Search results for “ruby mountains”

Native Odyssey: Brett Winchel

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program is sending five college students on a native trout odyssey across America this summer. Meet Brett Winchel, one of the five lucky participants. I moved to Knoxville roughly four years ago to begin my journey to a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at the University

Summer’s End: Fishing with TU Teens of Gallipolis

Published in Uncategorized

The TU Teens Club of Gallipolis, OH is the first of its kind in the mid-west region. Shannon Mayes is a teacher at the Gallia Academy Middle School and founded the club in 2013. TU Teens is part of the Recreation On Campus for Kids (ROCKS) program at GAMS. The club is strongly affiliated with

Senate passes public lands measures as part of defense spending authorization

Dec. 14, 2014 Contact: Chris Wood, (571) 274-0601 Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Senate passes public lands measures as part of defense spending authorization Sportsmen-driven bills on the way to the White House WASHINGTON, D.C.The Senate today voted to approve a number of important public lands measures that were attached to the federal

Rainbows and unicorns

Published in Featured, Voices from the river

The loud booms forced us off the water and back to the trail, but we thought for sure it would be another dry storm just rumbling its way through the mountains. But, not this time

BLM Takes Step Backward on Utah Energy Leasing

02/05/2009 BLM Takes Step Backward on Utah Energy Leasing February 5, 2009 Contact: Corey Fisher, TU, 406-546-2979, John Gale, NWF, 303-441-5156, galej@nwf.orgJoel Webster, TRCP, 406-360-3904, For Immediate Release: BLM Takes Step Backward on Utah Energy LeasingDecision to open 4.7 million acres of public lands to development with minimal planning prompts criticism by sportsmens

Delaware River Fly Tri will be a test of fitness and fishing

Published in Community, Advocacy, Conservation, Women

Trout Unlimited is putting a bit of a twist on the triathlon concept for an event that will debut this spring in Northeast Pennsylvania.  The inaugural Delaware River Fly Tri will feature a run, bike and paddling legs with a dose of fishing thrown in.  The event will be held May 16 in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area near

Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idaho’s Big Lost River

11/17/2008 Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idahos Big Lost River Nov. 17, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kim Goodman Trotter, director, Idaho Water Project, (208) 552-0891 or ktrotter@tu.orgOr Bart Gamett, (208) 588-2224, or Ladders Boost Fish Recovery in Idahos Big Lost RiverIdaho Water Project clears habitat hurdle: Whitefish cant jump Idaho Falls, Idaho A

What to do if we can’t fish?

Published in Trout Talk

Native Colorado River cutthroat trout. Kara Armano photo. Luckily, I’ve still been able to fish. Thanks to living over 8,000 feet and having plenty of high mountain streams and lakes, I have lots of options. At least so far. I recently went to beat the heat that was nearing triple digits to a new-to-me high

Trout Unlimited Nominated Virginia River included on Most Endangered List

4/11/2001 Trout Unlimited Nominated Virginia River included on Most Endangered List Trout Unlimited Nominated Virginia River included on Most Endangered List Acid Rain affected River demonstrates need for Pollution Cuts Contact: 4/11/2001 — — Arlington, VATrout Unlimited has applauded the inclusion of Virginias Paine Run River as one of the nations most endangered rivers on

Strengthening the Snake: Collaborative Snake River Ranch Project Aims to Enhance Native Trout Habitat and Bank Stability

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Contacts: Strengthening the Snake: Collaborative Snake River Ranch Project Aims to Enhance Native Trout Habitat and Bank Stability Teton County, October 25, 2023 – The Snake River, a vital lifeline coursing through the heart of Teton County, is facing dynamic challenges that demand innovative solutions. The river’s mainstem faces fluctuating flows

St. Peter’s Fly Shop

About us Premier fly shop and guide service of northern Colorado. Serving the Fort Collins community since 1992. What we do Fly shop and guide service Where we do it We guide in a variety of places. Northern Colorado: Cache la Poudre River, Big Thompson River, Rocky Mountain National Park. Wyoming: Upper North Platte River

‘A Nation’s River’ highlights TU’s efforts in the Potomac headwaters

Dustin Wichterman lives trout.  By day he manages Trout Unlimited’s restoration and protection work in the Potomac headwaters.  Most of the rest of the time he’s either fishing for trout or dreaming about fishing for trout.  And a big part of that dream is that one day the Potomac headwaters will again regularly churn out native brook trout pushing

From the vault: Canjilon

Published in Voices from the river

Settlers quickly learned that the mountains of north central New Mexico were more difficult to penetrate than they looked. In these post-logging days, aspens and conifers coat them like suede, concealing cliffs and box canyons around every corner.

Voices from the River: Silent Forest

Published in Voices from the river

Photo by Chris Hunt By Dave Ammons The size of the ponderosa pines in Silent Forest is testament to the vigor of mother nature. These are clearly not discontented trees, rising a hundred feet with red-barked girth that my outstretched arms cannot encircle. The entire forest is rooted in satisfaction as it climbs the steeply

Hunters and Anglers United for the San Luis Valley

The San Luis Valley The San Luis Valley is located about 200 miles southwest of Denver, Colorado and is bounded on the west by theSan Juan Mountains and by the Sangre de Cristos to the east. The region is home to more than 1.8 million acresof public land that includes hunting and fishing opportunities on