Search results for “great lakes”

Voices from the River: I’m not fishing to catch a fish

Published in Voices from the river

By Natalie Stauffer-Olsen I recently enjoyed an intense discussion with a dear friend. I have known this thoughtful fellow since I was a teenager—his passion for science and research, and his encouragement, were influential in my decision to pursue a career in freshwater ecology. In this particular conversation, I found myself intently listening to his

Voices from the River: A picture not taken

Published in Voices from the river

The sun sets on an epic day in the Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited. By Brett Prettyman Years ago, when I was starting out as an outdoors newspaper reporter, the editor looked at my request for a photographer to go on a 40-mile backpacking trip for six days and laughed. “Take a

A living legend and a fishing machine

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood “Lefty said, ‘give it a try for a year. If it doesn’t work out, you can come back.’” That was in April 1973, and Paul Bruun, fishing guide, writer, and Wyoming raconteur, never looked back. He moved from Miami Beach to Jackson to write for the Jackson Hole Guide. Lefty Kreh’s counsel

Lack of funding, not roadless rule, is bigger factor in Utah forest health

Published in Conservation

By Harv Forsgren Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune as an opinion piece in March of 2019. In Utah about half of our national forests — over 4 million acres — are designated as “inventoried roadless areas.” When a 2001 federal rule was being drafted to guide management of roadless

Klamath River restoration campaign passes another milestone

Published in Uncategorized

The upper Klamath Basin. Over the past year, TU’s long involvement in the campaign to restore the Klamath River and its salmon and steelhead runs paid dividends as this three-pronged effort passed several major milestones. TU’s staff and grassroots in both California and Oregon have played integral roles in this progress. Most recently, the Klamath

Former opponents now partners working to restore the upper Colorado River

Published in From the President

Born in Colorado, the mighty Colorado River serves over 40 million people and irrigates nearly 5 million acres of farmland before it enters Mexico. It is the hardest-working river in the West. The river also provides some of the finest trout fishing in the country and attracts millions of dollars in associated outdoor-related revenue to local communities.

The student becomes the master

Published in Community, Youth

The 2021 Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy. Photo by Rich Johnson. The Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy is one of Trout Unlimited’s pride-and-joy programs in Alaska. Together with the Bristol Bay Native Corp. and the Bristol Bay Heritage Land Trust, and a slew of local lodge owners, retired fisheries biologists and

Revised ‘Waters of the United States’ rule weakens protections for wetlands and streams

Revised rule implements Supreme Court opinion sharply restricting federal protections for wetlands and small streams Contacts:   ARLINGTON, Va.—The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers today issued a revised Waters of the U.S. Rule sharply limiting Clean Water Act protections for wetlands and small streams that are critical to healthy and functioning

Joy and Wonder

Published in Fishing, Women, Youth

It would be years before I caught much more apart from a few fishing trips in the mountains for brook trout and a couple others on a nearby lake for rainbows.

Trout Tips: Lessons from the Firehole

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

Editor’s note: For great fishing tips and tricks from TU staffers and volunteers all over America, you can buy TU’s new book, “Trout Tips” online and have it shipped overnight. I spent an afternoon last week on the Firehole River in Yellowstone National Park. It’s one of the West’s iconic rivers, and it’s also one

Video spotlight: Fly Fish Utah

Published in Video spotlight

Utah’s been in the news a lot lately thanks to the state’s elected leadership and its efforts over the last few years to seize or sell public lands from every American who owns them. As anglers, many of us know that Utah is wonderful fishing destination, and that most of the great trout fishing in

Bill honoring steelhead legends reintroduced

Published in Uncategorized

Senator’s Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley reintroduced legislation today that would protect one of the country’s best remaining populations of wild steelhead. The “Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Management Area” bill will safeguard more than 100,000 acres of habitat on the famed North Umpqua. “Trout Unlimited applauds the determined leadership of Oregon Senators’

Tickets on Sale for the Fly Fishing Film Tour – March 16th!

Published in Uncategorized

Fly Fishing Film Tour 2017! Get ready! WorldCast Anglers, Orvis Jackson Hole, Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited and Teton Valley Trout Unlimited are bringing the Fly Fishing Film Tour back to Jackson Hole in 2017! We have also added a Teton Valley showing! Tickets are $15 before the event and $20