Search results for “ruby mountains”

Monumental Myths: Part 1

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/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/2.png Editors note: This is the first in a three part series looking at the myths perpetuated in the national discussion about national monuments and the Antiquities Act. By Corey Fisher The issue of national monuments and the Antiquities Act tends to elicit passionate responses, both for and against. It also spurs misconceptions. On December

New Mexico sportsmen praise passage of Valles Caldera, Columbine-Hondo

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dec. 12, 2014 Contact: Toner Mitchell, 505 231-8860, Garrett VeneKlasen, 505-670-2925, Oscar Simpson, (505) 345-0117, New Mexico sportsmen praise passage of Valles Caldera, Columbine-Hondo bills Congress permanently protects outstanding New Mexico backcountry hunting and fishing lands (Santa Fe) Trout Unlimited, the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, and New Mexico Backcountry

Charlie Russell’s cutthroat

Published in Conservation, Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine

Water for Camp, watercolor, Charlie Russell. Source: Wikipedia By Tom Reed It is wide open terrain, a landscape that leaves no question as to where Montana got its nickname: Big Sky Country. This is the land of Charlie Russell. He was the quintessential artist of the Old West, a talent who told stories in watercolor

Trout Unlimited Awards 2004 Embrace-A-Stream Grants

3/3/2004 Trout Unlimited Awards 2004 Embrace-A-Stream Grants Trout Unlimited Awards 2004 Embrace-A-Stream Grants Contact: Rob Roberts Embrace-A-Stream Coordinator Trout Unlimited 703.284.9424 3/3/2004 — Washington — National Conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) this week announced its selections for 2004 Embrace-A-Stream grants. Embrace-A-Stream is the flagship grant program for funding Trout Unlimited grassroots fishery conservation efforts. This

Video spotlight: Small-stream Brown Troutin’

Published in Video spotlight

When most of us load up for an overnighter into the mountains to chase trout, a helicopter doesn’t play into the equation. But in remote Sweden, near the border with Norway, a chopper is the most logical means of transport to get to backcountry waters. Video of FLY TV – Small Stream Brown Troutin' in

30 Great American Places

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September is a month tailor-made for sportsmen and women and there is no better place to spend it than on our public lands. The dog days of summer have given way to cooler temperatures and a multitude of opportunities beckon hunters and anglers: brown trout chasing streamers, elk bugles ringing through the mountains, ruffed grouse

‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ Cheer Reintroduction of Colorado Public Lands Legislation

Widely popular CORE Act would open miles of public fishing access and protect big game habitat Washington, DC (February 2, 2021)—Several of the nation’s leading sporting conservation groups are proclaiming their support for the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy (CORE) Act introduced in both chambers of Congress today by Sens. Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper

Matt Heron Fly Fishing takes you to the Truckee

Published in Community

I suppose there are people – perhaps many people – who do not immediately think of fly-fishing when the hear the word “California”. There was a time when I might not have, either. But I’m over that now, mostly because of great people like my friend Matt Heron.

Spotlight on Rio Grande del Norte

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Note: this is part of a series of blogs detailing the Antiquities Act and national monuments that matter to hunters and anglers. Come back and visit in the coming days to learn more about your public lands and how national monuments conserve our hunting and fishing heritage. By Greg McReynolds The Red River crashes into

Paul’s Pipes

About us In my spare time I am either actively mentoring young men or fly fishing or photographing with my beautiful wife. I love to challenge others to help preserve our waters and fisheries and use my natural talents to do so. My satisfaction comes from pouring my whole soul into whatever I am pursuing

Dunoir Fishing Adventures, LLC

About us Dunoir Fishing Adventures, LLC fly fishing guides: Bighorn, Green, and Wind Rivers serving Thermopolis, Lander, and Dubois, Wyoming’s rivers, streams, and mountain lakes. Personable and professional guides will provide a fly fishing adventure of a lifetime. Local permitted guides have many years of fly fishing and guide experience on Wyoming’s waters. We will

Hunter Banks Fly Fishing Co.

About us Founded in 1985, we are the largest exclusively fly fishing retailer in the Southeast. Our 4000 square foot store in Asheville NC offers the best selection of premium fly fishing equipment and customer service. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are ready to help anglers of all levels on their next fly fishing adventure.

TU urges Tipton to improve REC Act

Colorado Congressman Scott Tipton is drafting a public lands bill to safeguard places sacred to sportsmen and women in qestern Colorado.  Trout Unlimited is working closely with other members of Colorado’s elected delegation on the CORE Act to provide protections critical for fish, wildlife, and public lands, and it looks forward to working with the 3rd Congressional District leader to explore additional options that are favorable to all

Tourist season

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We love having visitors in Montana. For one, it’s a huge driver for our economy—we’ve got an obscenity of riches when it comes to outdoor recreation opportunities and were I to live anywhere else, Montana is where I’d long to be. But by the end of July, after one or two giant motorhomes have nearly

Colorado River Cutthroat Trout

Trout Unlimited has a diverse research and monitoring program focused on understanding the basic ecology and habitat requirements of Colorado River cutthroat trout. This work, done with various state and federal partners, helps us identify key habitat needs throughout the year so we can restore and protect important aspects of trout environments, such as over-wintering,

Video spotlight: Touching the Sun

Published in Video spotlight

I bought a mountain bike last spring with the intent of riding some backcountry trails to fishy haunts, and while I got out a few times, I didn’t use it nearly enough. Maybe next summer. It’s not an outlandish idea, biking to backcountry fishing. The video above shows two anglers who loaded their bike paniers

Native Odyssey: Touchdown in Anchorage

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Editor’s note: Building off the success of last year’s Native Odyssey campaign, Trout Unlimited is sending four of our brightest college club leaders in the TU Costa 5 Rivers Program to explore the home of the world’s largest runs of wild salmon: Alaska. Starting July 5, these students will explore the Kenai Peninsula, Bristol Bay