Search results for “north coast california”

California sportsmen to Congress: reauthorize LWCF

tu-logo-xl.jpg September 17, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Corey Fisher / (406) 546-2979 Sam Davidson / (831) 235-2542 Sportsmens groups urge California congressional delegation to save the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program vital for habitat conservation and sporting access, expires September 30 TRUCKEE, Calif.Forty-three sportsmens organizations and businesses have signed and submitted

Sportsmen applaud reinstatement of roadless rule

Contact: Chris Hunt – (208) 406-9106 Shauna Sherard – (307) 757-7861 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sportsmen applaud reinstatement of roadless rule 10th Circuit Court overturns lower courts, maintaining 2001 rule Denver Trout Unlimited welcomed the decision handed down from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals today reinstating the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule. The ruling protects

TU Asks Feds to List California Golden Trout As Endangered

10/26/2000 TU Asks Feds to List California Golden Trout As Endangered TU Asks Feds to List California Golden Trout As Endangered Trout Unlimited says California’s state fish threatened with extinction Contact: 10/26/2000 — — Contact: Steve Trafton, Trout Unlimited’s California Policy Coordinator, (510) 528-4772 Roland Knapp, Ph.D., Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab, (760) 647-0034** October

Video spotlight: High country, long wands

Published in Video spotlight

A few years ago, I had the amazing opportunity to visit the east coast of Australia and tour some river and estuary restoration projects in New South Wales, while speaking with Aussie anglers about conservation and restoration when it comes to fishing. It was an eye-opening experience, and I was fortunate to meet some people

Voices from the River: Flossing

Published in Voices from the river

by Eric Booton The midnight sun came and went. We are so accustomed to the unending daylight that we neglected to pack headlamps. We were already run out a fishing hole earlier in the evening by black bear and passing anglers were warning us of a momma brown bear with cubs. It wasn’t the most

What role does climate change play in the debate over removing the four Lower Snake dams?

The data show conclusively that the Pacific Northwest’s climate is warming. The Snake River basin will experience hotter temperatures in the summer, which will make water conditions in the lower Snake River more problematic than they are at present.  High water temperatures in the Snake under current conditions can take a devastating toll. In 2015,

Voices from the river: Fishing the improbable

Published in Voices from the river

The Nacimiento River at peak winter flow, central California. By Sam Davidson A recent telephone call with the Steelhead Whisperer got me fired up. His brother had been car-camping around the central coast, and had seen people fishing in one of the streams that swerve out of the Santa Lucia range and through the oak

Scranton hosts TU's 2015 Annual Meeting

Sept. 16, 2015 Contact: Chris Hunt, National Communications Director (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU descends upon Scranton, Pa., for annual meeting SCRANTON, Pa.Hundreds of Trout Unlimited volunteer leaders from across America are in Scranton this week for the non-profit conservation organizations annual meeting that will feature everything from a fishing outing and conservation tour

Wild: Bill Templin and the South Fork Kings River

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Bill Templin and wild trout, SF Kings River. By Sam Davidson Almost twenty years ago, a man who had carried on a long term love affair with what must be one of the most underappreciated trout streams in the Sierra Nevada decided he was in a generous mood, and would form a group to share

California’s new cannabis rules will help salmon, steelhead

Published in Uncategorized

Consider some of the major factors in the decline of native salmon, steelhead and trout in North America. Extensive loss of habitat from dams and other development. Too much water diverted from streams. Degraded water quality from poorly maintained roads and leaky old mines. In California, you can add cannabis cultivation to this list of

The long game: TU and the Yuba River

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Getting bent on the lower Yuba River. The Yuba River is one of California’s many coldwater fishery jewels. In its upper forks the Yuba is a fine freestone trout stream; in the reach between Englebright Dam, where the river flows into the Central Valley, and its confluence with the Feather River near Marysville, the Yuba

TU cheers San Gabriel Mountains designation

October 10, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, VP for Government Affairs, (571) 274-0593Jessica Strickland, California Field Coordinator, (830) 515-9917 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited strongly endorses designation of new San Gabriel Mountains National MonumentApplauds Presidents action to permanently protect water supply, habitat, and sporting opportunities in southern California EMERYVILLE, Calif.Trout Unlimited (TU), the nations oldest and

Anglers, hunters disappointed in latest ruling

8/13/2008 Anglers, hunters disappointed in latest ruling FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Dave Glenn, (307) 349-1158 Dave Petersen, (970) 375-9010 Scott Stouder, (208) 628-3990 Anglers, hunters disappointed in latest rulingRoadless matter has become more about politics, less about the issue CHEYENNE, Wyo.Judge Clarence Brimmers Aug. 12 decision to once again suspend the protection of the countrys

New Streamflow Improvement Plan helps coho in key Russian River tributary

Published in Science, Conservation

Coho salmon are native to California coastal streams north of Monterey Bay, but populations of “silvers” in this region have been declining for decades and the species is now listed as Endangered in the Golden State. Trout Unlimited is heavily invested in cooperative efforts to recover California coho. One product of this work is development

Klamath Settlement Agreements Finalized

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Craig Tucker, Spokesman Karuk Tribe (916) 207-8294 Troy Fletcher, Policy Analyst, Yurok Tribe (707) 498-8486 Jeff Mitchell, Council member, Klamath Tribes(541) 891-5971 Glen Spain, Regional Director, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermens Associations(541) 689-2000 Greg Addington, Executive Director, Klamath Water Users Association (541) 892 1409 Karl Scronce, President, Upper Klamath Water Users

SWIFT launches A Practitioners Guide to Instream Flow Transactions in California

SWIFT logos.png March 29, 2016 Contact: Carson Cox, American Rivers/River Right, (415) 383-1788, Chris Alford, Alford Environmental, (530) 848-6211, Lisa Park, The Nature Conservancy, (408) 821-9255, Mary Ann King, Trout Unlimited, (510) 649-9987, Sari Sommarstrom, Scott River Water Trust, (530) 467-5783, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SWIFT launches A Practitioners Guide to

House drought response bill could devastate CA salmon, steelhead

Published in Uncategorized

Dead salmon in the lower Klamath River, 2002. Yesterday, June 12, 2017, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 23, the Gaining Responsibility on Water (Grow) Act. This bill is one of the worst pieces of legislation in recent memory, in terms of its devastating effects on salmon and steelhead and their fisheries. According to Steve

The science is clear on suction dredge mining

Published in Conservation, Science, steelhead

Two bills will move through the Washington legislature this session with the goal of updating the state’s laws protecting its fish and waterways from impacts of suction dredge mining. Though you may see comments from a select few upholding the activity, the science is incredibly clear on negative impacts it causes to our already-stressed fish populations.

Sweetwater Brewing Co. to give $100k for clean water initiatives

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tucker Berta Sarkisian SweetWater Brewing Co. ATLANTA (6.1.16) SweetWater Brewing Company is broadening its annual Save Our Water campaign to protect our right to clean water and tasty brews to include five partner organizations: Waterkeeper Alliance, Trout Unlimited, Ducks Unlimited, Surfrider, and Coastal Conservation Associations National Habitat Program, Building Conservation