Search results for “ruby mountains”
The first ever TU Veterans Service Partnership/Higher Ground Sun Valley Train-the-Trainer volunteer training event was a tremendous success. 30 TU VSP leaders from Connecticut to Oregon converged in Sun Valley, ID from September 23-28 for 4 days of training in a variety of topics designed to increase the quality of programming offered to veterans with
About a decade ago, while sitting at a table in the dining room at what is now Calder Mountain Lodge on the northern, roadless tip of Prince of Wales Island, I busied myself tying up a few bright orange streamers for the next day’s fishing for Dolly Varden in the island’s tannin-stained salmon streams. An
Fish racks hold sockeye salmon that will be put away from winter at a traditional fish camp on the banks of the Koktuli River. By Mountain Mind Media . Today, as part of Indigenous People’s Day, we are taking a moment to highlight the people in the Bristol Bay community who were in this place first, who
By Mark Taylor Trout Unlimited and its volunteers aren’t content to simply talk about the importance of clean, cold water. We act. And that passion for action is what drives TU’s Eastern Shale Gas Monitoring Program. The program engages, trains and supports citizen scientists who monitor their local streams to identify and limit the potential
by Kirk Deeter I caught three fish in this water, within 10 minutes after I snapped the above photo. But, I’m not going to tell you where or how I did it. That’s a riddle for you to crack. And the person who best retraces my footsteps (or offers a better strategy!) is going to
01/12/2009 Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill Jan. 9, 2009 Contact: Charles Gauvin, (703) 284-9401 Tom Reed, (307) 349-8266 Mike Beagle, (541) 772-7720 Sam Davidson, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill Wyoming Range, Copper-Salmon among places in need of safeguarding WASHINGTON, D.C.Hunters and anglers throughout the country support an omnibus
7/24/2000 Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers Hands-On, Volunteer Conservation Program Celebrates 25 Years of Rescuing Rivers Trout Unlimited’s 2000 Embrace-A-Stream Grants Fund 47 Stream Recovery Projects Contact: 7/24/2000 — — Washington, D.C.. Trout Unlimited, the nation’s leading coldwater conservation organization, today announced recipients of the 2000 Embrace-A-Stream (EAS) grants, distributing
By Chris Wood The first time you snorkel a stream, the size of the bugs are disarming. Stoneflies tumbling down the stream look like aquatic dragons bent on taking off a limb. It is an optical illusion, of course. We were way up in the South Fork of the Salmon Riv er drainage. Hiking in
By Chris Hunt The first time I visited a blackwater swamp, I was probably about 12. My dad rented a little jon boat from the marina near Uncertain, Texas, and he manned the tiller as we glided over the glassy waters of Caddo Lake. I was instantly enchanted. At the time, 35 years ago, East
American’s have a birthright to federal public lands throughout the nation. Forests, rivers, grasslands and more offer exceptional recreational opportunities for each one of us, and we have a duty to speak up on how they are managed. In New Mexico, two large swaths of public lands are revisiting management strategies. The Carson and Santa
A Bear River cutthroat landed at Bear Lake in Utah. Courtesy Paul Thompson/Utah DWR. By Brett Prettyman As a kid my boundaries were marked by street names. Pinehill Drive. Arrowhead Lane. Vine Street. State Street. The borders eventually expanded to counties, forests, states and countries. While driving over a mountain pass recently I realized at
The fishing rig on the banks of Alaska’s Chena River. By Chris Hunt It was the first brand-new vehicle I ever bought. I showed up at the dealership, pointed to the model in the catalog and simply said, “Order it.” Since that time, it’s been from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean. It’s
Sheep Creek is a tributary to the Grande Ronde River and provides important spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and steelhead. But over the past few years, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has found no salmon redds (nests) and few steelhead redds in the reach of Sheep Creek on U.S. Forest Service (USFS)
We need your support to help urge the BLM to protect the Methow Headwaters and the habitat it provides for rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, bull trout, mountain whitefish, Chinook salmon, and steelhead. A mineral withdrawal would make the 340,000 acres of U.S. Forest Service land in the Upper Methow Valley off-limits to large-scale mining for
For the past five years, Trout Unlimited has had the honor of partnering with TAPS , Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, to support the TAPS Montana Men’s Retreat. Held at Parade Rest Ranch , located on Grayling Creek near West Yellowstone, Mont., the event brought together nearly 40 men, many Gold Star dads, who have lost loved
Nov. 5, 2015 Contact: Ty Churchwell,, (970) 903-3010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU backs bill to establish fund for mine cleanups Calls legislation a ‘key piece’ of mine runoff solution DURANGO, Colo.Trout Unlimited praised a bill introduced today by Colorado and New Mexico lawmakers that would reform the 1872 Mining Law to require the collection
I know it’s been a hell of a winter back East, and while it may seem like it’ll never end, my angling pals in the Eastern Time Zone are getting ready to enjoy the best trout fishing between now and next fall. See, while it may seem like winter, it’s damn near spring. By March,
By Erin Rodgers Trout Unlimited continues to make good progress in efforts to reconnect the fragmented Mettawee River near Dorset, Vt. This year’s projects are part of a larger effort by TU, the Poultney-Mettawee Natural Resource Conservation District, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service to reconnect over