Search results for “ruby mountains”

Study: Changing climate could cut Western trout habitat in half

Contact: Seth Wenger, Staff Scientist, (208) 340-7046, swenger@tu.orgChris Wood, President and CEO, (571) 274-0601, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Study: Changing climate could cut Western trout habitat in halfNative cutthroat trout could see 58 percent decline in suitable habitat BOISE, Idaho A new study shows a changing climate could reduce suitable trout habitat in the western

Video spotlight: Santa Cruz—Atlantic Steelhead

Published in Video spotlight

Steelhead? In the Atlantic? In far southern Patagonia in Argentina’s Santa Cruz River, it’s a reality. Patagonia, of course, is perhaps the troutiest destination on the planet, and there’s a significant amount of irony in that statement, given that not a single salmonid is native to this sweeping region of mountains, deserts and rivers. Tres

Trout Unlimited Partners with Dominion to Restore Potomac River Headwater StreamsNew director hired to oversee collaborative initiative

11/3/2005 November 3, 2005 Contact: Bryan Moore, TU Project Director, (304) 641-2658, or Bob Fulton, Dominion, (304) 627-3200, Trout Unlimited Partners with Dominion to Restore Potomac River Headwater Streams New director hired to oversee collaborative initiative WASHINGTON — The national conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced a new watershed restoration initiative in

New report notes pipeline-related pollution events

Published in Conservation, Science, TROUT Magazine

By Jake Lemon and David Kinney Over the past few years, developers and regulators have assured Virginians and West Virginians that sound construction practices and the effective use of erosion controls would limit impacts to the hundreds of streams in the path of proposed Marcellus Shale country pipelines. “Based on the avoidance and minimization measures

Reconciliation for fish and people in California’s Central Valley

Published in Science, Community, Conservation

Dr. Rene Henery leads a small team of Trout Unlimited program staff who work on improving and restoring habitat, passage and flows for imperiled Central Valley salmon and steelhead. This effort has taken promising strides over the past several years toward a collaborative, adaptively-managed approach to rebuilding wild runs of native fish and the fisheries

Eastside Road Floodplain Restoration Project, White Mountain National Forest

Goals The White Mountain National Forest, a popular New England vacation destination, is home to hundreds of miles of hiking trails spanning over 4,000-foot mountaintops, 1,250 square miles of wilderness and 600 miles of rivers and streams. The relatively steep topography makes these streams great candidates for strong Atlantic salmon and brook trout populations. When

High Water

A little girl wearing a cowboy hat smiles amid a Montana rain storm.

The creek was out of it’s banks when we crossed the bridge. Hard rain and a higher than normal snowpack had made its way down the mountain, spilling out into the hayfields and pastures, jumping out of the bend near the diversion ditch and coursing past the log fence in the back yard, a good

A place to be a hobo

Published in Conservation

By Christine Peterson In his early 20s, Bill Christensen would gather a group of buddies and head into the mountain for a week. With no meals. “We would either catch fish or be hungry.” They rarely went more than a day without food, eventually finding fish in one of the Uintas’ hundreds of lakes. The

Anglers support Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act

New bill will protect headwaters of Blackfoot River and native trout streams For immediate release  June 10, 2019   Contact: David Brooks, (406) 543-0054, Corey Fisher, (406) 546-2979,  June 10, 2019 (MISSOULA, MT) — Anglers are voicing their support over a bill that would add lands to the Bob Marshall, Scapegoat and Mission Mountain Wilderness areas, create new

Shenandoah Valley headwaters conservation

Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley is the stuff of postcards — majestic mountains, tiny meandering streams and breathtaking vistas. Home to the George Washington National Forest and Shenandoah National Park, the Shenandoah Valley is a destination for hunters and anglers around the country. Here, TU is working to restore streams to their former glory. By reintroducing native

Voices from the River: Five questions for Tess

Published in Voices from the river

If you’ve spent much time fishing in Montana, you’re probably familiar with Rock Creek just outside of Missoula. While it’s importance to fly anglers has been long known, it’s key role in trout recruitment for the Clark Fork River is starting to come to light. With that in mind, Trout Unlimited brought in Tess Scanlon,

Voices from the River: If the weather holds

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt Several years ago, I hosted a colleague from D.C. here in Idaho in mid-September, a generally dependable time of year for decent weather, solid fishing and some of prettiest fall colors of the season, especially in the high country. And it snowed. < /p> Not just the little early-season squall—a full-on dump

Monumental Myths: Part 1

Published in Uncategorized

/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/2.png Editors note: This is the first in a three part series looking at the myths perpetuated in the national discussion about national monuments and the Antiquities Act. By Corey Fisher The issue of national monuments and the Antiquities Act tends to elicit passionate responses, both for and against. It also spurs misconceptions. On December

Upper Rio Grande Landscape

From its headwaters in the high peaks of Colorado through the northernmost rift valley of New Mexico, a region known as Rio Arriba, the Upper Rio Grande is a fabulous fishing stream. For 200 miles, the river is filled with trout, pike, smallmouth bass, and carp. Major tributary streams like the Conejos, Chama, Red, Jemez and Pecos are superb fisheries themselves, along with hundreds of additional feeders, many

BLM supports public lands restoration with new rule

The rule promotes locally driven and locally led conservation efforts – such as those completed by Trout Unlimited – to maintain intact, functioning landscapes. April 18, 2024 Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.— Today the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) finalized the Public Lands Rule, which gives the agency a framework to promote ecosystem resilience on public lands

New Mexico sportsmen praise passage of Valles Caldera, Columbine-Hondo

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dec. 12, 2014 Contact: Toner Mitchell, 505 231-8860, Garrett VeneKlasen, 505-670-2925, Oscar Simpson, (505) 345-0117, New Mexico sportsmen praise passage of Valles Caldera, Columbine-Hondo bills Congress permanently protects outstanding New Mexico backcountry hunting and fishing lands (Santa Fe) Trout Unlimited, the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, and New Mexico Backcountry