Search results for “ruby mountains”

Trout Tips: Small stream structure, part II

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

Trout in austere, backcountry creeks are oppotunists. The very thing that makes these streams so appealing to anglers—cold, cystal clear waters, amazing viewscapes, a wild, largely untouched setting—is what makes life so tough on small-stream trout. Food is scarce, and just about anything that looks like food will get a look from backcountry trout. In

Video spotlight: Find Your Water—Backcountry Solitude

Published in Video spotlight

We’re close to backcountry trout season here in the West, but we might have to wait a bit longer this summer, given the copious runoff we’re seeing in the region. Nevertheless, wandering off the beaten path—parking at the end of the road and then wearing out some shoe leather—is my favorite kind of trout fishing

Video spotlight: Guadaloupe

Published in Video spotlight

Fly fishing isn’t always that solo, lonesome adventure that many believe it to be. Don’t misunderstand—sometimes, it’s ideal to be wonderfully alone along a mountain stream or a Caribbean flat, casting to fish and letting your mind just wander away from the thoughts that occupy it on a daily basis. But sometimes, fishing is better

Trout Unlimited Idaho Project Receives Forest Service Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kim Trotter, (208) 552-0891, x. 712 Bart Gamett, (208) Trout Unlimited Idaho Project Receives Forest Service Award Trout Unlimiteds Idaho Water Project (IWP) recently received the 2009 national Rise to the Future Partner Award from the USDA Forest Service, which recognized IWPs leadership in restoring fish populations in the

From the vault: Everything but the fish

Published in Boats, Fishing, Uncategorized

“I HAVE LONG THOUGHT THAT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ASPECTS OF FISHING DON’T ALWAYS INVOLVE THE FISH THEMSELVES as much as they do the wild places an angler experiences, and the interesting people encountered along the way. No doubt, I am still awestruck every time I admire the subtle hues and breathing detail in a wild trout or salmon. But the more I fish, the more I find that when I go home at night, the most vivid images that flash through my mind are of raw mountains and rivers, gnarled trees and faces… scenes both offbeat and inspiring. And my best days are measured more by the amount of minutes or hours I spend looking about—because I cannot help myself—than by the number of trout that land in my net. Photographer Tim Romano has a unique ability to capture those aspects of fishing that catch the angler, well beyond images of anglers catching fish.”

Taking On Acid Rain

9/15/19999 Taking On Acid Rain Taking On Acid Rain Contact: 9/15/1999 — — WHAT IS ACID RAIN? Scientists have determined that acid rain develops when pollution, mostly from coal-fired electric power plants, enters the atmosphere and returns to the ground in the form of acid rain. Specifically, nitrogen oxides and disulfur oxide have been identified

TU lauds House passage of Protecting America’s Wilderness Act, notes benefits for habitat and sporting opportunities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact:  Kate Miller, Director, Government Affairs, (703) 489-6411,   Sam Davidson, California Communications Director, (831) 235-2542,  TROUT UNLIMITED PRAISES HOUSE PASSAGE OF BILL TO IMPROVE CONSERVATION, FOREST HEALTH AND OUTDOOR RECREATION ACCESS IN CALIFORNIA  The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act promotes protection and restoration of public lands and waters, wildfire risk reduction, and fishing and hunting opportunities in five national forests in California  Feb. 12, 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the

Bridge project in Virginia good for trout, hikers

Published in Conservation

By Mark Taylor SYRIA, Va. — On any given weekend day, hundreds of hikers roll up and down the scenic White Oak Canyon Trail in Shenandoah National Park. The 7-mile round trip winds through a rugged gorge along a gorgeous, tumbling mountain stream. It’s not an easy hike, but it’s a rewarding one, which is


The Beginning Trxstle founders, John and Morgan, are mechanical engineers whose careers have taken them through a broad range of industries. In 2013 they found themselves as lead design engineers for a company building locomotives and rail equipment. The work was challenging and enjoyable but working for the weekend was the norm. In Early 2015,

The fate of stranded post-spawn adult steelhead

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: The following first appeared on the Wild Steelheaders United blog. By John McMillan One significant way in which steelhead differ from salmon is that O. mykiss have the ability to survive spawning and try to make the journey again. This behavior is referred to as repeat spawning. Repeat spawner rates are highly variable

Voices from the River: End of the road

Published in Voices from the river

As anglers, we have more in common with these folks than you might think. By Chris Hunt Years ago, when I first started working in advocacy for Trout Unlimited, one of our focus issues had to do with off-road vehicles and how some riders tended to take liberties on our public lands by pioneering new

Walking the Talk

Published in Conservation

Photo by Robin Kadet Petey jumped in my lap within moments of sitting down. Phil Monahan rescued the little dog when he found him walking alone down a highway. A few things stand out about the Orvis offices in Manchester, Vermont. First, as Petey demonstrated, their offices are very pet-friendly.Second, their street address is “Conservation

Canoe Ridge/Ste Chapelle/Sawtooth Winery

Canoe Ridge Vineyard As legend has it, explorers Lewis and Clark noticed a ridge resembling an overturned canoe on their historic 1805 Columbia River journey. Today, that landmark is known as Canoe Ridge Vineyard, the namesake location of one of Washington State’s most recognized wine producers. Established in the Horse Heaven Hills in 1989, followed

New York chapters help with riparian plantings

Published in Conservation, Community

New York City Chapter Members gather after planting along the Amawalk River in Westchester, NY. By Tracy Brown Since 2017, Trout Unlimited has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant close to 10,000 native trees along priority trout streams in New York rivers. New York chapters have organized and implemented more than 30 volunteer

Climate change from an angler’s perspective

Published in Conservation

By Carmen Northen The above photo of the Big Wood River in Ketchum, Idaho was taken in the beginning of March of this past winter. In a normal year, there would be at least a foot of snow along the banks, and more up on the slope. But we haven’t seen a ‘normal year’ in

Tickets Now On Sale for Our 5th Annual Tie One On Banquet!

Published in Uncategorized

Tickets are now on sale for one of the best events of the year! Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited’s5th Annual “Tie One On” Banquetto benefit our cold water fisheries and their watersheds Saturday, May 19th, 2018Hotel Terra in Teton Village, WY Music By PTOLive AuctionSilent AuctionRaffles Doors open at 5:30 for a no host cocktail hourDinner

Meet Riley, TU Alaska’s new Restoration Biologist 

Published in Community

As the Tongass National Forest moves away from clear cut logging old-growth forests and instead investing in restoration, recreation, and resiliency, a new workforce is needed. There have been several creative efforts to build workforce capacity, including a restoration workshop that trained Native Alaskan communities in hand tool restoration techniques. Trout Unlimited in pleased to