho near the Wyoming border recently completed Phase 2 of the plan with

Natural Resources Committee votes to fully fund LWCF

The fund is the premiere program to fund public access and fish and wildlife conservation For immediate release June 20, 2019 Contact: Corey Fisher,, (406) 546-2979 June 20, 2019 (WASHINGTON D.C.) — On Wednesday, the House Committee on Natural Resources voted 21-12 to advance H. R. 3195, the Land and Water Conservation Fund Permanent Funding Act. The act was sponsored by Representative Jeff

The Gibralter is special

Published in Advocacy, Fishing

The place you catch a rainbow trout as big as a silver salmon is a place you hold with reverence. A place you plan to someday return.

TU lauds House passage of Protecting America’s Wilderness Act, notes benefits for habitat and sporting opportunities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact:  Kate Miller, Director, Government Affairs, (703) 489-6411,   Sam Davidson, California Communications Director, (831) 235-2542,  TROUT UNLIMITED PRAISES HOUSE PASSAGE OF BILL TO IMPROVE CONSERVATION, FOREST HEALTH AND OUTDOOR RECREATION ACCESS IN CALIFORNIA  The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act promotes protection and restoration of public lands and waters, wildfire risk reduction, and fishing and hunting opportunities in five national forests in California  Feb. 12, 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the

Hiking the CDT: Road-walking to Canada with grizzly bears

Published in Community, Featured, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Youth

Our best grizzly sighting happened on the last day just 8 miles from the border. We were excited and walking fast. My cousin Ethan was walking ahead and staring at his phone. He apperantly did not notice the bear walking up the road. After we caught his attention, his first thought, he later told us, was “Oh cool, a bear.” Followed shortly by, “Oh crap, a bear!”

U.S. Supreme Court weakens the Clean Water Act 

New ruling sharply restricts federal protections for wetlands, adds confusion to “Waters of the U.S.” protections   Contacts:   ARLINGTON, Va.—The U.S. Supreme Court today issued a ruling sharply curtailing Clean Water Act protections for wetlands that are critical to healthy and functioning watersheds.   Ruling in Sackett v. EPA, the court limited Clean Water Act protection for

A Celebration on the Elwha River

Published in Restoration, Community

advocates for dam breaching, free-flowing waters and river restoration are celebrating the news that the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe has been able to fish for coho salmon for the first time since two large dams blocking the Elwha River were removed a decade ago.

Connor Parrish lands his dream job on the Gallatin

Published in Home Rivers Initiative

“From the candidate interview process to the last few weeks of getting to know Connor, I am confident that his background, experience, and passion provide the right combination to lead the charge for the TU/SIMMS Gallatin Home River Initiative,” said Diane Bristol, Senior Director, Employee and Community Engagement. “We are also looking forward to the collaboration that Connor will facilitate across the many fantastic organizations that have been working to protect and enhance the Gallatin River.”

Video spotlight: Brook Trout Country

Published in Video spotlight

Our video post yesterday on an upcoming brook trout film got a lot of traction—it’s clear that I’m not the only guy out there who loves brookies, even if catching them here in the West means I’m catching a non-native fish that’s likely contributed to the decline of native cutthroat trout. Let’s be completely clear

MT Smith: Did you get your permit?

Published in Uncategorized

To everyone who drew a permit to float Montana’s Smith let us be the first to say: Congratulations, you lucky son-of-a-gun. Not only are you about to embark on one of the country’s most amazing floats, you have also earned the distinction of making nearly 10,000 hopeful applicants from across the country jealous of your