Search results for “ruby mountains”

TU, partners aid brook trout with NY dam removal

Published in Conservation

Native brook trout have gained improved access to 3 miles of quality coldwater habitat in Sullivan County, N.Y., thanks to a multi-organization project that removed an old dam that was blocking the stream. Trout Unlimited teamed up with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and local landowner, Bald Mountain Inc., on the project on Frog Hollow, a stream

Living off the land

Published in Voices from the river
A woman picks berries in the Colorado high country.

In the summer, I think I could live off the land — with a bit more education. Wild raspberries and strawberries, wildflowers, wild trout, some wild onions, mushrooms and cattails would make a smorgasbord. The trout tend to come easily in the high-mountain streams I frequent, but too bad I’m a vegetarian as they would be the only filling menu item. I guess I have more learning to do.

Land Conservancy Fund

Trout Unlimited’s Land Conservancy Fund is a matching grant program designed to provide chapters and councils with grants to help with land protection projects, including conservation easements and land trust or agency acquisition and/or ownership of properties that are a priority for native and wild trout and salmon populations. The program is administered by the

TU Councils on national monuments

Published in Uncategorized

Want to know what 30 of Trout Unlimited’s state councils had to say about national monuments? Here’s the full text of their official comments, submitted July 10. July 10, 2017 Monument Review, MS-1530 U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240 Comments of Trout Unlimited on DOI-2017-0002, Review of Certain National

NRCS awards $1.8 million to TU for projects in New England

Trout Unlimited has been awarded nearly $1.8 million for a suite of stream restoration efforts in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.  The $1,795,495 award is from the Natural Resources Conservation Service through its Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP).  “I’m excited to announce the first RCPP awards under the 2018 Farm Bill,” said NRCS Chief Matthew Lohr. “Through collaboration and aligning our

Video spotlight: Fly Fish Arkansas

Published in Video spotlight

Most of us have heard of the famous tailwaters in Arkansas, where big trout lurk in cold, bottom-release river water. Few of us outside of Arkansas have ever actually fished these storied waters, let alone tangled with their trophy residents. After watching the film below, I think we should. Video of FLY FISH ARKANSAS –

Video spotlight: Creeking

Published in Video spotlight

Of all the types of fly fishing, from the flats of the tropics to the steelhead and salmon rivers of the coastal north, my favorite is what I’ve always called “blue lining.” I love small mountain streams on public lands—places where anyone can visit with a fly rod and, often, not see another angler for


With support from Chevron Mining, Inc., the LOR Foundation, Trout Unlimited, and dedicated village leaders, Questa is building an economy based on outdoor recreation, traditional agriculture, and light industry.  And though the finish line may be a ways off, the right pieces are falling into place, including a vibrant arts scene, the opening of a

The lowly whitefish

Published in Fishing, Conservation, TROUT Magazine

The mountain whitefish native to the northwest U.S. There’s trout water, and then there’s trout water that also holds mountain whitefish. The latter is likely healthier.  Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) are often greeted by anglers with the same enthusiasm they might afford a creek chub or a sucker. The slightly downturned snout may not be as

Video spotlight: The Sallee Boys

Published in Video spotlight

Ah, sibling rivalries. Anybody who has a brother or a sister understands exactly what it’s like to compete with those closest to you for everything from the food put on the table at night to the fish that come to hand. Meet the Sallee brothers—one is a musician and the other is robotics application engineer.

Montana Angler supports clean water

Published in TU Business, Conservation

Brian McGeehan is a business guy. He and his wife Ann own and operate Montana Angler Fly Fishing, a full-service fishing outfitting business in Bozeman, Mont. But Brian is also a conservation guy. Montana Angler’s “30 Back” program contributes 30 percent of retail profits to support local outdoor education and conservation. Being an advocate for

What are fences good for?

Published in Community, From the field, Voices from the river

In New Mexico, fences protect trout habitat and livestock It feels great to get out again on TU field projects. A few weeks ago, we journeyed to the Gila to take some stream measurements, and last week we went to the northwestern Jemez Mountains to replace some fence along the Rio de las Vacas. Our volunteer crew of women and men from regional TU chapters and our partner organization, New

Trout Love Snow

Published in Fishing
Person in wide river casting with snowy mountains behind

The rest of us, not so much. Winter continues in the West, but that’s ok with us anglers.

Lessons Learned – A blueprint for securing our energy future while safeguarding America's sporting heritage

Sportsmen Issue Blueprint for Energy Development on Public Lands Report stresses balancing development to conserve hunting, fishing traditions WASHINGTON (Aug. 9 2017) A report released today by 18 sportsmens organizations and businesses urges smart-from-the-start planning, public engagement and consideration of the long-term impacts on fishing and hunting opportunities in response to efforts to increase and

Delaware River Fly Tri bike rules

The McDade Recreational Trail meanders through the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area for 31 miles starting at Hileah and ending at Milford Beach near the town of Milford. Participants will have the opportunity to traverse roughly 6.7 miles of this trail, beginning adjacent to Toms Creek and finishing at the Eshback Boat Launch. Click HERE for the complete bike course. The course is mostly flat and the trail surface is a mix of

The Lodge at Green Cove

Published in Uncategorized

Tellico. It’s kind of a mysterious word. The Cherokee wrote it “Talikwa” and used it in the names of several of their towns in the Great Smoky Mountains. They say the actual meaning of the word was lost in their language. It’s possible that it’s origin isn’t Cherokee at all, but Muskogee. The Muskogee say

An accidental trophy

Every now and then, I like to explore and find new water, even in parts of the world I’m very familiar with. Earlier this week, I spent some time in the fringe country of Yellowstone National Park, along the Idaho-Montana border. It’s ranch and cabin country here—there’s a lot of private land that borders public